100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 824: God monument burst


Under the violent roar, two figures flew upside down.

It is the ancestor of the people and the patriarch of the dark clan.

Opposite them are the six invincible realms of Blood Sovereign, Killing, Evil, Qiu, Lan, and Barbarians. Only in terms of quantity, they have a crushing advantage, not to mention that the human ancestors and the dark clan chiefs have not healed seriously.

On the other hand, the blood clan, although Xingyuan was not lightly injured in the first battle, the blood clan slaughtered and died, swallowing countless blood, and his injuries had almost recovered.

Under such circumstances, the two human ancestors are difficult to rival.

"It's such a strong dragon energy. It seems that Nirvana Universe really feels a strong danger. Unfortunately, the struggle is also in vain, just like the two in front of him."

Emperor Xuezun glanced at the huge vortex, and could clearly feel that a majestic dragon aura was condensing crazily. This was the birth of the universe. Once born, he would surely become the strongest heavenly dragon. He was afraid that he would be afraid.

Of course, he will not let the Tianlong be born.

The nirvana universe wants to protect itself, it is undoubtedly a struggle at the end, just like the two people in front of them.

Withdrawing his gaze, the Emperor Xuezun looked at the two human ancestors, to be precise, he looked at the human ancestors, "You are very strong, especially you, if it is a battle in the heyday, even me, I am not absolutely sure that I will be able to defeat you. But unfortunately, you don't have that chance, and there is no chance for dying."

After that, he waved his hand gently, and several blood sages pressed forward at the same time, intending to kill the two ancestors and destroy the Hualong Land.

The ancestor was about to make a move, but was held back by the patriarch of the dark clan.

"I'm coming." The dark clan chief said.

"Don't make fearless sacrifices. The God of Zhou is on his way, and Qingtian and others can support him at any time." Renzu's expression changed slightly.

"I know."

The dark patriarch said calmly: "But before that, they must be stopped. You have detonated the sword of the sky, and the injury is heavier than me. I will come first. You will protect Shilong."

After all, the patriarch of the dark clan whizzed out and sacrificed the dark **** monument. In an instant, absolute darkness covered the sky and the earth, like a dark ocean, permeating all directions, swallowing everything.

In that absolute darkness, the patriarch of the dark clan and the dark monument seemed to merge into one, and quickly swallowed them towards the blood emperor.

"Pure darkness, absolute power, it's a pity that the mayfly is shaking the tree." The Emperor Blood sneered, and he slapped a **** mark like a boulder sinking into the sea, constantly breaking through the darkness.

The other Invincible Blood Sovereigns shot one after another, the overbearing blood will instantly suppress the darkness and erode away a little bit.

As the blood emperor said earlier, if the patriarchs of the dark clan were in their heyday, even if the six of them teamed up, they would not dare to be careless, but in a severely injured state, there would be no rivals.

Bang bang bang.

The violent breaking sound continued to resound, and the dark clan chief only felt that the power of the **** monument could not shake the opponent at all. At the same time, six invincible blood sages joined forces to blast out.


The darkness in front of him burst open instantly, and directly burst into nothingness. Under the strong shock, the patriarch of the dark clan was instantly shocked by hundreds of feet.


The dark clan chief landed heavily, and the entire ground was shocked, and the corner of his mouth was overflowing with red blood, which formed a sharp contrast with the dark body.

"I really want to fight you at the top." The Emperor Blood smiled lightly, then stepped out, disappearing in place like a ghost.

Although he wanted to fight against the peak of the dark clan chieftain, he knew what was most important, and naturally wouldn't give the opponent a chance.

The patriarch of the dark clan shrank his pupils, and instead of retreating, he rushed forward again, and the dark **** monument exploded rapidly, directly blasting towards the blood emperor.


On the grassland, a terrifying energy swept away frantically. It was a **** sword intent, frantically annihilating the darkness. In that energy storm, a figure flew out again, and it was the patriarch of the dark clan.

"Resolve other people quickly."

