100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 825: There is one more trick

"Mayfly shakes the tree."

Seeing the sword intent of the human ancestor, not only fearless, the Emperor Blood shook his head and sneered. With a wave of his hand, he shattered the surrounding space, and the sword intent of the human ancestor shattered like a bubble.

"You are very strong, but in the heyday, but now you are just a badly wounded body." The Emperor Blood shook his head and sneered.

As he spoke, the sword surged out like a tide, and the vast emperor threatened the world and cut straight out.

Under that sword intent, the space in front of him was as fragile as cloth, constantly shattering, and the terrifying sword intent was invincible. With a bang, the sword intent of the human ancestors collapsed, and the whole person flew out.

There is a sword mark on his chest, and the blood is constantly overflowing, but it is quickly swallowed by the remaining sword intent. The remaining sword intent is still spreading, covering the whole body like a spider web, making the human ancestors look like a chapped mirror and cracks. All over.

The cracks are like blood, shocking.

After all, the injury was too serious. In the previous battle, he had endured most of the strength and fought against several people in the same realm. His injury can be said to be not weaker than the dark patriarch at this moment.

But he cannot retreat.

At this moment, he is the last line of defense. If he retreats, all three of them will be in desperation.

He took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. In his hand, a sword condensed by Dao intent came into being. The Dao domain around his body retracted at a very fast speed, and all the energy was poured into the sword.


The Blood Sovereign snorted heavily, his body disappeared before the sound fell, and when he reappeared, he had reached the human ancestor, and the Blood Emperor sword slashed down.

The terrible blood and the majestic imperial might condense the world.

However, Ren Zu was unmoved, his eyes were still closed, and the sword of Taoism became more and more condensed, and finally when the blood emperor sword was about to be cut, it burst out.

With the Tao as a sword, there is no sword in the hand, but there is a sword.


Accompanied by a earth-shaking tremor, the Blood Emperor Sword trembles, and then it trembles back. Even the body with the Blood Emperor retreats several feet, and the hand holding the sword trembles slightly.

He looked down at his hand, and could see some cracks faintly, and that sword almost shattered his palm.

Looking up at the ancestors, the corners of the **** emperor’s mouth raised slightly, “It’s hard to imagine that you can burst out such a sword intent at the end of the crossbow. How long will it last? You are destined to wait..."

Suddenly, the blood of Emperor Blood Sovereign stopped abruptly, because at this moment, the figure of the ancestor had disappeared, and only a sword came straight.

The sword of Taoism, the ancestors are burning power.

The Blood Sovereign's expression changed slightly, with a vaguely hideous look. Instead of avoiding this sword, he awakened the Blood Sovereign Sword to its extreme. The majestic blood was poured into it in an instant, and the sword was hit hard.


Loud noises shook the sky, and space shattered.

The Blood Sovereign blocked the Human Ancestor Dao Sword, but this time, the Blood Sovereign Sovereign didn't seem so relaxed. The Blood Sovereign Sword was trembling violently, and the terrifying sword intent penetrated the sword and looted his arms.

In an instant, his palm was bloody, and his arm was covered in blood.

He knew that Renzu would never be weaker than him in his heyday, but he still underestimated the opponent's power to burn Dao Yi, and no longer resisted, with the help of the shock of the sword intent, he retreated.

But at this moment, the human ancestor's Dao Might skyrocketed, and the sword of Dao Yi turned into blood.

Burn blood.

The ancestors had already fought crazy, burning Taoism, burning blood, all the power that could burst out, and the sword power instantly soared to the peak, and it was even worse.


The crisp voice resounded, and the **** arms of Emperor Blood Sovereign jumped to pieces in an instant, and the horror sword intent roared towards him, wanting to bury it.



With several horror roars, Ren Ancestor flew out again.

Not far away, Blood Sovereign killed several people one after another, and the powerful force gradually shattered the Dao Yi sword of the ancestor, completely shaking it up and hitting it hard.


Ren Ancestor fell by the side of the dark clan patriarch, blood dripping and shocking.

He opened his mouth and vomited blood, secretly saying a pity.

