100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1946 tomb beads (1)


[The thirty-seventh plane——]

[Ding——Successful transmission——]

Yu Chu opened his eyes slightly, but it was still pitch black in front of him, and he couldn't see anything.

There was a faint coldness in the air.

Feeling a little dizzy, she slowly sat up half-supporting her body and looked around.

Someone was talking in a low voice.

But because the environment was too dark to see people, Yu Chu couldn't hear what they were talking about.

What is this place?

Why does it feel so cold... It's still a little damp, and there seems to be the sound of water droplets in the distance.

And she could feel that the few people around her were talking very quietly. It seems that as long as it is louder, it can attract some floods and beasts.

She frowned slightly and began to receive the plot first.

The original host is Ying Chuchu, a graduate of the history department of a university, who studies archaeology.

But she has never had the chance to get in touch with real archaeology, and she is very longing for this in her heart.

She only had an opportunity recently and found a team claiming to be an archaeological team on the Internet.

So she joined each other.

As a result, it was not until the tomb was descended that the other party was not an archaeological team, but a group of tomb robbers.

Of course, they are not professional tomb robbers, otherwise they would not be looking for accomplices on the Internet.

There seems to be a bounty on the black market.

Looking for a string of beads.

So many professional tomb raiding teams went out to find them, but there were also small teams that fished in troubled waters.

Like the one that the original owner joined, it was a group of people who had assembled on the Internet and entered the tomb as a team.

The people in the procession didn't know each other either. They only met the day before the tomb.

The original owner was very stupid, and he didn't see anything wrong until he went to the tomb, and he didn't know that it was a group of tomb robbers.

Yu Chu coughed and slowly sat up straight in the dark. The person beside him was startled, leaned over and asked with a smile, "Are you awake? Are you feeling okay?"

Yu Chu hummed.

The air below was very closed, and the original owner was a little dizzy just now, so the group temporarily stopped to rest.

The man scolded again: "This place has no light, and the air is closed. I think we should find something and go out quickly."

As he said that, he seemed to fumble for a while, and then he took out a flashlight and turned on the light.

The sudden light made Yu Chu narrow his eyes, and at the same time he could clearly see the outlines of the other three people.

There were three people left, a short woman, a young man, and a bearded old man.

Yu Chu glanced at the three of them.

The woman's face was a little pale, and she clutched the man's clothes tightly, looking a little scared.

The man has a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks, and his eyes are always rolling, but he doesn't seem like a calm and reliable person.

There is only one old man left, who seems to be more reliable, with a beard and an immortal style, and he still carries a peach wood sword on his back.

He glanced at Yu Chu, "Let's go on the road after you have rested. The little girl is so squeamish now."

Yu Chu didn't say anything, got up from the ground, clapped his hands, and took his flashlight.

The sharp-mouthed man asked, "Master Fang, look at our trip, can you find where the beads are?"

The bearded old man pondered with the peach wood sword on his back, and then said solemnly: "Mr. Xu's tomb must be near here. In the past two years, tomb robbers have walked around this area, but have not found the tomb. So it's hard to say, say Maybe ours is the real tomb."

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