100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1925 Straightening the mixed-race student (62)


Homosexuality is not a mental illness, so to be "treated", there is obviously only this method of physical memory.

Remember the pain, you will be afraid.

The boy's fair fingertips tapped the armrest of the chair lightly, and said in a low voice, "In addition to the electric shock, there is also an emetic. Just take a look, take a sip, and if there is nothing left in your stomach, you can go back to rest for a while."

The psychiatrist looked at him silently.

This kid is very young.

He's only eighteen now, and when he went through those things, he was even younger. These are just listening to a heavy heart, and he doesn't know what to do all these years.

It has been delayed until now to see the doctor.

But even if I see a psychiatrist now, the child's problem is already very serious.

She exhaled, "Did you not tell your parents about this treatment?"

"They sent me there." Xunzhou lowered his thick eyelashes and said softly, "I just feel angry. After a while, I would be disgusted when I see men, but I still don't like women. Boys and girls are uncomfortable for me, what kind of treatment is this?"

His voice was a little confused.

A psychiatrist can understand this emotion. The parents don't know anything, just because they are angry and angry, they force the child to undergo so-called "treatment".

And they pushed him into hell.

"You didn't tell them the process of the treatment, did they think it was successful?" the doctor asked tentatively.

Xunzhou shook his head, "After I went back, I brought a photo of my classmates to them. I said the treatment didn't work, and I fell in love with someone."

The corners of the boy's lips suddenly curled up in a nasty arc, which was so cute that one wanted to smile, but the doctor didn't smile, just looked at him silently.

"This photo is my shield, I always carry it with me." Xun Zhou pursed his lips, and his voice suddenly became lighter.

Compared with the calmness when talking about those things just now, the young man at this time suddenly felt a little helpless. He said dumbly with a white face: "Later, there was a girl who was about to see that photo one time... I was suddenly very nervous. I don't know, I just didn't want her to see it."

The doctor was overjoyed.

She asked, "Did you have contact again later?"

The other party's attitude suddenly became docile and well-behaved, squinting her beautiful cat-like eyes, "Well, she bought me candy and took me to the playground, and she said she understood me. No matter how I treat her, she won't give birth to me. gas."

The psychiatrist breathed a sigh of relief.

There is simply a feeling of darkness.

If you want to solve the child's psychological problems, this girl is definitely very influential.

The attitude of the teenager is obviously like, after solving the psychological problem, even the problem of homosexuality is gone.

She asked, "And then what?"

Referring to this, the docile milk cat fell silent, lowered her eyelashes, and stared at her wrist in a bewildered and quiet manner.

"She has a boyfriend," he whispered.

Even as a bystander, I can clearly hear the grievances and sharp pains in my voice.

"She asked me... to find someone I like, and she doesn't give me make-up lessons anymore. She doesn't want sugar. I gave her the red rope I made after the accident, and she didn't want it either."

He rubbed his eyes, "I made that red rope for myself. I heard it can keep you safe. It's really useful. I haven't encountered anything since."

The voice is innocent and sad.

He lowered his head, and his eyes fell on his wrist again.

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