100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1960 tomb beads (15)


The same as the previous room in the Buddhist temple.

At this time, everything in front of him has turned into the glorious appearance of a thousand years ago. The pillars are magnificent and dust-free, and the lifelike patterns of dragon claws are entrenched.

All the delicate lanterns are lit, and the flames dance in the lanterns, making it romantic for no reason.

The long table was full of food, and there were no guests, but the fruit was fresh and the dishes had an attractive aroma.

The red candle jumped with a lively flame.

There was a faint scent of flowers in the air, and the bouquets filled every corner of the bedroom. The ground was covered with soft and tender petals, so beautiful that one could not bear to step on them.

This is obviously a wedding.

Yu Chu stood blankly at the door, a little dazed.

According to rumors, didn't Mr. Xu never marry? So what's going on in a bedroom like this?

This is the scene thousands of years ago.

So, a thousand years ago, was there ever a wedding in this state?

Mr. Xu's bedroom must not be for other people's wedding. So he actually has a wife?

She looked up to the front.

Xu Shen was indeed there.

He sat alone on the high main seat, the black was still tied up at will, the slender youth was wearing a bright red robe, and the corners of the clothes hung down on the steps, lining the beauty of the face, showing a rare romantic meaning.

Yu Chu looked at it for a moment.

He was in the Buddhist temple before, snow clothed in ink, like a breeze and snow, calm and indifferent.

At this time, the clothes were burning red, but it was not abrupt. The joints were still peaceful beads, and the fingertips were hanging down on the armrest, and the clear knuckles were clear and calm.

Even in red, there is always a sense of tranquility.

Yu Chu looked around.

It looks like a wedding, but there are no guests and no bride, only Mr. Xu.

It can't be the bride who runs away from marriage.

Xu Shen, Xu Zhiheng. This person's face and reputation spread all over the world, and no one would escape his marriage, right?

Standing in front of the door, she hesitated, and glanced at the beautiful face. I want to appreciate the beauty more, but I think this kind of look is abrupt, because Xu Shen's personality is calm, and he is a Buddha, a very peaceful and indifferent person.

Just in a bit of a daze, the other party suddenly raised his eyes slightly, the black and white eyes lifted, and the beautiful arc of the shape of the end of the eyes showed a trace of stunning style.

He suddenly stretched out his hand to support the seat, got up slowly, and walked down the steps step by step.

He still had that calm and indifferent expression, and the Buddha beads on his wrists moved lightly, making him look lofty and clear.

The young man walked over step by step, his voice calm as a breeze, "Are you satisfied with this wedding?"

Yu Chu looked around.

No one, no idea who he was asking.

After looking around, she turned back to look at the young man honestly again, but saw that the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and the originally peaceful and indifferent expression showed an elegant gentleness, and some Buddhist gentleness.

Yu Chu looked slightly stunned.

Xu Shen... The original owner read his biography in the past, and it also described people as extremely beautiful. At first, I thought it was exaggerated, but if he really looked like this thousands of years ago, those words did not describe the character.

This man is like a breeze.

Just feel comfortable and calm.

The other party walked over slowly, under the high and delicate browbones, the snow-like eyes were slightly bent, against the clear skin, he continued in a clear voice.

"I'm asking you."

Yu Chu looked at him inexplicably.

Ask who?

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