100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 838 The boss is a beautiful girl (4)


Chen Chu's character, saying that he is a straight man, is to flatter straight men. This young master overlord of the capital, he hated the most feminine things in his life - he has such a face, one can imagine how unhappy he is.

The young master's reputation as a playboy is very loud, but he never plays with women. This is also very understandable. Since I don't like even feminine things, I naturally don't like women together. The ladies who covet him can line up three times around the city wall, but when he sees people, he can pick out many problems - makeup, eyebrows, nails, and even the shyness of little girls, the young master is very displeased.

But the Chen family is relieved that this master doesn't like women, just because of straight men, not because of sexual orientation - he doesn't like women, but if someone suspects that he likes men, the little bully will be furious.

In addition to the characteristics of "doing not understand girls" and "doing not understand style", straight men have another characteristic, that is, they would rather bend than bend, rather die than bend, and never bend.

At this time, in the locker room of the show, several young masters looked at each other with sullen faces, biting their heads to persuade:

"No, Brother Chen, it's hard to hide from the old man Chen. You...you just wear women's clothes once, how could the old man think of you wearing women's clothes? Absolutely pass the test!"

They were right. Just for the straight male attribute of his only grandson, the old man never imagined that he would change into women's clothes to hide from people.

Chen Chu's face was sullen.

He is exquisite and beautiful, with beautiful eyebrows and eyes, and when he frowns, he looks like a doll.

"And Brother Chen, your height..."

Someone whispered something, and as soon as the words came out, the person next to him looked horrified and quickly covered his mouth.

The beautiful young man glanced over, with a beautiful and pure face, narrowed his eyes, and revealed a gloomy smile:

"Again, throw it to feed the shark."

His voice was light and fluttering, but the man nodded quickly, not daring to speak again. Chen Chu said to feed sharks, that is really throwing them into the sea, or throwing them into the shark aquarium - even if it is not really feeding sharks, it is scary enough.

This characteristic of the Chen family is very strange. Boys always grow taller very late, usually only after the age of eighteen before they really start to grow taller. This also caused the young master to be eighteen this year, and his height was less than 1.8 meters. Coupled with his beautiful elf-like appearance and incomparably delicate facial features, if he sits and doesn't speak, he is a beautiful girl.

After a stalemate for a while, the young master took a deep breath and waved his hand: "Okay, you go out first, and lead people away a bit. I'll change my clothes and go by myself."

No one dared to disobey, a few people hurriedly went out, and closed the door very intimately, smiling ingratiatingly to Chen Chu.

The young man grabbed the women's clothes of the comic exhibition, his face was ashen, but it did not damage his beautiful and beautiful face at all.

After a while of silence, he walked into the inner room with a sullen face.

After a few minutes.

The door opened slowly.

The costumes of the comic exhibition are naturally exaggerated, because the anime characters, including the heads and costumes, have to be restored, which also leads to high requirements for the coser's appearance.

It is not easy to control exaggerated colors and costumes.

But the people who come out are just like the anime itself.

The light brown pupils reveal a bit of arrogant indifference, but the expression on his white face is unpleasant. His long and thick eyelashes are slightly drooping, the white and tender earlobes, and the beautiful red lips, everything is like a painting.

Wearing a golden curly fake and a long white dress, this dress is a girl elf.

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