100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1947 tomb beads (2)


The short woman was overjoyed when she heard the words, and quickly said: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go out quickly."

The sharp-mouthed man's eyes flickered, he didn't answer, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The old man nodded, "Let's go."

Yu Chu didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and when the people in front were gone, she followed up silently with a flashlight, and the light swept across the road on both sides.

There were no fingers in the tomb, and it was pitch black.

The light of the flashlight only illuminates a small area in front, and the areas where the light cannot be found are hidden in the darkness. Because it is a tomb, the air is closed and lacks oxygen, which makes people feel that breathing is very depressed.

Because the original owner was a student of the history department, Yu Chu recalled the knowledge in his mind.

The old man mentioned "Mr. Xu" just now.

According to the original owner's memory, there seems to be only one person who was called this title in history.

He was a great man from a thousand years ago, his name was Xu Shen, and his courtesy name was Zhiheng. Powerful and powerful, with a high status, a calm and indifferent personality, gentle and elegant, the legendary deeds can almost fill an entire unit of the history book.

According to rumors, her appearance is also extremely beautiful, and she never married. It seems that it is because he has a very quiet personality, gentle and elegant in his calmness, and is a Buddhist. When he is free, he reads Buddhist scriptures and listens to Zen, and there is a string of handed down Buddha beads on his wrist.

His death was also very mysterious.

At a young age, at the age of twenty-three, he had become an assistant, but he resigned from the office and has never appeared again. Some people say that he died a long time ago, and some people say that he died after his whole life. There are different opinions.

A generation of legends quietly left the field.

But this man has influenced every aspect of future generations.

Literature has poetry, military has art of war, some people have studied Mr. Xu's way of governing the country, and there are examples of Mr. Xu in psychology, because this person is too strong, no matter what he has experienced in this life, Xu Zhiheng has always been calm and calm, and the joints of his wrist are clear. There, a string of beads.

Because he disappeared very early, there are many theories in the archaeological community about the tomb of Mr. Xu.

Tomb robbers are more concerned about the wealth of the tomb.

If nothing else, just the string of Buddha beads in his hand, it is said that it will never spoil, something like a Buddhist artifact, and the market value may be hundreds of millions.

Recalling this, Yu Chu suddenly remembered that the original owner was actually quite poor.

Just graduated from college and haven't looked for a job yet.

And this time to go to the tomb is paid.

This is also why the original owner now knows that the team is a tomb robber, but still decides not to leave.

As long as the tomb is surveyed, whether it is a real tomb or not, and whether or not they have obtained the beads, each of them can get a few thousand yuan in compensation.

Because of this, the original owner decided to stay here.

Yu Chu took a flashlight and swept around.

The walls are full of spider webs, the flashlight is a little scary, and there are even bones in the tomb, I don’t know if it’s animal or human, and the visual effect is terrifying.

Yu Chu was walking forward slowly, when suddenly a cold hand touched her behind him and grabbed her arm tightly, her fingernails were long and sharp, her fingers were as cold as if they had just frozen, and there was cold sweat on her palms.

Yu Chu was startled, turned the flashlight over, and saw the pale face of the short woman.

She pulled her hand back, frowned and asked the short woman, "What are you holding me for?"

The woman's lips were trembling, she glanced at her, and whispered, "I... I'm afraid."

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