100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 933 The boss is a beautiful girl (48)


She glanced at Lin Ning'er, then turned around, and seemed to reach out her hand very casually, hugging the boy's neck, leaning her head against him, and looking at Lin Ning'er flatly.

Lin Ning'er widened her eyes, looked at her, and then looked at the calm-faced boy in gray next to her.

The teenager put his hand on the top of the doll's head and kissed her forehead before turning around to look at Lin Ning'er, and asked lazily, "Is there anything else? I'm closing the door."

Lin Ning'er was sluggish for a while, and then her face turned pale, she gritted her teeth and said, "Have you made a girlfriend?"

This girl, I just saw it at the comic exhibition yesterday.

Wei Yi was also staring at her at the time.

At this time, seeing the girl's beautiful face, Lin Ning'er instinctively developed some hostility towards her, especially seeing that Chu Zhao and this girl were so close...


Lin Ning'er gritted her teeth, and she was suddenly very uncomfortable. In the past, she despised Chu Zhao, but now Chu Zhao's girlfriend is someone she can't compare to... This kind of psychological gap makes it difficult for her to accept. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Chu Zhao had always treated her very well before. Although she looked down on him and often bullied him, Chu Zhao had never resisted her and always listened to her silently.

Even if he liked Wei Yi in the past and made her feel sick, Chu Zhao in the past was obedient to her promises, obeyed her words, and never disobeyed her...

He didn't dare either.

After all, his source of income is still her family.

Now Chu Zhao has become very unfamiliar, his face is still the same face, but it seems to have a different charm. Just now he asked her if she was coming to see him with a half-smile, and Lin Ning'er's heart suddenly throbbed.

But then, she saw the girl.

The girl's face was like a doll, so delicate and beautiful that she couldn't even think of comparison. Seeing such a girl and Chu Zhao together, she was jealous and unwilling, and bit her lip tightly.

Lin Ning'er paused for a few seconds before speaking coldly, looking at the girl and saying, "Miss, you don't know what kind of person your boyfriend is... He likes men. Did he lie?"

Lin Ning'er didn't want to think deeply about why she wanted to break up the couple who were obviously a good match in front of her.

The girl was stunned when she heard her words.

Lin Ning'er observed her expression, and immediately determined that this girl really didn't know about Chu Zhao... Sure enough, she was most familiar with Chu Zhao's affairs.

She was inexplicably happy, raised her chin, glanced at the gray-clothed boy, and continued, "He's a gay, maybe he deceives you because you look good. As a girl, you have some brains, don't be fooled by this kind of person..."

Before she could finish speaking, the boss, whose face was getting more and more displeased, turned around and held Yu Chu's face, his cheeks were close, his red lips were brought up, and he took a sip.

He pecked lightly and backed away, imitating Lin Ning'er, raising his fair chin and looking arrogant.

It's a pity that the doll is too cute, it doesn't feel arrogant, but soft and cute.

Lin Ning'er was completely taken aback by this unexpected action. She looked at Chu Zhao subconsciously.

The boy in gray was also a little stunned, but when his fingertips touched his lips, he curled his lips again and smiled helplessly.

The interaction between the two was naturally warm, and Lin Ning'er couldn't get involved at all. She stared at the girl with wide eyes and couldn't believe it: "I said he was the same..."

She couldn't finish her sentence either. She saw the beautiful girl lift her skirt and was about to kick her.

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