100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 936 The boss is a beautiful girl (51)


But she didn't tell him the specifics.

Maybe he has his own plans.

In short, he was always by her side, obediently not interfering, but it was enough to escort her.

Yu Chu casually took a black coat, Chen Chu glanced at her sweater, and suddenly blinked and asked:

"Being tied, will it hurt?"

Yu Chu's movement of putting on clothes paused for a while, and then he understood what he was talking about, shook his head, thought about it, and nodded again: "Occasionally, not often."

The boy pursed his lips and looked at her eagerly.

Obviously distressed.

But he seemed to know that he couldn't persuade her, so he didn't open his mouth to persuade her. Yu Chu's heart softened and smiled at the young man: "It's okay, a massage will be much better."

"Then I'll go to school and help you press it later." After the boy frowned, the two of them looked at each other.

He seemed to be stunned for a while, and then he reacted, blinked his eyes randomly, and explained with a slight blush:

"I mean serious..."

It's just that I feel bad that she can't be a good girl. It must be very uncomfortable to be restrained every day.

Yu Chu knew that this guy didn't think too much, so he thoughtfully changed the subject and just nodded: "Okay."

The two came to the hospital, and the boy in black got out of the car, put on sunglasses at will, and turned to open the door for the girl.

The appearance of this pair of high-value couples immediately attracted the attention of many people. Yu Chu handed a pair of sunglasses of the same style to Chen Chu. Scarlet.

Covering her brown eyes, the beautiful girl who was soft and indifferent suddenly became cold and glamorous.

The big boss raised his hand and pushed the sunglasses.

Yu Chu looked at the girl's noble and glamorous appearance, tutted twice in her heart, and reached out for someone to hold her.

The queen-like doll glanced at her, her brown eyes showed a little from the top of the lens, and then she obediently lowered her eyes and reached out to hold her arm.

Some passers-by couldn't hold back and picked up their mobile phones to take pictures. The indifferent black-clothed boy and the beautiful girl who looks like a queen of loli are very eye-catching.

in the ward.

Wei Yi was still upset.

He was completely blinded yesterday, and he always felt that he had missed some information, but he couldn't remember it.

In the past two days, Lin Ning'er has only seen him once. Wei Yi knew that he and Lin Ning'er were a plastic couple, but when something happened to him, the other party ignored him, and he was still extremely uncomfortable.

Thinking of Lin Ning'er, he couldn't help but think of another person. That pretty girl, like a doll.

He had never seen such a beautiful person in his life.

That's why the ghosts are confused, the color makes the mind faint, and he proposes a deal with Chu Zhao. And Wei Yi didn't understand very much. Is Chu Zhao sick? Why didn't he agree to the transaction?

Doesn't he like himself?

And that pretty girl...

Thinking of the scene of her holding the wine bottle and smashing her face without changing her face, Wei Yi felt a chill in his heart, but when he thought of that cold and beautiful face, he was frightened and agitated at the same time, and he couldn't help licking his lips.

He was a little thirsty, and the water glass was on the table next to him. He couldn't get it because of the infusion, so he raised his voice and shouted:


While shouting, Wei Yi was secretly angry. As a girlfriend, Lin Ning'er didn't come to take care of him. She only appeared once yesterday, so she came to ask what happened.

This kind of woman...

If it wasn't for her wealth, who would be willing to offer it!

He thought angrily, and then heard the light footsteps, the door was pushed open, and the glamorous beautiful girl walked in, took off her sunglasses, and narrowed her light tea eyes.

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