100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 839 The boss is a beautiful girl (5)


Chen Chu disliked the trouble and didn't wear the elf's long-ear accessories, but he didn't have pierced ears on his fair earlobes, and the youth looked pure and beautiful.

When passing in front of the full-length mirror, the young master glanced at him inadvertently, his face darkened in the next second, and he immediately stepped up to walk past the mirror with a painful expression that he couldn't bear to look directly at.

With a sullen face, he sighed and opened the door.

There are people coming and going at the front desk of the comic exhibition, but it is still quiet here, and no one passes by. A person's footsteps came from the front, soft and steady, walking towards here.

Chen Chu narrowed his light-brown eyes and walked in that direction. After turning the corner, before he could clearly see the person walking by, he saw a group of people in black uniform not far away, facing this way. come.

The teenager cursed in his heart, lowered his eyes and put on white gloves to make sure that he had no bare skin. Then he endured the disgust of touching the human body, reached out and grabbed the passing man, pushed him down against the wall, and closed the door. He closed his eyes and hugged him as if he were dying.

The straight young master also has a quirk, that is, he hates touching the human body. No reason, very disgusting.

But after holding it up, the young Qiancha's eyes blinked, but he was slightly stunned. There was a faint breath, and in front of him was the earlobe of the other party, which was white in color and wore a black earring.

Earrings are also one of the things that straight men dislike, and Chen Chu didn't like them at first. But the other party's comfortable breath made people feel inexplicably good. Looking at this, the young master didn't think it was the first time that boys were ugly wearing ear studs.

The group of men in black walked slowly.

The man who was pressed against the wall seemed to understand his intention, and reached out his hand to hug him softly.

If it were other times, other people, Xiaobawang would have been fried. A man dared to reach out and hug him, he would definitely chop it up and drag it out to feed the dog.

But at this time, on the one hand, there was the man in black walking behind him... If he had a temper at this time, he would be in vain.


This person just hugged him loosely, as if to help him cooperatively. The distance was moderate, and the temperature was slightly warm, which made people even think about his temper, and he couldn't find a reason.

Chen Chu was silent.

The group of men in black kept walking past.

——After all, who would believe that the little bully would wear women's clothes to hug a man... It's not as believable as a ghost story.

After the group of people left, the teenager hadn't frowned and pushed the man away, but the other party let go of his hand first, pushed him away a little, turned around and walked away.

This time, it was Xiao Bawang's turn to stay still.

Chen Chu naturally knew what kind of face he had. Not to mention that this is the first time for the young master to wear women's clothes, and the first time he takes the initiative to hug someone, but the other person, as a man, is actually indifferent to this face and this kind of hug?

An indescribable complex feeling surged in his heart for a moment, the young man blinked, his thin lips slightly pursed.

But Yu Chu really didn't think too much about it.

Killing her didn't even think that it was a fragment.

A beautiful girl who looks like she came straight out of an anime seems to be in trouble. Yu Chu is in a hurry, but it's actually strange in her heart - such a level of beauty, I didn't expect people from a small plane to have it. .

That girl was too beautiful.

But Yu Chu didn't care, and was ready to leave after helping.

The beautiful girl behind her stayed for two seconds, then suddenly stepped forward and reached out to grab her sleeve. Yu Chu turned back and met the girl's light brown pupils, with a beautiful color.

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