100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1978 Tomb Beads (33)


The old man was obviously surprised: "Last time I was going to leave in the tomb, and we couldn't find you. I thought something happened to you too... You girl is really dead."

Yu Chu asked, "Is there anything you want to do with me?"

The old man pondered for a while, and said, "I saw your performance last time. You are quite reliable in the aspect of fighting, so this time I have business again, and I was the first to think of you. How is it? Do you have any? interest?"

Yu Chu refused without thinking: "No."

She didn't need to touch the things underground.

The old man didn't expect her to refuse so succinctly, and persuaded two more sentences, but they were all rejected. He had no choice but to leave a sentence, "You can contact me at any time if you change your mind", and then hung up the phone.

Yu Chu took the phone from his ear, and at the same time put a cool hand on his shoulder.

Yin Meiren stood behind her, smiling indifferently in the burning eyes of the students in the past, her voice could not tell the emotion: "Come to my office."

Yu Chu was taken aback.

She put the phone back in her bag and followed it honestly.

When they got to the office, Xu Shen poured her a cup of hot water and asked, "Who was it just now?"

Yu Chu didn't know why: "What just now?"

The beauty sat down behind the black desk, and the silver was tied behind her at will. He raised his clear eyes and tucked the simple Buddha beads with his fingertips, "I called you."

Yu Chu snorted and answered honestly, "The old man in the team when he went to your tomb before."

Xu Shen was thoughtful, narrowed his beautiful eyes, and asked warmly, "Are you a tomb robber?"

Yu Chu nodded.

Xu Shen lightly placed his fingers on the pages of the book, his skin looked a little whiter than the book, and the Buddha beads on his wrists collided with the tabletop, making a slight sound, and he said, "Come here."

Yu Chu blinked, walked towards him, stood in front of the desk and looked into his eyes.

The other party sighed slightly, "Come here a little more."

He held the girl's wrist with a cool hand, took her to his arms and sat down, wrapped his slender arms around her slender waist, then lowered his head and pressed his cheek against her.

There was a faint scent of Zen on his body, but at such a close distance, he didn't feel his breathing or heartbeat.

Yu Chu shrank: "No one will come in?"

Xu Shen glanced at her, "It doesn't matter if someone comes in... You are my wife."

Yu Chu pursed his lips and suddenly remembered the whispers he heard in class, so he said: "Your name is the same as Mr. Xu a thousand years ago, will it be exposed? And your temperament is also the same, and you know him so well..."

Xu Shen shook his head and smiled: "I said back then that I would wait a thousand years, but today's descendants take it as a joke... How can they think that I am Xu Zhiheng from a thousand years ago."

really. Even if he was, no one would believe him.

Yu Chu nodded.

She turned her face slightly, and was about to express her closeness, but she was still the same as the previous few times.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly.

She has been living with Xu Shen for a month. He sleeps peacefully and is usually not clingy. Sometimes she even takes the initiative to get close, but this person always avoids him like this.

So the ancients were more reserved?

She turned her face, "You don't like me kissing you?"

The other party's answer was mild: "No."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows again, and then suddenly felt that the hand around his waist slowly loosened.

She lowered her head and saw that the beauty had faded the beads.

The string of beads was gently placed on the table, and Yu Chu was about to look away.

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