100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 982 Ghost-faced General (28)


Why is it warning?

She herself said it had nothing to do with him.

Is it because he was worried that he had lied to him, and that he would become angry because of being lied to, and he would pay off his anger?

This worry is really unnecessary. The world knows that the ghost-faced king is lazy and deep, and his emotions are always hidden. How could he be angry with others because of such a ridiculous thing.

Obviously funny.

But the general did not laugh.

He lowered his eyes slightly, turned and left calmly, restraining the colic surging in his mind, and the word "pay off", which was like a line of fire that affected violent emotions.


Saying you like it is lying to him.

Refused to be a backer, she immediately stopped cheating.

It turned out that he had always had a lover of his own.

He also warned him not to touch that person...

The tumultuous thoughts turned to here, Nan Lin suddenly stopped, closed his eyes, and slowly opened them again.

Obviously very funny.

Why, but really want to kill that person.

A number one scholar a few years ago, a civil official, and a small official in the imperial court, he was rated as neither high nor low in the court, moderate.

They were together a year ago?

What have you been doing together?

As soon as I return to Beijing, I invite you to meet late at night...

Nan Lin stood there and suddenly closed his eyes again.

What he had just tried to restrain, suddenly broke through the confinement like a beast, as if all his emotions were ignited-he took a step back and reached out to support the rockery.

With slender and fair fingers lightly draping the rocks on the rockery, he was quiet for a long time.


Yu Chu walked back to the palace lightly.

When night fell, she asked the maid lightly, "Have you reached the letter you asked to pass?"

"Yes, the servants sent it secretly and didn't let others find it." The maid replied quickly and asked curiously, "But why did you send a letter to the sixth princess."

"You have been following me, and you know that I once had a relationship with Mr. Fu... Now that I am back in Beijing, the past is difficult to resolve. I want to send a message to Sixth Sister, but it's fine to pass it on quietly, and you don't have to get involved."

Yu Chu didn't want to explain, so he found a reason at will.

The maid had no doubts, she shook her head and sighed: "This Lord Fu is really..."

"Shh." Yu Chu smiled and shook his head at her.

At night, he set aside the maid to sleep alone, and let the system remind him that when the appointment time came, Yu Chu yawned and got up, turned his head to look out the window.

The moon is dark and the wind is high...

She couldn't help evoking the devil's smile, and got up with great interest. First, she climbed out of the window, and then went to the corner of the palace to find a cloth bag and a stick.

Paying off is still waiting anxiously at the agreed place.

His heart was fiery, and when he thought of the appearance of the Fifth Princess, he couldn't help but feel excited.

He paced for a while, then sat down in the gazebo.

Yu Chu approached him from behind.

When she came, she had already seen the sixth princess who came in a hurry. However, because of her martial arts practice, her skills are naturally incomparable to ordinary people, so she easily passed the Sixth Princess and arrived first.

She opened the big cloth bag in her hand and put it on Fu Qing's head at once.

The trapped man jumped up in panic, but because he couldn't see anything, he lost his balance and fell.

Yu Chu figured that he would have scruples and did not dare to call out loudly, so he beat his head and face with a stick, which made him out of breath, and Fu Qing couldn't help but finally called for help, so she threw the stick and lowered her voice, Learning the voice of the sixth princess:

"I see if you have a long memory!"

After speaking, seeing that the sixth princess had already stepped into the garden, the girl slipped away with satisfaction.

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