100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 967 Ghost-faced General (13)


She looked away, looked at the military models, and said calmly, "The general doesn't see me on weekdays. Seeing me today, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Nan Lin was slightly startled.

She had just been severely rejected. But there was no other expression, instead he became calm.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the military maps together, saying lightly, "I'll go back to Beijing with the princess."

Yu Chu was stunned and turned to look at him.

But she will not be narcissistic.

The girl smiled and asked rationally, "Conditions?"

Her questioning without emotion caused the person on the opposite side to stop slightly with their white fingers.

He just said that he was in love with him, but he cleared up his mood so quickly and communicated with a rational attitude towards allies.

This princess has a good character.

Nan Lin raised his eyes and glanced at her, and then hooked his lips in admiration: "I will take care of you, I can help you with whatever you do, you only need to help me with something."


Yu Chu intuition that things are not simple.

"The second prince has a military map in his hand. There are undercover agents in our army, and everyone sent out will be guarded, but the identity of the princess is a protective umbrella." The slender finger pointed on the table, the general smiled half-smile, "How?"

Yu Chu was slightly silent.

She stared silently at the person in front of her.

After staring at her with quiet eyes for a few seconds, the smile on Nan Lin's thin lips narrowed slightly, and his beautiful eyes narrowed.

"When you left me at the beginning, it wasn't for Bamo to make peace." The girl suddenly spoke up and smiled inexplicably. "As you said before, Bamo makes peace or not, you don't care, you don't care."

Nan Lin raised his delicate eyebrows.

"The trick I said that day was a joke, and you didn't intend to do it at all. The reason why you stayed with me was because what I said made you think that I am a wise man and a pawn that can be used."

The girl straightened her sleeves, her tone unhurried, "From then on, you planned to let me go back to Beijing to take pictures for you. You left me only for this purpose. You have allowed me to please me these few days. You are observing, whether I am qualified enough to be your pawn."

Speaking of this, she suddenly laughed at herself, "You asked me to please you, but in a place like the study, you never let me come in to disturb you. You don't believe me."

It was only at this time that the man's eyes showed a little appreciation, and said lightly: "Princess... but she is transparent."

Yu Chu blinked, "If you want to use me, you pretended to like me, wouldn't I work harder for you?"

Nan Lin glanced at her: "That's two different things. A deal is a deal, I don't like to get involved in trouble."


Yu Chu lowered his head silently: "I understand."

The general raised his eyebrows, and under the silver mask, his beautiful eyes narrowed carelessly: "Then, do you want to trade with me, the princess's answer?"

The girl smiled lightly: "The general deceived me, used me, and trampled on my heart, but I can only agree. Apart from the general, no one can protect me."

She spoke calmly and quietly, and after she finished speaking, she asked casually, "When will you leave?"

Nan Lin was slightly stunned when he heard what she said, and replied softly, "The day after tomorrow...and tomorrow."

"Then tomorrow." After the girl smiled, she bowed her skirt and turned away indifferently.

Nan Lin looked at her back, lowered his eyes casually, and moved a small flag on the model indifferently.

He pursed his lips.


Three shifts, it is the first time to write such a powerful fragment, let me think about how to write it. Good night

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