100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1966 tomb beads (21)


Yu Chu's eyes widened.

She lowered her head subconsciously and glanced at the majestic palace. This entire palace is full of antiques, and any decoration is sky-high, I am afraid that the most inconspicuous stone is worth a lot, not to mention the whole...

"For me?" she asked in surprise.

The corner of Xu Shen's lips raised a slight arc, and said calmly: "In my time, it was always the wife's housekeeper. The mansion and money are naturally the wife's."

He also looked at the palace.

The priceless treasure, in Xu Shen's eyes, did not make any waves. He said lightly: "Unfortunately, I only have these for my wife. If my wife could have given me everything a thousand years ago, Xu Shen would be everything in this world."

Yu Chu was slightly startled.

She couldn't help thinking, if it really was a thousand years ago, there was a woman who could become Xu Shen's wife...

I'm afraid that is enough to be recorded in the history books, and his name will be side by side, and it will definitely be mentioned in the history books. Even if these are thrown away, in that era thousands of years ago, marrying Xu Shen was indeed equivalent to having everything.

The finger was gently held by the other party, and the warm beads touched the skin, Xu Shen lowered his eyes and said calmly: "But Madam, don't worry, even if it is not a thousand years ago, I will definitely not let Madam be wronged."

He led the person and walked to another tomb passage.

Turning a corner, Yu Chu's eyes widened.

A lake appeared in front of him.

The quiet and clear lake is located underground, with a large tree growing in the center, the branches and leaves are prosperous, and there are scattered lights around it, like fireflies.

She stared at the wonder with wide eyes.

The Zen fragrance of the people around me is quiet, "For a thousand years, when I miss my wife, I will stay here."

Yu Chu looked back at him dazedly, blinked, pursed his lips and asked, "But this is the first time we've met, and we haven't seen it before... What do you think of me?"

Xu Shen raised the corners of his lips, which seemed to be funny, but also seemed helpless, his eyes were as clear as moonlight, and his voice was light: "Can't you think about it if you haven't seen it?"

He turned his eyes to look at the lake, and the corners of his lips curled into a smile of light breeze and bright moon, "Madam doesn't know anything. It is precisely because I haven't seen it before that I can think of so many things. Voices, smiles, joys and sorrows are all my thoughts. thought."

Such a voice is like the moonlight, lightly sprinkled on the lake water, and the stars are lingering.

Yu Chu stared at him blankly for a while.

Xu Shen didn't look at her, but he seemed to know what she was thinking. He raised his eyes slightly, with a beautiful arc like a breeze. He said warmly, "If Madam feels moved, just stay with me and stay with me in the future."

Yu Chu thought, who the hell can refuse this.

She took the beauty's hand, "I promise you."

This situation is too beautiful, and when they first met in the plane, they were confessed and the relationship was confirmed. Yu Chu was in a good mood and felt that a kiss would be more appropriate.

She stood on tiptoe and wanted to kiss the other's face, but Xu Shen lowered her eyes and avoided it with some warmth and restraint.

"Madam, the time for the bridal chamber has passed, and now, it is not allowed to prostitute during the day." The voice was calm and indifferent.

Yu Chu choked: "..."

You, a zombie, know a lot! !

She turned her face away dejectedly, her face was a little burned, she looked at the palace and changed the subject: "But this palace, we don't seem to be able to take it out."

Xu Shen was thoughtful.

After saying this, Yu Chu suddenly thought of something, turned his face and asked, "Can you leave here and go live with me on the ground?"

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