100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1972 Tomb Beads (27)


A picture appeared on the projection.

A young man in white, and a gorgeous queen. This is a picture drawn by later generations based on imagination. Because he was worried that he would not be able to draw Xu Shen's face, the young man in the painting was only the back, with a Buddha bead on his wrist.

This string of Buddha beads is a rich and colorful stroke in Xu Shen's legendary life. He has been a Buddha since childhood, and his character is indifferent. Wearing Buddha beads looks more simple and lofty.

The queen beside her was full of affection.

This painting is very powerful and undoubtedly beautiful.

In the back row, the real Mr. Xu frowned.

The pen circled around his fair fingertips, Xu Shen turned his eyes sideways, looked at the girl, and said warmly, "The scene in this painting has never happened before."

Yu Chu blinked, nodded, and explained to him, "This is what future generations imagine of you."

Xu Shen picked up the Buddha beads with his fingertips, and his tone was flat and gentle: "I remember a thousand years ago, I also said that I would not marry her. Why would future generations imagine such a scene?"

He seemed a little unhappy.

Yu Chu quickly took the beauty's hand, lest he stand up and tell the professor that it wasn't like this a thousand years ago.

She took Xu Shen's cool fingertips, got into his palm, and squeezed him, "You are a legend, of course you need peach blossoms, and historical stories will be better."

Xu Shen was noncommittal.

He looked at the projection flatly, and listened casually to the old professor's introduction to his "love" with the Queen of the Western Regions.

"Mr. Xu has been converted to Buddhism since he was a child, and he has no interest in the love of men and women. In his life, I am afraid that this queen is the only one who is special."

The old professor said eloquently, "We all know that in the history books, Mr. Xu rejected the queen, saying that he would wait for someone for a thousand years. Of course we would think this is a joke today, the reason for this rejection is too far-fetched, and Mr. Xu may It's just an excuse."

"Why make excuses? And it's still an excuse that sounds very casual..."

At this point, Xu Shen turned his eyes slightly, looked at the girl calmly, and asked, "Is it very casual?"


Yu Chu could hear the boss's displeasure.

She now knows that Mr. Xu has been waiting for a thousand years, and he is not at all random.

But when such words are heard in other people's ears, they naturally feel that they are just casually speaking, just to reject the Queen.

She couldn't help coughing, thought for a while, and whispered to him, "It's alright, I just know."

Xu Shen's delicate eyebrows were slightly raised, the originally cold eyes became soft in an instant, and her fingertips rubbed the girl's wrist, "Madam said yes."

He lowered his voice, soft and lingering.

The professor on the podium continued: "The queen is naturally very sad, but she still pursues Mr. Xu without giving up. We know that Mr. Xu is a very indifferent and calm person, but later he did not reject the queen, and acquiesced to the queen to come and go freely. His mansion..."

Yu Chu: "..."

Oh shit. She frowned again when she saw the boss.

Xu Shen's expression remained unchanged, but the pen in his hand fell on the table with a clatter.

This sound seemed abrupt.

The students had been paying attention to him both openly and secretly. Seeing that the young man had lost his pen, he acted calmly.

The old professor also took a look.

Before he could react, the figure in the back row stood up indifferently, with a gentle expression.

"Not acquiescence, just annoying."

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