100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1973 Tomb Beads (28)


The old professor stayed for a while.

The students in the entire classroom were also stunned.

Yu Chu was slightly stunned, then quickly reached out and pulled the man's wrist, holding the string of simple and simple Buddha beads, trying to pull the man back and sit down.

"That's all a thousand years ago," she whispered soothingly. "The future generations don't know anything. Don't you care about them... Zhiheng?"

She deliberately read the other party's words softly.

Xu Shen lowered his eyes, Yin fell slightly with his movements, a smile appeared on the delicate face of the young man, raised his hand and touched her head, looking at the professor with clear eyes, calmly: "If Xu Shen knew about you If you misunderstand him like this, I'm afraid you will be very angry too."

The old professor adjusted his glasses.

He always felt that the temperament of this person was familiar.

Taking a closer look now, why do you feel that this young man's body is a bit like Mr. Xu in the painting?

Gives a sense of indifference

He didn't get angry either, and asked instead, "Then this classmate, can you tell me what Mr. Xu meant?"

Xu Shen didn't move his fingertips, his posture was stable, and he opened his lips to answer: "Since he knows his temperament, it's not normal for him to be impatient to deal with others."

He glanced at the painting on the projection. The young man in white and the affectionate woman...

The indifferent voice continued: "Xu Shen lived in a Buddhist temple at that time, and the mansion has been empty for a few years, so it's not his home. How does he know who often goes there?"

Yu Chu next to him couldn't help laughing.

The scene where Mr. Xu defended himself was really funny. Later generations don't know the details of a thousand years ago, so they make up a lot of things in their brains. As a result, the ambiguity made up by these brains makes the Lord feel unhappy.

The old professor pushed his glasses, looked at the young man with some doubts, and asked, "How do you know that he hasn't returned to the mansion for a few years? What happened a thousand years ago can only be said in the history circle. Besides, Mr. Xu is mysterious and whereabouts are uncertain. Can't tell exactly what he's doing."

Yu Chu wanted to laugh even more.

Mr. Xu himself said his past, of course, is true. As a result, others do not believe it.

Xu Shen's expression did not change, he lowered his eyes and picked up the Buddha beads, and said in a low voice: "I don't know about others, but if you talk about Xu Shen, he was the chief examiner in Wushen at the age of 20. In the next few years, a Buddhist temple was established in Wushang. It's his handwriting. How did he get back to the capital's mansion in just a few years?"

The old professor was stunned.

"The seal script of the Buddhist temple is the handwriting created by Xu Shen himself," the young man continued slowly, his clear eyes swept over the stunned students, "enough to prove that the Buddhist temple was built by him. As for the capital mansion, the preserved Xu Shen's manuscripts are dated, and the earliest one was three years ago. He has long since returned to that mansion."

The whole classroom was silent.

The elegant young man slightly slowed down his tone again, and said casually, "I'm not arguing with you, but Xu Shen and the queen really have nothing to do with each other."

He never went back to that house at all.

Where do you know that the queen often goes there?

He was mistaken by later generations to think that it was his connivance to the queen. The truth is just like what he said, it's not connivance, nor acquiescence, it's just so annoying to the endless entanglement, just leave the capital.

Later generations do not know how to distort him.

Mr. Xu said he was very upset.

After the lecture, Yu Chu led the people out.

The students in the hallway stared at Silver Beauty. Yu Chu felt that he would get used to it sooner or later.

The old professor who was lecturing came towards them.


Still in the morning. There will be more on the weekend. Not sure about the exact number, but I have to listen to the compliments first ╯^╰

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