It's a pity that he was seriously injured, and it was a pity that he didn't have the Sword of Heaven. Of course, these were not the most pity. The prestige of the human ancestor's strongest Tianzun was not made by the Sword of Heaven.

Even in this state, he is not afraid of the Emperor of Blood.

It's a pity that Blood Sovereign is not alone, otherwise the sword that burned Dao intent and bloodline just now, even if it can't kill the Blood Sovereign Emperor, can completely damage it.

But Emperor Blood Sovereign has six Blood Sovereigns, and they took action at the most critical moment, saving the Blood Sovereign Emperor and breaking his Dao Sword.

not far away.

Emperor Blood looked ugly at the broken arm.

Looking at the blood clan, he is also one of the best invincible blood sovereigns, but at the moment just now, he was destroyed by an arm, and he was almost in danger.

The other party was seriously injured.

Shame, this is his shame.

Looking up, the Emperor Blood Star stared at the ancestor ferociously, "As expected, he was known as the strongest Heavenly Lord of Nirvana. He didn't believe it when he first heard about it, but now the Emperor believes it."

Renzu stood up with difficulty, and smiled softly, "You are also good."

This is undoubtedly ironic.

It means that if the blood emperor does not have a helper, he would never want to escape, and he is nothing more than that.

The corners of Xue Zunhuang's mouth were drawn fiercely, and his expression became even more ugly. The blood on his body continued to explode and became thicker and thicker. Then a sword was suddenly cut out and pointed directly at the two human ancestors.

This is not the end, the Emperor Blood Sovereign walks with the sword.

Obviously angry, he wanted to kill two people.

The ancestors and the patriarch of the dark clan looked at each other, their pale expressions full of determination.


There is no way out.

Only fight to the end.

The patriarch of the dark clan condensed the remaining power at any cost, and the human ancestors were also burning everything frantically, and the sword of Dao Yi condensed, but it seemed incomparably illusory.

Both of them are at the end of the crossbow, there is no extra combat power.

Rao is so, still fighting.

The sword came out, and the black mang whistling.

The two powers resolutely greeted the Blood Emperor Sword, but this time they no longer had the previous power, and the moment they touched it, they shattered every inch, and the horrible meaning of the blood sword instantly drowned the two of them.


The power shattered, and the two flew out again.

At the same time, the blood emperor's sword intent galloped past, and several sword rainbows penetrated their bodies. In a flash, several blood holes appeared in the two of them.

Blood is flying all over the place before the person has landed.

And this is not the end.

The blood emperor deceived his body, and the blood emperor sword shot out horizontally.


There was no sword intent, but the terrifying meaning of the weapon fell on the abdomen of the two of them. They instantly bowed and vomited blood, continued to fly out, and fell directly on the edge of the huge vortex.

The blood on their bodies was like pillars, which instantly stained the red grassland, and they turned into blood for several meters, and the green grass was bright red, but it looked desolate.

The two looked at the whirlpool behind them, and could feel the powerful dragon's breath, but the first dragon hadn't appeared yet, and obviously hadn't returned from birth yet, so there was a battle if they were weak.

The two stood up with difficulty, the little remaining strength supporting them not to fall, resolutely looked at the Emperor Blood Sovereign and the others.

"Are there any tricks?" A joke appeared on the **** emperor's hideous face.

The two shook their heads.

They have reached the limit, leaving only a determined heart.

"In that case, let's end it."

The Emperor Blood Sovereign came out holding the sword, and the Blood Sovereign killed a few people to lock the vortex, intending to destroy it, not giving the Heavenly Dragon a chance to be born.

"No, it suddenly occurred to me that there is actually another trick!"

Suddenly, Ren Zu grinned and said, with a mouth, the blood continued to shed, while his body soared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a terrible flame ignited all over his body.

Burn the soul!

Burn to life!

Burn everything!

At this moment, the ancestor burned something, intending to explode.

The patriarch of the dark clan is the same, without hesitation.

For a moment, the eyes of the Emperor Xue Zun and the others shrank suddenly and their expressions became solemn.

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