100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1957 tomb beads (12)


The three walked into the room and looked around, but couldn't find any beads.

It looks like that thing is not here.

Yu Chu opened a box on the cabinet and was startled suddenly, and found a note inside.

The paper hasn't rotted yet.

She turned it over suspiciously, opened the note, and read the writing on it: Millennium.

She couldn't help but startled slightly.

Just at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and the door of the room was gently closed with a click.

Yu Chu didn't feel anything at first, and still lowered his head and stared at the strange note in his hand.

This is paper from a thousand years ago, but it is still so well preserved, it is incredible.

And what do the words on the note mean? Could it have something to do with that legendary string of Buddhist beads?

She pondered deeply, and then suddenly remembered the door that had just been blown shut by the wind—

and many more.

The underground palace, where does the wind come from?

Yu Chu was startled and turned around quickly.

—Then she was completely stunned.

I saw that the room that was still full of dust just now was completely free of dust at this time. The Buddha statue is immaculately clean. There are even fresh offerings on the table, and the incense burners in the incense burner are burning, and the smoke is rising.

On the futon, An Ran sat cross-legged alone.

Hei casually bundled behind him, his clothes were snow-white and soft like a cloud, the young man was tall and long, his fingers were loosely placed on the knees of his long legs, his drooping fingertips were white and beautiful, and the joints at the wrist were distinct.

And at the clear joints, there is a string of Buddha beads.

Looking at the past like this, the calm and indifferent temperament of this person makes people feel peaceful involuntarily.

Yu Chu stared blankly for two seconds.

Is she dreaming? Still dreaming?

She looked at the young man, but the other party didn't look at her. Instead, she raised her black and white eyes slightly.

Following his line of sight, Yu Chu only found a monk in a cassock standing in front of the Buddha statue.

The monk was very old, with a long white beard, and lightly held the Buddhist beads in his hand.

Neither of them spoke.

Yu Chu couldn't understand what was going on at all, so he could not help but stepped forward and tentatively asked the beautiful and calm young man: "That... uh, how are you?"

But the other party still did not respond at all.

He didn't even turn his head to look at her. That attitude was as if she didn't speak at all and didn't exist.

Yu Chu couldn't help feeling even more strange.

But as soon as she moved, she could see the person's eyebrows clearly. Such as Zhilan Yushu, Langyue into the arms.

His browbones are delicate and high, and the color of his brows is slightly pale, but it is just right to set off a pair of distinct eyes. The light and shadow reflected in those eyes, clear and peaceful, the arc at the end of the eyes was like a breeze, and the eyes were quiet and cold like fine snow.

It looks so... so beautiful. And that kind of temperament can't be described, just feel indifferent and peaceful.

Yu Chu knew who this was.

Because the string of beads on the wrist is too obvious.

The young man's hands are also good-looking. They are casually placed on the knees of the long legs, and the drooping white fingertips have an urge that makes people want to play. The Buddha beads are hung on the clear joints of the wrists, lining the beauty bones, which are extraordinarily clear and stunning.

Xu Shen...

Yu Chu stared at him for a while, then turned to look at the monk.

The monk put his hands together and finally said, "This benefactor, do you really want to wait?"

Xu Shen didn't answer, just smiled slightly, his eyes were as calm as water.

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