100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 983 General Ghost Face (29)


Retire after success, do good deeds without leaving a name.

She quietly hid behind the bushes, watched the sixth princess release the payment in panic, looked around, and said in a low voice: "You don't want to die! Sneak into the deep palace in the middle of the night, and the royal father kept you in the outer palace because he valued you. Xiaozhu...how dare you come here in the middle of the night!"

Fu Qing heard her voice just now, and when he saw her, he didn't ask what happened to him being beaten. Instead, he asked aloud, and he couldn't help confirming... that the sixth princess had just hit herself.

He was also annoyed.

Although he usually pleases the Sixth Princess, the Sixth Princess is also very gentle. Today, he dares to beat him, which greatly damages the face of the man who paid off.

With patience, he asked tentatively, "How did you know I was here?"

It's okay not to mention this, but when I mention this, the Sixth Princess's anger also rushes to the ground, throwing away the hand that was supporting him, pointing at him angrily: "You still have the face to say it! Are you still thinking about it in your heart? That bitch? In the middle of the night, if I hadn't received the news, would you have had a private meeting with her? The old love has rekindled?"

After paying it all, he gritted his teeth.

It was because of this!

She just said to teach herself a lesson, because she knew that she was meeting with Mu Chu, so she came to destroy it and beat him!

She wanted to show the majesty of her princess, so that she could only be obedient to her without any second thoughts!

Fu Qing was trembling with anger, but worried that Mu Chu would come over now and bump into him with the sixth princess, so he had to get up and limped out.

The sixth princess was stunned, and she chased after her, "What are you doing, this princess hasn't finished speaking yet, you..."

"The shrew behavior of the sixth princess really shocked Fu," Fu Qing said coldly, "This is the end of today's affairs, the sixth princess should come back quickly."

"What?" The sixth princess was stunned, and her voice suddenly became shrill, "You scold me for that bitch?"

Her voice gave Fu Qing another headache, and he waved her away impatiently, "You keep talking as a slut, the upbringing of the sixth princess is really not half as good as your fifth sister!"

"What did you say……"

As if the sixth princess was hit hard, she took a half step back, "Who do you think I am inferior to? You rushed to see her as soon as she came back, and now you want to draw a line with me for her? You are crazy! I don't allow……"

Seeing that the two of them were angry and didn't dare to speak loudly to attract attention, they walked out of the garden in a low voice and noisily, and Yu Chu came out of the grass.

At the beginning, it was easy to change her mind after paying off, and the sixth princess also used her power to win love.

Sure enough, this kind of love is vulnerable.

It was just a small misunderstanding, trusting each other a little, and asking one more question would be able to clarify, but they quarreled and even bored each other.

Really weak.

The girl leisurely patted her clothes.

She took a few steps and suddenly turned around.

Across a courtyard, a long and jade-like youth stood quietly, a silver mask covering half of his face.

"What is the general doing?"

She walked over and circled Nanlin twice.

Nan Lin lowered his eyes.

What can be said.

He should have eaten and slept lazily and calmly as usual, but his mind was full of rage and impetuous. For the first time since he could remember, he felt that no plans were important, and he just wanted to make sure of one thing.

Until this moment, the emotions have calmed down.

He glanced at Yu Chu, was silent for a while, then narrowed his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Did you ask him out because you paid off your debt?"

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