100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1958 tomb beads (13)


A body of beauty, even if it is just a slight smile, it also shows a bit of beauty. But the other party's temperament is indifferent, and the tail of the eyes outlines a bit of a clear breeze, which makes the beauty's face clear and peaceful.

He didn't move his fingertips, and quietly opened his lips to answer, "Why not wait?"

The voice is also clear and clear.

The conversation between the two did not take into account that Yu Chu was beside her, as if she was a transparent person.

Yu Chu understood.

This must have been a thousand years ago...

She is not in this scene, and she is just seeing it at this time, just like looking at the screen image.

The monk smiled bitterly, "Donor, you have been practicing Buddhism for many years, you should have no obsession."

Xu Shen was still stable, and said nothing: "I have never had an obsession in my life... So why not have one."

"But that's just a lie after all." The monk shook his head. "A saint who has attained the Tao will pass away. No one can wait for thousands of years. Besides, not all predictions are accurate, and what you are waiting for may be nothing."

Yu Chu didn't understand what he was saying.

She turned to look at Mr. Xu who was beside her.

Xu Shen raised his head slightly, and looked at the Buddha statue with light wind-like eyes, his attitude was still peaceful and stable, the Buddha beads were hanging on his wrists, the young man smiled, his eyes were as pure and unstained as fine snow, and his thin lips opened lightly.

"Then wait for a while."

This sentence falls.

The clear and pleasant tail sound is still in the air.

But Yu Chu had suddenly recovered, and now the people in front of him were gone, and it was a dusty room in the underground palace, with no incense burner and no fresh offerings.

She stayed for a few seconds before looking at the old man and the short woman in the room.

Their expressions also seemed a little dazed.

Yu Chu couldn't help but ask, "Have you seen it too?"

After being asked by her, the two men came back to their senses and looked at her in a trance with expressions of disbelief.

The old man nodded silently.

The woman asked in horror, "What's going on here? Did that happen here a thousand years ago? Why can we see it? Is that... Mr. Xu?"

The old man nodded, "It must be."

"Mr. Xu is really good-looking..." The woman muttered, "...Although I didn't see the face."

Hearing this sentence, Yu Chu was slightly stunned, frowned, "Didn't you see your face?"

The woman turned her head to look at her blankly, "Yes, I only see the figure, but I can't see his face... It's like being short-sighted, I can't see his face."

Yu Chu looked at the old man again.

The other party also nodded, "Me too." He wondered, "Did you see the face?"

Yu Chu realized that she was different from them, she stabilized her mind and shook her head, "...No."

—Why did she see the face?

Such a beautiful face.

It seems that he is different from the other two, and Yu Chu doesn't know why, but this kind of thing obviously cannot be said. Because everyone is an accomplice of tomb robbers, and they show different places, it is very likely to attract the attention of others, and there will be a lot of trouble in the follow-up.

She recalled that face in her mind.

Xu Shen...

It looks so nice.

She especially liked the string of beads on his wrist. People who are already elegant, wearing beads, seem to be more calm and peaceful, beautiful and peaceful like a ray of wind.

The string of beads was always in his hand.

So is it possible that it is still in his hands now? Along with the owner, they are locked in the coffin together.

Buried deep underground.

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