100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1961 tomb beads (16)


Yu Chu didn't react until he looked at each other for two seconds with those eyes like the clear breeze and the moon.

He seems to be asking her...?

There was no one else around, and Xu Shen's beautiful eyes were clear black and white, and her figure was clearly reflected in them.

Yu Chu was a little stunned and stood in front of the door.

what happened?

Isn't this a scene from a thousand years ago? Why can the other party see her and talk to her?

When the system's prompt sounded in his mind, Yu Chu was not surprised. She had already guessed.

She looked around and pointed to herself a little uncertainly, "Are you asking me?"

Xu Shen smiled slightly.

His appearance is indifferent, and he doesn't show his emotions when he smiles. His calm and clear demeanor is obviously a very light temperament.

"Of course I'm asking you." His eyes drooped slightly, with a hint of indescribable meaning, he looked at the girl again, and the corners of his lips showed a little gentleness.

The voice is as clear as the moon.

He was wearing the string of Buddha beads, and suddenly he stepped forward lightly. Because of his slender height, Yu Chu suddenly felt that he was completely caged in the shadow of the other party.

The faint fragrance of Zen lingered, and the hand of the beautiful woman with clear joints landed lightly on her waist.

Yu Chu's eyes widened.


This Mr. Xu, who is very famous in history, is indifferent to Buddha and never married... But why does he ask about the wedding as soon as we meet, and he also touches his waist? !

Just when she was thinking about whether she should hide her face and be shy, or if she should let go of his hand, Xu Shen had already taken out the note from her pocket.

Yu Chu: "..."

It was a note. Well she thinks too much.

She coughed and took a slight step back.

Xu Shen held the note with his fingers. His hands were very beautiful. The beads slipped down slightly with the movement, and scattered on his distinct joints, which was very beautiful.

"You saw this note." He whispered calmly, "Do you understand what it means?"

The girl shook her head.

Xu Shen's eyes fell on her, his expression was calm and elegant, he didn't say anything, just turned around and lightly lit the note on the red candle.

The young man's slightly drooping eyelashes, the end of his eyes are beautifully curved, and half of his delicate face is hidden in the jumping light and shadow.

"What do you mean?" Yu Chu couldn't help asking.

Xu Shen glanced at her slowly.

"So far, it's meaningless." The young man said in a calm and elegant voice, curling his lips and smiling slightly.

He held out a hand to the girl.

In the palace a thousand years ago, the indifferent beauty in red stretched out her hand, her eyebrows were beautiful like the breeze and the moon, there was a faint gentleness between her eyebrows, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised.

Yu Chu dazedly put his hand up.

It was cold to the touch.

It is lower than the normal body temperature, but it makes people feel very comfortable, like touching a piece of warm jade.

She couldn't help pinching each other's fingertips.

Xu Shen raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at her calmly, then lowered his hands, and his wide sleeves wrapped around the hands of the two of them. He let the other person hold his fingertips and lead her to the high platform .

"There are no guests, please take care of my wife." The young man's voice was soft and calm.

This time the fragments went to the wedding as soon as they met. Yu Chu was a little surprised, and obediently took the wine glass that he handed over, still thinking vaguely in his heart.

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