100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 954 The boss is a beautiful girl (69)


When I first saw it, I couldn't find a good relationship, and I finally returned with one person



"Beauty, give brother a smile."

The black-clothed boy covered the girl, raised his beautiful eyebrows slightly, and laughed smugly.

The one who was pressed down below had a fair and delicate face, as beautiful as a doll, staring at a pair of brown eyes, and her lips were thin and bright red.

……beautiful as godness.

The white chin was provoked, and the girl finally couldn't help it. She gritted her teeth and said angrily, "Have you had a good time?"

The boy in black shrugged, "Happy."


The girl turned her face away and ignored him.

Yu Chu couldn't help but smiled, leaning over to the girl's Bai Shi's ear, "Hey, we've agreed, don't resist."

The girl puffed up her cheeks, and seemed to want to speak again in an instant, but the boy in black reached out and pressed his lips, "Don't talk either, or you'll sleep in the study later."

This threat has been tried and tested.


The beautiful girl turned her face reluctantly, pushed her hand away, and looked indifferent.

Yu Chu leaned close to her earlobe, opened her lips to hold it, and noticed that the girl's body trembled slightly, and the white and cool earlobe between her lips seemed to heat up in an instant.

Hey, shy again.

To be honest, why isn't this guy really a girl? She will definitely consider Lily.

Yu Chu thought, bit the tip of the girl's ear, then reached down and slowly unbuttoned her skirt.

Fingers slipped in along the girl's collar.

Slowly stroking the delicate collarbone, down is the white chest, beautiful belly line.

The girl gritted her teeth, her fair and beautiful face turned crimson, and her brown eyes were misty.

Promise not to resist. Tolerate.

Yu Chu looked at the girl's teeth and frowned, raised her eyebrows and smiled wickedly.

With her slender fingers groping along the skirt, she asked, "Is the beauty uncomfortable? Do you need any help?"

When she was holding something with her fingers, the girl's body was stiff, she bit her pretty lips, turned her face away and panted slightly.

She finally couldn't help it, squinted her light tea eyes, and said dumbly: "You hurry up..."

The voice that belongs to the youth is clear and sultry, because of the dullness of desire, it brings out a touch of sexiness.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, "beautiful don't do this—"

Originally wanted to tease a few more words, but the beautiful girl who was holding back her emotions glanced at her, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. She wrapped her fingers around her waist, turned over easily and pressed her down.

The skirt covered the bodies of the two, the beautiful girl narrowed her brown eyes, and her pretty cheeks were dyed crimson.

"You're the little princess now, is it really okay to be so unreserved?" Yu Chu still wanted to struggle.

The people on him are not fooled at all. The beautiful girl curled her red lips and whispered against her ear, "What's wrong with the princess serving you?"

"……"wipe. So reasonable.

So the next conversation...

"Hey, Ah Chu, just take it easy..."

"...you're so weak."


"It's nothing, you're so soft..."


After returning to the main god space, Yu Chu slowed down for a while and called the system in his mind:

"Wake up, this host is back."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task."

"Can't your lord come back yet?" Yu Chu asked.

The system hesitated, "No."

"Okay. Then tell me now, how should the task be completed to be considered a high degree of completion?"

The system thought about it:

"Look for the enemy first, and then pull the hatred. The reason is very simple, the process depends on the host's own understanding."

Yu Chu rolled his eyes silently, frowned for a while, and then said thoughtfully, "Send it."

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