100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 829 Bamboo horse is very cold (66)


An Jin's eyes were silent and calm. If others see him, they will only think that he is calm and indifferent, but this look makes Yu Chu understand that this person is angry.

The more angry you are, the more calm you are.


Before Yu Chu could say anything, there was the sound of stumbling high-heeled shoes from behind. Shen Ning chased after him, leaning on the cold wall at the corner, pointing at her, gnashing his teeth slightly, "An Jin... You can hear it, this kind of work. People who are scheming are not worthy of your liking!"

An Jin was still holding Yu Chu's hand, she turned her head slightly when she heard the words, a pair of dark eyes looked at Shen Ning, there was no expression on her face, and she looked away for a second.

Shen Ning's heart was empty, and he gritted his teeth subconsciously: "She is not an innocent and kind person at all! Don't be deceived by her, she is deceiving you to pity her..."

Yu Chu looked back at her and wanted to laugh.

She took a step in Shen Ning's direction, and as she walked, her wrist slightly moved away from the boy's hand, but the next second, she was grasped even harder by the slender five fingers.

An Jin pulled her to his side, ignored Shen Ning, turned around and led her away. Shen Ning at the back was stunned for a moment, couldn't believe it for a moment, staggered and followed two steps, "An Jin, are you crazy?"

The young man in front led him away quickly, without even looking back at her, Shen Ning looked at their backs dully, took a deep breath, and finally couldn't help laughing and muttered: "You are crazy... …”

While murmuring, she slid weakly along the wall and sat on the ground, closed her eyes, and sneered.

Lose, lose terribly.

Unexpectedly, when An Jin heard those words with her own ears, she still didn't mind. How much does he like her?


Yu Chu was pulled back to the box, unexpectedly, the person didn't ask her anything along the way.

He was very quiet, as if he hadn't heard the conversation between her and Shen Ning just now. He led her back to the box, and Mother An teased, "My Jin'er is so nervous."

By the end of the party, Father An and Father Ye were both drunk. When the group returned home, Mother An and Father An entered the door. Yu Chu was about to follow his parents into the door, but suddenly someone behind him grabbed the corner of his clothes.

She turned her head, blinked, and before she had time to ask him what was wrong, An Jin took her, left the gate of Ye's house, turned and walked towards the nearby community boulevard.


Before Yu Chu could say hello to his parents, he was pulled away by him. The teenager stopped after walking for a while, turned to face her, and pursed his lips: "Chu Chu."

"Yeah." Yu Chu raised his head and smiled.

An Jin looked down at her, was silent for a few seconds, and frowned slightly: "I don't like what you are like today."

Yu Chu was slightly stunned, pursed his lips and tried to break free from his hand, but the young man took a step forward, raised his hand to hug her whole, and rubbed her delicate chin on her shoulder, his voice was very low: "There is no one to protect him, so he protects himself. Do a lot of things. You should, let me protect your..."

Yu Chu was quiet for a few seconds, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, and whispered, "But, I can do it myself."

The teenager sighed in a low voice, "At least tell me. Next time, if you have something to do, let me handle it together, okay?"

"En." Yu Chu suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed the corner of the boy's lips, "Brother An Jin, when are you going abroad?"

"Come on." The boy held the back of her head and gently rubbed her lips before he asked in a low voice, "I'm not here, please calm down and don't talk to other men."

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