100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 937 The boss is a beautiful girl (52)


Seeing her walk in, Wei Yi was stunned, the words to call the nurse stuck in his throat, and even unconsciously remembered the bloody face last time he was smashed, and he stepped back subconsciously. ◢With *dream* small ◢.1a

The girl squinted her eyes and looked at him incredulously. She stood at the door and didn't come in, her sunglasses were hanging on her fair fingers, and she sneered slightly on her bright red lips. She had a lazy and careless feeling, which was very charming.

Wei Yi was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly swallowed and realized that this girl came alone.

What does she mean when she hit him last time and came to the hospital to see him again? It's not always a conscience, is it?

Wei Yi thought it was unlikely.

But seeing the beautiful girl just standing at the door and not coming in, the black sunglasses were dangling between her fingers, her beautiful face and noble feeling were extremely attractive. ..

Is it really a conscience?

Otherwise, why did she come to see herself alone?

This thought popped into Wei Yi's mind, and immediately his heart jumped and his heart became hot.

He looked at the girl cautiously for a few seconds, and when he saw that she was still casually not speaking, he relaxed slightly and asked nervously, "What are you doing here?"

The girl was originally staring at the vase in the room, but now she listened to him and turned her head to glance at him.

Her brown eyes are very beautiful, and as soon as the eyes meet, Wei Yi turns her head in embarrassment, a little regretting what she said in the opening remarks, it sounds like she is extremely disgusted, and she is not welcome...

After he looked away, he slowed his tone and said softly, "You misunderstood what happened last time."

Chen Chu raised his eyebrows slightly.

He was so angry last time that he hit someone and even opened his mouth to speak. However, after hearing from Lin Ning'er, Wei Yi lost his mind after being smashed and couldn't remember many details.

So, now he still thinks he is a woman.

The young master frowned in disgust, feeling that this man's IQ was a little suffocated. However, even if he can't remember, Chu Chu has to show off to show off happiness...

Thinking about it, the boss is slightly sad again.

When can I be shown off as a boyfriend. Being a girlfriend is always weird...

He glanced at Wei Yi again and said nothing.

Wei Jian girl was silent, she was pleasantly surprised, and quickly continued to explain: "What you heard is actually half-truth, I just wanted to get to know you, so I asked Chu Zhao for help... But it's true that he likes me..."

The beautiful girl had been listening nonchalantly, her sunglasses dangling slightly on her fingers. After hearing the last sentence, the movement of her hand stopped suddenly, raised a pair of light tea's beautiful eyes, and looked over casually.

Chu Chu likes him?

Master, the girl he chases, can he fall in love with him?

The doll raised her lips slightly, put away her sunglasses, took a few steps forward, and opened her hand to Wei Yi.

Wei Yi was taken aback by her approach, but after reacting to her calm attitude, he didn't plan to beat him, he was overjoyed again, and he was more sure of his guess - this beautiful girl has a conscience!

Would love to hear him explain!

Wei Yi was very pleasantly surprised. Seeing the girl's gesture of spreading her hands, she raised her hand shyly, ready to put it in her palm, and said in her mouth, "It's actually nothing, don't get me wrong, I'm a serious person... "

Before she finished speaking, the girl withdrew her hand impatiently, looked at him like an idiot, and made a phone call gesture.

Oh, it's a cell phone.

Wei Yi retracted his hand in embarrassment, feeling a little lost in his heart, and took out his mobile phone and handed it over.

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