100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 826: Who allowed you to leave


The ancestors and the patriarch of the dark clan burned everything frantically, making the **** emperor and other powerhouses instantly awe-inspiring.

Burning like this will destroy the body and spirit. This is not even the slightest chance for oneself. These two people are decisive.

Renzu two people are indeed determined.

The flames around them became stronger and stronger, and their power rose incredibly rapidly.

It's really burning everything.

This is at the cost of vanishing form and spirit, forcibly enhancing strength.

After this blow, the body and spirit are all annihilated, and the ashes are completely annihilated.

However, the two of them did not hesitate, and they were absolutely incomparable.

Even if you lose, even if you die, you have to do everything.

Renzu closed his eyes slightly. At this moment, he recalled many people and many, many things in his mind. Scenes in his life flashed in his mind and finally fixed Qin Feng's figure.

No one wants to die, and he doesn't want to, but now there is no way out, and he is helpless, but he is very calm, although he is a little regretful, he has not been able to witness Qin Feng's return, but Jiji is on the right track.

Qingtian and the others have compromised, and Qin Feng will be guarded by the universe, and Nirvana has no internal troubles, and will join hands to fight foreign enemies.

Even if his body fell today, Ji Mie would do his best to help Qin Feng return.

This is enough.

His mission is also considered complete.

"Master Zhou, Lu Shu's subordinates in the future can't walk with you anymore." Renzu murmured, then suddenly opened his eyes.

The vast and majestic Dao Might quickly condensed, Dao Sword held in his hand, sharp and domineering, and his consciousness had begun to gradually blur, he knew that his time had come.

He suddenly looked forward to it, looking forward to this sword that burned all of it. It was definitely a sword that was stronger than holding the sword of the sky in his hand.

"Quiet, it's over to you!"

The dark clan chief looked back at the vortex, and suddenly smiled decisively. The boundless darkness began to permeate, and the terrible Daowei contained extremely terrifying destruction.


The Emperor Blood Sovereign held the Blood Emperor Sword tightly, his expression was extremely vigilant, and he wanted to shoot several times, but in the end he gritted his teeth and shouted.

Although it is a retreat, it is not a departure.

The two burned all their strength and made him feel a strong threat, and this would be their last blow. Once they were shot, they would undoubtedly die, so why bother to go head-to-head.

You only need to dodge this blow to end everything.


The ancestors and the dark clan patriarch made a killing at the same time, and the gesture was about to bloom the final killing. However, at this moment, wisps of dazzling white light suddenly floated, piercing the darkness in an instant, as if locking the dark clan patriarch's deity.

At the same time, a voice sounded.

"Although I really want to see you die, but the grievances between you have not ended, how can we end early."

With the sound of this sound, the boundless darkness dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the flames of the dark clan chief’s burning flame also broke in an instant. His body slowly fell, but did not directly fall to the ground, because he was next to him. , A figure appeared.

The patriarch of the light clan.

"Old guy, you and I have played for millions of years, this game has not been finished, who will allow you to leave." Then, another voice resounded.

Ren Ancestor's sword intent was quickly introverted, and the burning flames quickly disappeared. At the same time, a figure appeared beside him, it was the blue sky.


Not only them, but the soul ancestors, bone ancestors, feather clan chiefs, and Ye Gucheng, etc. descended one after another, falling beside them, suppressing their suicidal power.

Renzu opened his mouth to say something.

Qing Tian waved his hand and said, "Get a good rest. Next, leave it to us."

After all, a pure power of heavenly power penetrated into the human ancestor's body, constantly repairing his body, and the hidden dangers left by the burning, the human ancestor slowly closed his eyes, but the corner of his mouth was smiling.

On the side, the dark clan chief also lay down.

The two really fought to the extreme, and at this moment they can finally relax.

Seeing the arrival of Qingtian and others, the expressions of Emperor Blood Sovereign and the others became more solemn, but soon they were relieved, only hearing Emperor Blood Sovereign sneered:

"A group of remnants, also want to stop the emperor?"

At the beginning, Emperor Blood Sovereign was afraid that Qingtian and the others had healed from their injuries, so it would be extremely difficult to destroy the birth of the Heavenly Dragon today.

