100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1965 tomb beads (20)


Yu Chu pursed his lips, remembering the misunderstanding he had just made, and his cheeks were a little hot.

It turned out that it wasn't a fantasy, Britney was really going to marry her, and even the bridal chamber was ready.

Although she is not quite sure why. Xu Shen's name has been passed down for thousands of years, so it's not like she fell in love at first sight.

She was a little restrained, "Xu...Mr. Xu."

Xu Shen glanced at her, but said nothing.

When he met at the Buddhist temple, he wore a cloud-like snow-white and soft robe, the snow clothes were lined with white, and the ancient costumes looked like the exiled immortals in the painting.

Ban Xian just looked at her calmly and calmly.

Yu Chu was very guilty, turned his face and didn't dare to look at those eyes, and then suddenly remembered something, he quickly lifted his sleeves and took off the Buddha beads.

She took Xu Shen's hand, and secretly admired the beauty of this hand, but in front of a thousand-year-old beauty, she did not dare to take advantage of others.

Xu Shen lowered his eyes slightly and said nothing.

"That... Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, I just thought you were hallucinating." Yu Chu said carefully.

She looked at each other curiously.

Has he lived for a thousand years, or has he turned into a ghost? His temperature seems to be very low...

Xu Shen seemed to be able to understand her thoughts, still in a calm and calm attitude, opened his lips and answered safely: "In your words, I can be called a zombie."

Yu Chu: "..."

I'm sorry she has never seen such a beautiful zombie.

His body was indeed cold, as cool as a warm jade, the knuckles of his fingers felt moist to the touch, and his skin was so pale that it was bloodless, a little morbid.

But the zombies move slowly, how can there be a feeling of the beauty on the opposite side.

The girl looked puzzled, and Xu Shen hooked her lips and smiled lightly, "Don't believe me?"

He smiled like a breeze, cold and comforting.

Wearing the hand of the bead, he suddenly took the girl's hand gently and touched his heart through the soft clothes.

Yu Chu was startled.

... no heartbeat.

In fact, when she was in the palace, she felt that the other party was terrifyingly indifferent, and she couldn't feel her heartbeat and breathing when she was very close. She felt strange at that time.

It turned out to be a thousand-year-old beauty zombie... Of course, there is no heartbeat and no breathing.

That peaceful chest was so weird that the girl couldn't help but stroking left and right.

Afterwards, she suddenly reacted, her actions seemed to be taking advantage of Mr. Xu.

Yu Chu held back his hands awkwardly and looked at the indifferent young man: "Uh, hug... I'm sorry."

Xu Shen smiled peacefully, without any emotion, and his voice was clear: "You don't have to be polite, Madam."

His tone was flat, but Yu Chu choked.


She pursed her lips and asked, "So, you...you weren't angry just now? Can I still be your wife?"

She said just now that she would not marry, and thought he would be angry.

Xu Shen's pupil color was slightly lighter, and the fingertips of the other hand were holding the Buddha beads, with a calm tone: "I am naturally not angry. The marriage ceremony has been completed, you are my wife of Xu Shen, how can I be angry? "

He said, gently reaching out to her.

Yu Chu put his fingertips on it and heard the man sigh from a distance, but his voice could not tell the emotion, "It's a pity that Madam was not in Xu Shen's era, so I can only give Madam 1/1000 of the splendid wealth."

Yu Chu was still stunned when he heard Mr. Xu's voice again, "Do you like this palace?"

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