100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 946 The boss is a beautiful girl (61)


"do you like it?"

The girl's voice asked with a slight smile.

"..." The person who was asked did not answer.

"Achu?" The girl asked again patiently.

The person whose face was blushing like blood raised his eyes, the brown color was full of anger, and his lips were bitten with teeth marks, and he trembled his eyelashes in anger: "Can you be quiet?"

"Huh?" The girl raised her eyebrows slightly.

The young man was sitting in front of the bed, his doll-like white and delicate face was already covered with beautiful lust.

His broken eyes were chaotic, he panted slightly and held her shoulders, raising his eyes to stare at her silently.

The movement in the girl's hand stopped, "...Big pig's hoof, don't let me help you if you dislike me."

In the beautiful brown eyes of the young man, lust struggled.

The noble young master turned his head silently, stared at the piano in the corner, and relaxed the white fingers holding the girl's shoulders. He whispered, "I don't dislike it."

"You won't let me speak."

"……you say."

"Are you comfortable?"



the next day.

The Lin family really went to Linhai.

Yu Chu knew early on that they couldn't hold their breath. After coveting something for many years, now I finally have a clue. In addition, the Lin family did not doubt themselves, and did not expect that they would pass on false information, so they easily took the bait.

Playing as a pig and eating a tiger is always easy.

The more the enemy looks down upon himself, the easier it is to plan.

Yu Chu watched them remove the things she left in the boat, and couldn't help but slightly curled her lips and sneered.


On the way back, Lin Ning'er always felt that something was wrong. She looked back at the trunk and asked cautiously, "Dad, is there something wrong? If these things are really antiques, how come they have never been found here for so many years? This is too strange..."

"What do you know?" Father Lin, whose hobby is antique research, was triumphant. "You can see that it is an antique by looking at the shape of that thing? Yes, didn't you see that there is still ash in the baby... Some people have used it as an ashtray!"

Lin Ning'er was slightly relieved.

Mother Lin also had a look of joy, "It was originally said to be a bank deposit, but it turned out to be an antique. This is good, as long as it is shot, there will be no traces, and you don't have to worry about it, just in case that boy Chu Zhao sue us for stealing his money..."

Father Lin took a breath, stretched his hand out of the car window and flicked the ashtray, narrowed his eyes and said, "...No, Chu Zhao still has to deal with it, these treasures are worth hundreds of millions, if he finds out, there is trouble. ."

"There is no label on the antique, who knew it was for him?" Mother Lin looked back at Lin Ning'er.

"No, we have to be careful." Lin's father was firm, "now Chu Zhao doesn't know about this, the baby is still ours, but if he finds out one day... that woman is willing to talk to him, who knows... he can... Can't ask any clues against us."

Mother Lin was silent.

Lin Ning'er didn't speak.

"Anyway, this kid has a mentally ill mother. It is easy to say that he is mentally ill. We have raised him for so many years, and we are not afraid that we will not find a chance to start." Father Lin finally made a decision and reached out to play the ash again.


After Yu Chu observed the movements of the Lin family, he turned around and received a call from the awkward young master. After last night, this guy seems to be more clingy. She has just left Chen's house for a few hours, and this person has made several calls.

Yu Chu picked it up helplessly:

"ok, ok, I got it."

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