100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 988 Ghost-faced General (34)


After the Second Prince finished speaking, he quickly turned around and asked another person to say, "General, please take your seat."

In terms of seniority, of course, he is far greater than the Ghost Face King.

But how dare he provoke.

On weekdays, the emperor does not care about having fun, but today he invited the ghost-faced king. With him present, the second prince was honest and did not dare to do anything wrong.

He smiled and let the general take the seat, and squinted at the fifth princess next to him.

However, he just glanced at it, and he withdrew his gaze and sat next to the ghost face king with a smile.

Yu Chu also sat down in the seat and glanced at the person in the main seat.

The general leaned on the armrest lazily, didn't look at her, just took a sip from the teacup and put it down.

"Today, this king specially prepared the singing and dancing of the singer, and I invite everyone to watch it together." The second prince said with a smug smile, then turned back and said to the general with a smile, "This is what this king has prepared with great effort, the general must Enjoy it."

The Ghost Face King glanced at him and said nothing.

The second prince hurriedly put the singer on the stage.

Yu Chu sat in the room, drinking tea and watching the singer appear, but the leader was very familiar.

Isn't it the dead man in Nanlin's study that day?

She blinked and continued drinking tea.

The general is really used to being in control. He used the identity of the princess to investigate the situation of the Second Prince's Mansion, and sent a glamorous woman to approach, starting from the Second Prince himself.

She thought for a while, then raised her eyes and glanced at Nan Lin.

But he met the man with a pair of light-hearted eyes.

The other party looked at her silently, and seemed to pause for a moment before looking away to look at the singing and dancing performance.

What does he see himself doing?

Yu Chu was puzzled for a moment and looked away.

The corners of the general's lips twitched in an inexplicable way, his eyes narrowed, and his expression was quiet, but slightly frightened.

Sure enough it used to be happy.

Now, even when the dead man appeared in front of her, she would not react.

The general put his elbows on the armrests, his slender white fingers rested his forehead lightly, and watched the performance quietly.

The singing and dancing performance is very hot, and only the second prince dares to openly gather people to appreciate this kind of dance.

Nan Lin watched for a few seconds, then his eyes shifted involuntarily, quietly looking at the girl in the room.

She sat obediently holding a teacup, looking at the performance with her eyes open, showing admiration from time to time.


The general looked at the naked singer, and suddenly became unhappy.

The second prince next to him was still asking proudly, "How about the general, are the singers I've worked so hard to find all as beautiful as peach and plum..."

The general said coldly, "The Second Prince has a unique vision."


This is not a compliment in any way, and the second prince sat back angrily and remained silent.

After the usual singing and dancing and lunch, everyone could spread out and watch in the garden. Yu Chu saw the second prince walking towards the singers' wing from a distance, guessing that he was fascinated by the dead man, and the monkey hurried to find someone to go. .

She thought for a while, but instead of turning the garden first, she walked in the direction where the second prince left.

The crowd had just dispersed. As a princess attending for the first time, she should have a few words with the second prince in private and gain a little goodwill, so that she will have more opportunities in the future.

She walked quickly for a while, and finally caught up with the second prince, smiling and calling someone: "Second uncle stay."

The second prince stopped, turned around, saw that it was a beautiful and beautiful girl, and said with a smile:

"Is there something wrong with the second uncle?"

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