100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 989 Ghost-faced General (35)


"Thank you second uncle for inviting me today."

The girl gave a dignified salute, and the second prince hurriedly stepped forward to help her and said with a smile, "What did Chu'er say, you are hurt, your father and the emperor have allowed you not to salute, so you don't need to be so polite to the second uncle. "

The girl smiled slightly.

Her smile was just polite, and it fell into the eyes of the second prince, but she only felt that the beauty was inexhaustible, and she immediately looked straight, but she couldn't return to her senses for a long time.

Those singers just now were not as good as this princess with golden branches and jade leaves, and they were dignified and moving with their frowns and smiles.

"After living in the deep palace for so many years, the second uncle learned today that Chu'er was born so beautiful." The second prince suddenly sighed and supported her with a smile.

Yu Chu's heart froze, but he was instantly vigilant.

Is the second prince so perverted?

After all, she is also the favored princess today...

The Second Prince helped her up, but he didn't let go. His fingers rubbed against the smooth skin of the girl's wrist, feeling a little cool to the touch, and the skin was like sebum, which made one's heart sway involuntarily.

He was even more reluctant to let go, his fingers moved again, and he pulled Yu Chu with a smile and asked, "How is Chu'er doing in the palace? If there is anything in the future, even if you tell the second uncle, the second uncle will help you. "

As he said that, his hand moved, almost along his wrist, to touch the arm under the girl's Chinese clothes.

A cold light flashed in Yu Chu's eyes, and he narrowed his eyes.

She can't have a hard fight with the second prince now, but that doesn't mean she can't take revenge on the salty pig's hand. Yu Chu's heart was even more cold, and he was about to withdraw his hand, but a slender figure turned in front of him, pacing slowly.

Nan Lin glanced at random and saw the two people in front of him, but then he narrowed his eyes and saw that the girl's wrist was held in his hand, and the man was still rubbing it slightly...

With a swipe, something ignited reason.

The general walked over with a calm expression, and the second prince was still supporting Yu Chu. Just as he was about to talk to him with a smile, he saw the ghost-faced king stretched out his hand to hold the girl's arm, pulled her away, and pulled her behind him.

The smooth skin in his hand disappeared, the second prince was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he saw the other party raised his long legs with an indifferent expression, and the next second he was kicked right in the chest, the other party obviously had no strength, the second prince He was almost kicked out and slammed into the rockery heavily.

Yu Chu was stunned.

After the second prince landed, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and rolled his eyes and fainted.

Yu Chu blinked, her wrist was being held by the man, she raised her eyes and looked at the slender back of the general.

Holding her hand and letting go, Nan Lin didn't look back at her, but just stepped lightly to prepare to walk towards the second prince.

What the fuck?

Yu Chu hurriedly grabbed him: "General calm, what are you doing... no more drawings?"


Nan Lin turned his head and looked at her quietly.

He was about to go crazy with rage, and he couldn't solve his hatred even by killing this person. What kind of drawings did she tell him?

He lightly pushed the girl's hand away, and then took a step.

Yu Chu's eyes widened, and he rushed over and hugged the person's waist, "General, are you alright, have you drunk too much?"

Wouldn't it become sweeter if you drink too much?

Why do you look so indifferent as to prepare to kill?

She pounced from behind, Nan Lin's fingers clasped her hand on her stomach, but he didn't move.

He lowered his eyes.

Seeing that he seemed to be quiet, Yu Chu released his hand and turned in front of him, "General, is this what happened... Why suddenly..."

The moment she let go, Nan Lin closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes, his expression light.

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