100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 947 The boss is a beautiful girl (62)


"I'm not urging you," the young master explained awkwardly, then fell silent, and asked in a low voice, "Are you busy now? Then I won't call, you can do your job first, and you can come later."

She left in a hurry this morning, and Chen Chu guessed that the girl had something to do, so she didn't stop her in the morning.

I've been thinking about her since then...

Although he really wants to meet people... but he is not ignorant. She didn't ask him to help her. The young master was already very worried, and of course he didn't want to cause trouble.

"No," the person over there smiled lightly, "I'm done, wait a minute, I'll be there soon."

"it is good."

The young man hung up the phone and saw that a group of young men and brothers all had strange expressions, so he sat back coldly and said casually, "Why, it's very strange?"

"No, no." Several people said quickly.


How strange, how strange!

Who is Brother Chen...so gentle and considerate, so soft-spoken, so sensible and well-behaved!


Originally because I hadn't seen him these days, someone joked about whether he had a girlfriend.

As a result, the young master... actually laughed.

After everyone was stunned, they naturally exploded.

Everyone is very curious about who comes...

Looking forward to it.

Yu Chu was in no hurry to go.

Since it is a friend who is going to meet her boyfriend...you can't still be unprepared, let's go in this men's clothes.

Yesterday, I was caught off guard, I wasn't prepared, and I didn't know how to explain it... So I had to admit that the second elder of the Chen family had misunderstood, and postponed the explanation for a while.

Get ready today.

Yu Chu went to the mall to pick out a nice dress, then drove home, rubbing his throat lightly.

Exactly two days have passed. If I don't take medicine now, my throat will recover a little bit, and it won't look like a boy.

She changed her clothes and looked at the person in the mirror.

Because he was short, Yu Chu didn't buy an elegant dress, but a playful denim skirt. After removing the ear studs, he added a cute short one. The girl in the mirror had beautiful eyebrows and eyes, and her frown and smile were all moving.

She just went out to her destination.

In the high-level club, the son and brother waited impatiently, and from time to time someone looked up at the door.

Only Chen Chu was very calm.

The young man pursed his lips and looked at the group of people, frowning displeasedly: "Is it useful? After speaking, I won't run away again..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in!" someone shouted immediately.

The son and brother who was near the door immediately stepped forward to open the door, and everyone looked up, their eyes fixed.

A girl's figure appeared in front of the door.

Under the denim skirt, a pair of slender and slender legs are very beautiful, the skirt is decorated with perfect lines, the simple top shows a slender waistline, the neckline shows a fair neck, and a face is even more beautiful.

She nodded politely to everyone.


The girl's voice is nice, a little light, but still does not affect the gentle and moving voice.

Rare beauty!

The sons and brothers smacked their lips in their hearts, envious. Someone turned to look at Chen Chu.

However, everyone saw that even though this was Brother Chen's girlfriend, Brother Chen was just as stunned as they were...

A few seconds of silence.

The girl blinked and smiled at Chen Chu.

The young master suddenly stood up, walked over, grabbed the girl's wrist, and showed no expression on his delicate face, pulled the person and went out.

The people inside the door looked at each other.


what's the situation?

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