100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 968 Ghost-faced General (14)


Yu Chu's emotions subsided quickly.

To talk about her character's strengths, Yu Chu felt that knowledge of current affairs must be one of them.

Fragments are not easy to guide, then put them aside for now and focus on the task. Finish early, save your mind early.

She stopped crawling on the wall, and her attitude towards Nan Lin also restrained, playing the role of a dignified and dignified princess.

Nothing happened on the way back to Beijing. The two were riding in different carriages. Naturally, Nan Lin would not take the initiative to look for her.

Because he didn't think about attacking again, Yu Chu also nestled in the carriage freely and lived a very nourishing life.

So, when she was about to arrive in the capital, her originally thin body recovered a little, the girl's face was radiant and fair, and the more beautiful she looked when she raised her hands.

The maid couldn't help but be surprised when she was dressing: "The princess is really getting more and more beautiful... I really don't know who will be lucky to be the princess' concubine in the future."

Yu Chu smiled and was about to answer when he heard a soldier behind him whisper, "General."

One master and one servant turned around and saw a handsome young man with a silver face, a white hand lifted the curtain of the car, but did not come in, just stood lazily in front of the door.

Nan Lin's eyes were casual, swept across the girl's beautiful cheeks, and then slowly moved away.

Yu Chu didn't pay attention to the maid's words or his gaze, got up and asked, "Is there anything the general is looking for?"

As she stood up, she said to the maid beside her, "Go out first, and I'll call you later."

The maid did not dare to disobey, and went out with a salute.

The girl walked to the table, took the teapot and poured two glasses of water, smiling, "General, please tell me."

Compared with the lively pleasing of the past few days, now this is cold and indifferent, which is very dignified and polite.

Nan Lin narrowed his eyes, then lowered his eyes, slowly paced over, and asked with a smile that was not a smile:

"Are you so sure that I am looking for you for something?"

"Otherwise?" The girl held up the teacup and asked back with a smile, "Could it be that the general will find me if he's okay?"

Nan Rong paused, raised his eyes to look at her, then slowly curled his lips into a smile, and said lightly, "There is something wrong."

He lowered his eyes, handed over something, and said in a calm voice, "This is the road map of the Second Prince's Mansion. If you find an opportunity, you can start at any time."

"I'm not favored by my father, and I still need to think about the long-term approach to the second prince. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it in a short time. Please wait patiently." The girl nodded, stretched out her hand to put away her things, and added lightly.

The general nodded silently.

"But General, you also said that no matter what I do, I will help. But when I enter the capital, I won't be able to see you. How can I ask you to help me?"

Yu Chu suddenly remembered something and asked with a blink of an eye.

The eyes under the silver mask lifted slightly, and Nan Lin suddenly realized that when he asked for benefits, the girl's eyes became slightly more vivid, looking at him with a little expectation.

The general was silent for a few seconds, then lightly opened his thin lips, "The Nan family has a trained kitten, just let it pass the message."

The soldier outside the car curtain brought in a cage, and in the cage was a white kitten with a light body.

The cat looks so cute.

The girl couldn't help but let out a yawn, happily went over to pick up the cage, put it on the table and looked left and right, then stretched out her hand to tease, and then raised her eyes to Nan Lin in surprise:

"Can cats deliver letters too?"

She seemed to like this cat very much, and she was pleasantly surprised when she saw it. At this time, she looked up at herself with a happy expression, and Nan Lin suddenly paused and looked away.


The general answered in a low voice.

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