100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 923 The boss is a beautiful girl (38)


To this day, when I think of the sentence "It's okay" with no emotion, just a mechanical smile, the boy suddenly closed his eyes and hugged the person in front of him tightly.

She said it didn't matter, it really didn't matter.

Even if I go back with him, it becomes a relationship with a distance. She was always ready to be abandoned again.

Respect, distancing.

She was thrown away, so she seemed to recognize her own position and get along with God respectfully. She thought that it would be sooner or later to abandon him again, so all her emotions in the face of him became indifferent.

He came back to find her, and she followed him obediently.

Speaking, she answered obediently.

But if, let her leave at this time.

The teenager can be sure that she will turn around and leave. Maybe before leaving, they will say goodbye obediently.

He began to be slightly bewildered. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

As the main god, he brought people back again. At first, he just wanted to raise her well.

Why is he so scared and flustered in the orphanage, maybe because he takes the little girl as a responsibility.

Or don't pick it up at all.

Since it is picked up, it cannot be irresponsible halfway.

To be responsible can be at ease, then raise it up.

When she grows up, can live independently and fulfill her responsibilities, he can leave her side.

He knows what life should be like. Birth, old age, sickness and death, studying and working, getting married, and having children.

He never has to worry about studying, and his future work will surely be smooth. The Lord God thought, it's just her boyfriend, because it's about half her life, she wants to help her check.

He thought so.

But when I heard the phrase "it's okay", I felt anger and powerlessness, and I pulled out of my reason. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She's okay.

It doesn't matter if he leaves him. I will tell her that she can live alone and leave quietly.

If she chooses a good boyfriend, she will say thank you like it's okay, and then accept it.

Or she was unwilling to accept his arrangement, maybe she fell in love with someone, and finally for the sake of that human being, she took the initiative to leave him and told him that she wanted to live by herself.

She didn't care about him at all.

Even a few months ago, he was the only one.

It turned out that it was not one party's abandonment of the other.

is both sides.

——Until that memory reset.

In this life of the Lord God's indifference and indifference, the only time he was flustered was in front of the orphanage, but the most heart-wrenching and dazed time was in that small plane.

The little girl who reset her memory told him that she wanted to leave him and live alone in the future, and she wanted to marry a human being.

It was the future he had thought about, but when she proposed this future, it was him who couldn't accept it.

The default reset memory, there are many considerations, no matter from which aspect, it is the best choice.

He had thought about what would happen if she didn't remember, but he thought he could resist the stranger's eyes.

...It turns out not to be.

Not only does it fail, but it is losing ground.

She has always been cold and cool, but that time she couldn't think about the overall situation rationally. She was almost begging her not to reset.

But if you don't reset it, how should you face it?

The boy wrapped his arms around the girl's shoulders, with a cold profile, half-closed eyes, and quietly leaned against the side of her neck.

Yu Chu was hugged by him, and he felt that the drunken fragments were very quiet and cold, but it seemed like he was sad.

She thought about it for a while, raised her hand to hug his neck, rubbed the juvenile broken, and asked in a low voice:

"Is it very incomprehensible?"

The man raised his eyes.

Halfway through taking off his clothes, some parts of his upper body are white and bare, and the beautiful young man lowered his eyes and glanced at his skirt.

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