100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 828 Bamboo horse is very cold (65)


A few days ago, I just found something similar to my own product on the market, and the business was severely suppressed, but after only a few days, Shen Shi was out of luck.

They talked about this to Yu Chu with a surprised look on their faces, and the daughter listened ignorantly, and finally laughed sweetly, and the whole family laughed out loud.

Yu Chu passed high school peacefully, and the incident with Shen's was completely over. It was already half a year later, and she was admitted to the first college with ease. The business of Ye's family was good, and her daughter was doing well. It was beaming, not so lively.

It happened to be Yu Chu's eighteenth birthday after the college entrance examination. The Ye family and the An family went out to celebrate her birthday together. The parents were also delighted to see the two children being intimate.


Yu Chu walked out of the box to the bathroom. After washing his hands, he glanced at the door. She walked over slowly, and sure enough, she saw Shen Ning behind the corner.

After not seeing her for more than half a year, Shen Ning was haggard, his face was ashen, and he looked at her motionless.

"Long time no see." Yu Chu wiped his hands lightly.

"It's you." Shen Ning suddenly laughed, "I only remember it now. That USB flash drive is not mine at all. I have too many USB flash drives and can't remember it, so I thought it was mine. Actually, you put it there. You put it in my bag the day you gave me the recipe!"

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

"You gave me the formula, and even agreed not to sign the contract. It was deliberately making me despise you, making me think you were an ordinary high school girl, nothing to be afraid of... You gave me that USB flash drive, and then you said you were going to sue me... ...but you're not suing for formula infringement, you're suing those cases on the USB flash drive!" Shen Ning's face turned hideous, "Yeah, why do you need to search the door for infringement cases! We are still obedient to let you in... "

"Shen Ning." Yu Chu said, neither hurried nor slow, "You should think clearly. If you don't violate the law or violate the morality, I can't hurt you no matter what."

She threw the tissue into the trash, "It's you who committed the crime. If you say I'm at fault, it means that the process of exposing it is a little scheming. My scheming, I don't use it to harm others, I comply with your illegal behavior, and let you reap the consequences. So I don't accept any of your accusations."

Shen Ning looked at her blankly.

Yu Chu also looked back calmly, "I guess, you want to tell Brother An Jin, my so-called true face. Do you want to tell him that I am a scheming bitch, Bai Lianhua, can pretend? I only have one sentence, I think thoroughly and plan carefully, Don’t harm people, one is to protect yourself, and the other is to eliminate harm for the people.”

She patted Shen Ning, "What's wrong?"

Shen Ning's face was pale and looked at her fixedly.

"You want to say that my character is not good because you don't have my thoughtfulness and secret plan. After you lose these things, you can only stand on the moral level and classify it as a moral issue. Know."

Shen Ning's face turned completely pale.

"I said these last words on purpose. You shouldn't lie and say that Brother An Jin is very good to you. If I were a little stupid, I would really doubt Brother An Jin. So now, I'm also deliberately mad at you." Yu Chu Smile.

She walked past Shen Ning and walked towards the end of the corridor.

Turning a corner, the wrist was caught off guard.

The person in front of him bowed his head slightly, looking at her.

"Brother An Jin?" Yu Chu raised his eyebrows.

The young man lowered his eyes, his dark and beautiful pupils were like a deep pool of water.

Yu Chu's smile gradually subsided and became calm.

he looks like……


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