100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 922 The boss is a beautiful girl (37)


He said, closing his eyes slightly. ◢ Follow ◢ Dreams ◢ Small ◢.1a

The young man breathes quietly, and his expression seems to be indifferent, but a strange and dazed pain comes from his heart.

He closed his eyes and breathed steadily.

Because of being close to her, the feeling of cherishing and tranquility can only be experienced through the small plane every time.

Although after the recovery of consciousness, I will relax my emotions in retrospect, but after a short period of joy, there will be some emotions, like being quietly crushed in my heart.

Very calm, seemingly indifferent.

My heart was broken, and there was nothing left.

He didn't get along with her before, and he didn't even mention the mood to get along with her. After all, God’s mind is blank and easy to control. He was never distracted by her.

Now, she won't be distracted by him anymore.

That's how it feels. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

You can't get the attention you want.

This is a feeling of powerlessness, not intense, but enough to make people slowly quiet and suppress their breathing.

Like sinking in the vast deep sea. The sea water squeezes the perception, there is a heavy feeling everywhere, I can't breathe, the struggle and anger in my heart are silent, so there is silence, just powerless, and it sinks quietly.

From a long time ago, welfare homes started.

He seemed to have found her, but it seemed he didn't.

After experiencing the loss of his reason, he finally brought back the little girl, brought her back from the world, sealed the sensory imprint, and raised his eyes to look at her.

But he suddenly realized that since she saw him, she only smiled politely and kept silent.

The boy slowed down.

He had always been accustomed to a cold tone and a calm expression, but suddenly he was worried about these habits. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Even the questioning voice was slightly gentle.

But the little girl who was retrieved just smiled, listened to the question, and shook her head sensible as before:

"I'm fine, my lord."

Very sensible. Also very polite.

The lord god boy was silent.

The beautiful eyes stared at the little girl, he remembered the old phone booth, that time in the heavy rain, she would still hug him carefully, to please him.

Nothing is left now.

Before finding her, he thought it would be good if he found her, but after finding her, there was still an empty space in his heart.

When he dropped her, she obediently let go, without even asking, and bowed her eyes obediently to say goodbye. ..

When he found her, she followed him obediently, and still didn't ask anything. Confused.

He didn't say anything else, just admitted his mistake:

"I'm sorry, it's my fault."

The girl was stunned, then politely shook her head and said, "My lord is very good to me."

The young man was slightly startled, a little uneasy for a moment, and pursed his thin lips: "I... lost you."

When he said these words, the feeling of chaos and chaos still lingered, which made the person who had always been cold and inattentive almost felt a little irritable.

Acknowledging that he had lost her in front of the child also brought another indescribable panic.

The Lord God boy stared silently into the girl's eyes, waiting for her to speak, as if waiting for a judgment.

The girl shook her head and said:

"If it weren't for the adults, I would have died long ago. The adults are kind to me... How can I apologize for this?"

She spoke in a low voice, as it should be.

Word by word, but clear to the extreme.


The Lord God raised his eyes stunned. The expression on the boy's face was always cold, but his heart was suddenly torn apart.

He pursed his lips, was silent for a while, and finally just lowered his eyes and said blankly, "In the future... it won't be like that."

The little girl said, "It's okay."

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