100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 990 General Ghost Face (36)


Don't you know how to hide?

He opened his lips, his voice was cold, and his eyes looked at her coldly. Don't you know that he is a lewd person?

Yu Chu was stunned.

Immediately, the girl took a step back and said with the same calm expression: Let me get the picture, it is the order of the general, I will find an opportunity to approach the second prince

Before he finished speaking, the man stepped forward, pushed her shoulders, pushed her on the rockery, and looked down at her.

He said softly: Don't remind me again, what I said to you, I remember and can't forget.

What hurts his heart the most is the words he once said, like holding a knife and beating himself up. This kind of heartache he will never forget.

So, don't remind me any more.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Nan Lin slowly let go of her, and said indifferently: You don't need to continue planning. As far as you are concerned, the matter of the Second Prince's Mansion ends here.

Yu Chu was stunned, watching the general slowly let go of her, then turned and left indifferently without speaking again.

She stood quietly for a few seconds, turned her head to look at the unconscious second prince, and was a little dazed for a while.

Unexpectedly, I don't need to participate.

Which nerve is wrong with this man?

You can't just watch her being touched by the second prince, so you should be angry like that.

Yu Chu smiled to himself and shook his head in vicissitudes.

But wait

Is there anything else possible?

The girl turned her head and looked at the second prince on the ground again. After thinking about it, the general came to kick her when he saw her being touched by the second prince.

Is it true?

Yu Chu stepped dazedly.

She took two steps, suddenly remembered something, looked back at the second prince, and then left quickly.

She quickly found the maid she had previously opened and explained something in a low voice. The maid nodded, went to the garden, found the one who paid the bill, and spread the words of the princess to:

Mrs. Fu, Her Royal Highness said, she is waiting for you by the rockery in the backyard and has something to say to you.

Paying off quickly and happily agreed.

Since he was beaten by the sixth princess that day and had to break the appointment, he has not been able to get a good face from the fifth princess.

Fu Qing also understood in her heart that she had asked herself to meet as soon as she returned to Beijing, but she broke the appointment.

But helplessly, he couldn't find a chance to explain.

I didn't expect she would date herself today

Paying off the joy in his heart, he hurriedly sorted out his appearance in front of the lake, and walked to the backyard.

But Yu Chu hurriedly chased him in the direction the general left, and after seeing someone, he grabbed his wrist without saying a word, and led him forward.

Nan Lian was stunned for a while, then she took a few steps and glanced at the hand that was being held before asking:

what are you doing?

He had already been dragged so far by himself, and he only asked at this time. Yu Chu looked back at him. Although the general didn't let me help, I didn't care. The general promised me before that he would help me, and he couldn't break his promise.


This look is very vivid, and it seems that it has never been there since returning from the border. Nan Lin slowly blinked his eyes, turned his face slowly, and didn't look at her.

It's just that the earlobes are slightly red, and he is being dragged away obediently, and he no longer asks anything.

Yu Chu took him to the backyard, and just walked around the rockery before, when he saw Fu Qing looking at the second prince on the ground at a loss, with a look of panic.

Seeing Fu Qing, Nan Lin narrowed his eyes.

Fu Qing also looked at them blankly.

Only the girl in the middle, after seeing Fu Qing and the second prince, gave a very frightened cry, took a step back and hid behind the ghost-faced king, and pointed at Fu Qing in surprise:

You actually hit the second uncle?

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