100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 932 The boss is a beautiful girl (47)


After messing up the doll, when he raised his eyes, Qiancha glared at her angrily.

Yu Chu was so ticklish that he stretched out his arms and hugged him fiercely, and kissed his white tender face.

Chen Chu suddenly froze, and his eyes moved away involuntarily. Although there was still a watermark on his face, he was not in the mood to care, and just pursed his lips stiffly:

"You, you are not wearing..."

After a difficult reminder, the girl finally recovered, Yu Chu withdrew his hand and stepped back, blushing:


Just now I felt the soft touch at close range again, and the voice of the little bully was rarely weak, and he said erratically:

"It's ok."

My heart was slightly hot, and the moment I was hugged just now, the soft feeling was against my chest, which was a bit wonderful.

He didn't hug him anymore, turned around and lay down, staring at the ceiling with his eyes open, the temperature at the tips of his ears dissipated slightly, the boy clasped his hands and closed his eyes: \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt ;

"Go to sleep."


The next morning, after getting up and taking a shower, the boss was very calm when facing the skirt.

"You have to wear it for me in the future," he said.

Yu Chu nodded quickly.

So the boss went to change his clothes with satisfaction.

As soon as he changed it, he heard the doorbell ringing outside, followed by the sound of his little girlfriend going to open the door.

Who will come so early.

Chen Chu frowned slightly, took the fake one, and glanced at his glasses after arranging them.

Peace of mind.

He opened the door and went out.

Yu Chu didn't know who came to knock on the door early in the morning, so he first glanced at the door mirror on the door, but unexpectedly, he saw Lin Ning'er's face. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

What is she here to do.

Yu Chu was a little puzzled, narrowed his eyes and thought about it before opening the door and looking up at the girl in front of the door.

Lin Ning'er was leaning against the wall casually, when she heard the door slam, she straightened up subconsciously.

Yu Chu didn't say to let her in, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Is something wrong?"

"I..." Lin Ning'er opened her mouth and whispered a word before realizing that her attitude was too delicate, so she quickly raised her chin and said, "Mom and Dad said that you haven't gone back to eat for a month. After dinner, let me call you, go back this week, and have dinner with us."

Hearing this, Yu Chu felt a little sarcastic in his heart.

Even before defrauding the original owner's mother, the family still pretended to be kind and friendly.

She didn't answer, but Lin Ning'er seemed to be nervous, and quickly said again: "Think about it, if you don't go back, this month's living expenses will be gone!"

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, looked at her, and said with a half-smile, "I didn't say I couldn't go back. But you, just call me and tell me. What are you doing here?"

Lin Ning'er was stunned for a moment, her face immediately flushed red, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, "Don't be sentimental!"

"Self-motivated?" The boy in the gray sweater smiled, holding the door frame with one hand, and looking at her with an inexplicable look, "I didn't say...you came to see me."

Lin Ning'er took a step back.

When she opened the door, she saw the young man wearing a gray sweater and looking beautiful at home, her heart skipped a beat uncontrollably. She didn't know why, but she was inexplicable, and she ran over to tell him in person...

Lin Ning'er was in a mess, trying her best to think about her boyfriend. But thinking of Wei Yi's attitude... the person in front of him is undoubtedly more pleasing to the eye.

She pursed her lips and lowered her voice: "I..."

However, before the words were finished, a corner of the skirt suddenly appeared behind the door, and the stunning girl came out.

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