100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1926 Straightening the mixed-race student (63)


The doctor's eyes also fell on his wrist.

But nothing was seen.

"That's all." The young man said in a voice, and lowered his eyelashes sleepily, "I want to go."

It was unexpected to talk so much today, the doctor nodded quickly, "I'll give you some medicine first, remember to take it on time when you go back. I'll contact you again in a few days, just wait for my call with peace of mind."

The other party held the water glass and nodded slightly.

The psychiatrist thought for a while, and then said with relief: "Don't worry too much, these can be solved."

The boy heard the words and looked up at her.

For a moment, he wanted to curl his lips into a mocking smile. But in the end I didn't have the strength to laugh.

can solve it?

Can you... let her come back?

He got up, waited silently for the dispensing, said thank you casually, and pushed open the door to go out.

Passing the trash can in the corridor, the boy threw the medicine in and left with his eyes down.

Looking for the mother waiting outside for a long time, seeing the child walking out of the building, she quickly greeted her, "How is it?"

Xunzhou shrank, like a cat afraid of the cold, with a white face shrunk in a black collar, the azure blue under his eyelashes was like the deep sea, without a trace of waves.

"Maybe I just returned to China, I'm not used to it." He said quietly, "It's not a big problem."

Mother Xun heaved a sigh of relief, "That's good..."

The child suddenly said that she was looking for a doctor, which really shocked her, thinking that something serious was going on.

Nothing is fine.

Xunzhou looked at the busy traffic on the street, with a very light expression on his beautiful and lovely face.

He said, "I don't want to change the make-up teacher, can I still let her teach me? I will be obedient."

Mother Xun looked at him in astonishment, and after being silent, she said helplessly: "But Teacher Xiao Chu has already said that she doesn't have time to come over. Would you like to mention it later?"

The young man looked forward.

He shook his head, "No need."

These days, Yu Chu always receives flowers.

It wasn't sent by someone...it was a snow-white cat that followed her with flowers in her mouth every time, and wagged her tail until she took the flowers from its mouth.

Moreover, what is even more evil is that there is a snail girl around her, which is very magical.

Occasionally before going out, she will find an umbrella leaning against the door, and it usually rains that day.

Every weekend, I will receive an inexplicable takeaway meal, with a balanced nutritional mix. It seems to be specially used to replenish the body. She didn't order it, but I can't return it.

In the alley that I passed home at night, a light was broken for a long time, but then it came on again for no apparent reason.

There were days when she stayed up late with the lights on in the room, and after a few days she received a special pillow, mild coffee, and a lovely coffee mug.

These things...she knew who it was.

Yu Chu walked through an alley and stopped.

Not far away, a slender young man was half-kneeling, with black curls and lovely white cheeks. He was slowly pouring out cat food with his eyes down, while the cat who gave her flowers was eating cat food meekly and obediently. Cozy.

Xunzhou poured out the cat food, held his chin beside him, and blinked his beautiful eyes at the cat.

"You bit off a petal of the flower today." He seemed a little dissatisfied, "so you eat less today."

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter from outside the alley.

The boy suddenly stiffened.

Turning back, his eyes met the girl's figure, and he stood up and took a step back.

The white earlobes instantly turned red.

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