100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1979 Tomb Beads (34)


In the next second, her face was suddenly turned back, her thin cool lips were covered, and all the senses were filled with the fragrance of Zen in an instant. She was held by slender fingers around her waist. Books were swept away casually, and she was placed on the edge of the table.

Yu Chu opened his eyes in astonishment.

Only looking into a clear and moist eyes. However, at this time, there seemed to be some fierce aggression in those eyes, but it was calm and powerful enough to be frightening.

She was sitting on the table, her legs were forced to be separated by his waist, her hands were easily pressed behind her, the cold hands of the beauty zombie pressed the back of her head, her lips and tongues intertwined calmly and hotly, and the fragrance of Zen blurred people's consciousness. .

Her hand struggled unconsciously and just hit a string of beads. Before Yu Chu could react, she heard a light and hoarse voice, rubbing against her lips, and said in a low voice, "Don't touch it."

The next second, the hand that touched the beads was taken back, and the kiss was fierce and almost brutal, with calm and nostalgic restraint, the girl was kissed until her hands and feet were soft, and the corners of her eyes were unconsciously filled with fog.

The person who was wanton aggression between his lips and tongues stopped slowly, sucked her lips, and slowly licked the moisture of her lips with a cool and elegant gesture.

He kissed lightly from the corner of his lips to his chin, his voice was a little hoarse, but he still said gently: "Don't approach me outside next time, my self-control... is not as good as Madam imagined. Madam, can you understand?"

Yu Chu's face suddenly burned, and he looked away.

Xu Shen let go of her gently, picked up the bead on the desk, and slowly dropped it back on his wrist.

Yu Chu finally regained his breath, turned his face to look at the man, but saw that his eyes were lowered and his attitude was indifferent. Except for the thin lips that were slightly moist, there was no sign of emotion, but he was still gentle and calm.

She bit her lip dejectedly.

"Those tomb robbers, whose tomb do you want?" Xu Shen sat back in his office chair and asked casually.

Yu Chu was slightly startled, "Are you interested?"

"I happen to have something to fetch." Xu Shen nodded slightly, a hint of displeasure flashed across his eyes.

Yu Chu noticed it, leaned in front of him, and asked curiously, "What?"

Xu Shen raised his eyes, not knowing what to think, a slight sarcasm curved his lips.

He leaned back on the chair, his posture was casual and lazy, but his voice was cold: "That person from the Western Regions..."

Although the tone was casual, Yu Chu could vaguely hear that there seemed to be a story between them.

She blinked, "What happened to you and her?"

Xu Shen sighed slightly, "My tomb... I designed it myself when I was alive. She didn't know where she came from, so she built her tomb near me." The beauty's sweet voice cooled down slightly, There was a hint of coldness, "With the hexagram as the seal... I want to trap me forever and be with her."

Yu Chu was slightly startled.

Xu Shen raised his hand and gently covered the back of her hand, "Madam, don't worry, if I'm really trapped, I won't be able to see Madam again. She thought I was dead, so it's just my tomb that's trapped."

Yu Chu frowned. "But she wants to tie you to her forever... it's too much."

Xu Shen raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her silently.

Yu Chu touched his face, "What? What's on my face..."

Before he finished speaking, the man suddenly leaned over, and gently kissed her side face with soft thin lips.

"Ma'am is jealous, cute."


There's more at night! You won't praise me for nothing!

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