100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 955 Ghost-faced General (1)


twenty-first face

General Ghostface


Ling country, border.

The cold wind was blowing. It was only November and December, and the weather on the border was already very cold.

In an inn on the side of the road, a carriage slowly stopped, and people dressed as guards got out of the car and entered the store.

On the carriage in the middle, the maid opened the curtain and smiled at the people inside: "His Royal Highness, you are at the Yuecheng Inn. Get off the carriage and rest first."

The curtain was opened, revealing the girl inside.

The girl's face was pale and haggard, and her eyes were red, as if she had just cried a lot.

The maid couldn't bear it, but sighed helplessly.

——This fifth princess has always been unloved, but this time she was actually sent to the border by the emperor to marry and kiss...

The enemy country on the frontier is a barbaric tribe that drank blood. Even if the fifth princess was not favored since childhood and was left in a cold palace to grow up, she is still a delicate girl from Lingguo after all. How can you bear that desolate place...

The maid sighed in her heart, and her tone was still respectful and gentle: "Princess, please get out of the car."

The girl looked up at her.

The maid lowered her head and did not see her line of sight.

Afterwards, the girl stretched out her hand to lift the skirt, stood up slowly and calmly, and slightly bent out of the car curtain.

The attendant had already put down a stool under the carriage.

Although she is the unloved princess of the cold palace, and she was sent to marry far away, she is still a princess in the end.

Being a slave is naturally not dare to neglect.

The girl lifted her skirt slightly and stepped on the stool to get out of the car.

The maid in the back looked at her back and couldn't help but froze slightly, always feeling that something was different.

Since the fifth princess was sent out of the capital, she cried all the way, couldn't eat, and was quite haggard.

But the appearance of getting off the car just now was a little quiet.

Seems to be very calm.

This thought flashed through the maid's mind, and then she shook her head, thinking to herself, maybe the Fifth Princess knew that the overall situation was settled and would not struggle anymore.

As a princess with golden branches and jade leaves, in fact, she can't escape the control of fate and is in a cage.

The owner of the inn hurriedly greeted him from the store, knowing that this trip was a princess who was traveling with the royal family, and naturally nodded and bowed.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper was amazed.

What a beauty.

The body is delicate, pure and gentle, and the face is as beautiful as the spring flowers in March, beautiful but not glamorous, and lovable.

After just one look, the shopkeeper lowered his head quickly, lest he be punished for offending the royal prestige.

He nodded and bowed to invite the group in.

The maid helped the princess go upstairs, entered the room and released her hand, but heard the girl say, "Let this princess be alone for a while. You go out first."

The maid was stunned, and then answered.

She exited the room.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows and glanced at the window.

The sky was gloomy outside the window, as if there was going to be a heavy rain, and passersby were hurrying on their way.

In the borderlands, the air is filled with the smell of saltpeter. Weapon shops can be seen everywhere on the street, and the cold weapons flashed coldly. From time to time, patrolling soldiers passed by, the queue was orderly, and their faces were serious.

Several frontier cities in Nanling are all solid.

From the original owner's memory, Yu Chu knew that this was because there was a ghost-faced king sitting on the border of Nanling.

At the age of ten, he went to the battlefield, at the age of twelve he made meritorious deeds, at the age of sixteen he was appointed a general, and at the age of seventeen he was in charge of the Nanling Military Seal. Now this person is only twenty years old, but he has already established himself as a king, and even the emperor dares not rely on his identity to give people a face.

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