The Emperor Blood took advantage of the victory and pursued, he held the Blood Emperor sword, the blood shining like water, when the sword moved, it seemed to set off a sea of ​​blood rolling, and the mighty emperor's might was hidden in it, and the momentum crushed the dust, and pointed directly at the dark patriarch.

This sword meant to punish the enemy.

The blood sovereign killed the five strong men and did not continue to take action, the blood sovereign suppressed this person, and the blood emperor sword broke out, which was enough to determine the battle. Their goal was the ancestor and the first dragon.


But at this moment, the five stopped in amazement.

I saw the boundless darkness billowing like a tide, and in the darkness, a **** monument was blooming rapidly, and the vast and majestic energy continued to skyrocket, causing the expressions of the blood races to change slightly.

Dao device detonated!

How terrifying this energy is, they have personally felt it.

In the battle of Xingyuan, facing Qingtian and their frantically detonated Dao artifacts, even if they made the same response, the blood clan suffered countless deaths and injuries from the tool to the weapon, but they all suffered heavy injuries.

Moreover, the monument in front of them was also a top-level Taoist artifact, and when it exploded at close range, they didn't dare to face it directly.

"Join to suppress!"

The Emperor Blood Sovereign shouted, and did not retreat because of this. If the Dao Device is detonated, it will be restrained. It is better to face it directly. As long as this blow is taken, these people will undoubtedly die.

The blood emperor sword trembles extremely in his palm, criss-crossing **** sword intents, like giant nets lying in front of him.

Xue Zunman made a seal on his hands, followed by two boundless blood seals.

Blood Zunlan waved his hand, and a **** sky appeared.

Blood Zunqiu coagulated into a mountain.

The evil spirit of blood surged, and a tall evil **** seemed to have returned from ancient times.

The Longbow of Blood Sovereign Killing condenses nine arrows.

The six blood sages exploded with all their strength, madly blasting towards the patriarch of the dark clan, more accurately speaking, it was the head of the dark god.

"Dark God Monument, explode to me!"

The patriarch of the dark clan did not retreat but moved forward, desperate to awaken the **** monument and detonate the power of the **** monument, his body began to become illusory, the boundless darkness poured into the **** monument, and then, countless black lights were crazy in the **** monument. Gushing out.


The Taoist device exploded completely, and the space suddenly broke out with an earth-shattering roar.

The **** sword intent began to collapse, the boundless blood mark began to crack, and the **** sky and the terrifying blood mountain were all rapidly cracking and breaking apart.

The terrifying evil **** roared and rushed out wildly, but was gradually pierced by the black light and swallowed by darkness.


Nine arrows pierced the air, like nine rivers of blood, bringing up a long blood-colored tail flame, and rushing into the darkness one after another.

At that moment, the surrounding world was crazily shattering, and the terrifying black light rolled in, penetrated all the blood, and came out toward the six blood sages, shaking the six people back again and again.

However, one of the nine arrows successfully penetrated through, directly submerging into the illusory body of the dark clan chief, and passing through.


The patriarch of the dark clan immediately vomited blood, and the whole person was like a broken kite, flying backwards quickly, smashing to the ground heavily, and being held by the ancestors.

His chest was shattered, and a huge hole of blood penetrated his body directly, with endless cracks spreading, as if to shatter his body immediately.

In the distance, the six blood sages stabilized their bodies, and were not in a hurry to take action.

The six people teamed up to successfully suppress the detonation of the **** monument, but it also brought a strong impact to them, but it was not enough to cause serious damage.

After a moment of recovery, the Emperor Blood Sovereign shook his sword and stepped out.

"The dying counterattack in the Invincible Realm is really terrifying. Unfortunately, the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength. I have never underestimated you, so how can I win?"

The blood emperor speaks densely, full of killing intent.

The patriarch of the dark clan struggled to fight again, but after Renzu stabilized his injury, he gently held him down, shook his head and said: "You shouldn't fight again, and then give it to me."

When the words fall, the sword will bloom.

The sword intent had no signs, but it was almost at its extreme, almost instantly killing the Blood Emperor and the others.

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