However, under closer inspection, the injuries of this group of people are still there, and the combat strength is probably not half recovered. It is just a group of remnants, how can it be able to contend.

"Finally, the burning power fades, and there will be no more combat power, better resolution, and at the same time, you will be killed together. Seeing who else can protect the nirvana, who can protect the path of the nirvana heaven." said the emperor of blood. Sensen, full of killing intent, and self-confidence.

Qingtian said coldly: "Your Excellency is very confident?"

The Emperor Xuezun sneered, his confidence all on his face.

"Since your Excellency is so confident, can you dare to have a life and death with me?" Qing Tian said suddenly.

The Emperor Blood Sovereign shook his head and smiled, "I know you want to delay time, don't irritate me. In the face of the result, everything is not important, and the battle can be resolved quickly. How can this emperor waste time."

Chi Chi Chi.

Just as his voice fell, the green lights bloomed in vain, piercing through all the space in an instant, and came straight in.

Qingtian made a move.

He really wanted to delay time, as long as Shilong could return or the Eternal God arrived in time, the battle could be reversed.

However, the blood family is not fooled.

In that case, there is only war.

However, they have not healed from their injuries and their combat power is limited. Only by taking the first shot can they have the possibility of contending. Otherwise, they will be restrained by one move and will be restrained step by step.

"court death!"

The Blood Emperor shouted angrily, and the Blood Emperor sword was like ripples of water, curling up the blood in the sky, like a wave, straight to the power of the eye of blue sky.

"Yin Yu Hengkong!"

The patriarch of the feather clan is not nonsense. The enmity of the feather clan is destined to be repaid with the blood of the blood clan. There is an endless game between the two sides.

"Damn blood, this seat will use your blood to condense the blood soul orbs!" The soul ancestor roared angrily, his hatred for the blood is not weaker than the Yu clan.


The bone ancestor and bone old looked at each other and rushed out at the same time.

There was a slight gap between the two, but after learning the truth, they had already cleared up their previous suspicions. Now they have only one purpose, to punish the enemy from outside the territory.

"Death hell!"

The dead ancestor’s injury can be said to be the heaviest among the few people, and the combat power is the least recovered, but the fighting spirit is undiminished. The terrible will to death is rapidly condensed, and the dark glow is vertical and horizontal, just like the harvest of death, which will bring people into hell.


Suddenly, a terrifying battle broke out, and the huge grassland collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The green grassland was withered in an instant.

The terrifying remnants of the prestige continue to destroy the world, but the majestic cosmic energy is constantly poured into the vortex, and has not been affected by half.

Above the vortex, there seemed to be an invisible guardian barrier, which kept out all the remaining power.

Under the whirlpool, like a chaotic chicken, constantly devouring the energy of the heavens, a majestic dragon will become stronger and stronger, and vaguely, there is a terrible dragon's howl.

"No, the Tianlong is about to be born and quickly destroyed."

The Emperor Blood Sovereign suppressed the blue sky, and was about to take advantage of the situation to punish him, when he suddenly sensed the rapidly skyrocketing Dragon Power and the if there is no Long Xiao, his expression couldn't help but change.

He slashed out with a single sword, and after shaking back to the blue sky, he ignored the others and flew straight into the whirlpool.

"Leave me!"

The blue sky whispered, and the whole figure turned into a sky, carrying the endless heavenly power and rolling down, like the sky collapsed, with the pressure of the dust, with the potential to crush all things.



The blood emperor shouted in a solemn and angry voice, and the blood emperor would utter a violent sword sound, and then a sword pierced out.


Under the violent tremor, Tianwei continued to collapse and quickly turned into nothingness. Qingtian's figure was forced to appear. Under the mighty power of the blood sword, he was shocked and flew out. With this flight, he flew hundreds of feet upside down.

But the Emperor Blood King did not take advantage of the situation to chase him down. There was only a whirlpool in his eyes, and a gallop rushed to the whirlpool, the vast and terrifying blood, all of which was poured into the blood emperor sword in an instant, and the one that smashed towards the whirlpool was a stab.

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