100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 835: Defeating the Devil

The magic way opened up a battlefield and disappeared in the star sea with the blood god.

In the distance, Ten Thousand Demon Kings and other powerful men looked solemn and extremely solemn.

"What do you do now, do you help the Demon Dao?" Feng Yao said, subconsciously looking at the Ten Thousand Demon King.

"How can we participate in this level of battle?" Ten Thousand Demon King shook his head.

Zhu Qiang knows it all.

They can't even bear the pressure of the heavens, how to participate in the war, I am afraid that they will have to fly ashes and annihilate when they have just been on the battlefield. Even if they do not die, they are at least instantly seriously injured.

They cannot participate in the battle of heaven.

"What to do then?" Feng Yao said.

"Wait, wait until the battle is over."

Ten Thousand Demon King said: "The blood **** invades, and will never let the Demon Realm go. If the Demon Dao is defeated, I will not be able to escape to death. If the Demon Dao wins, perhaps, we will go straight to the blood race, and the three universes will belong to our Demon Realm."

As he spoke, there was clearly a sharp flash in the deep eyes of Ten Thousand Demon King, which was a look of expectation, hope, and even greed.

Feng Yao instantly understood it, and looked forward to it too.

If the Demon Dao can really win, let alone the blood race, at least the Nirvana Universe will belong to them, and the heavens there will be replaced by them.

"Of course, there is another way, and that is to leave the Demon Universe while the Demon Dao is fighting with the Blood God, but this is undoubtedly a betrayal, and you all know the consequences." Ten Thousand Demon King said again.

Zhu Qiang couldn't help but tremble.


Who dare to betray the magic way?

Even if the magic way is defeated here, they take advantage of the situation to leave, and escaped by luck, but where can they go?

Kill the universe?

Will the blood family let them go?

Will the magic way let them go?

Not to mention the blood race, it is absolutely impossible to go.

And apart from these two universes, in this boundless space, there is no other universe at all, at least, they have not discovered other universes.

And there is no universe to settle, they will wander outside the vast universe, and the danger is that they dare not try.

For countless years, it was not the Demon Dao alone who set foot outside the universe with invincibility, but not everyone was as lucky as Demon Dao, successfully found the universe, and took advantage of the situation to replace the Heavenly Dao here.

More, they are all trapped outside the universe, and the catastrophe is overwhelming.

If they leave, none of the three universes will be able to settle down. As a result, they are almost destined to fall outside the universe.

Zhu Qiang was silent, no longer speaking, waiting for the result of the war of heaven.

They couldn't see the battlefield, but they could all imagine the horror of this battle, especially the banging sound of breaking, reverberating in their ears, making Zhu Qiang's look more and more ugly.

The surrounding stars were constantly shattering, and they could clearly perceive the changes in the demon universe, as if something was collapsing.

The way of heaven and earth is in chaos, and all order seems to have been hit by an unprecedented impact, and there are signs of collapse at any time.

"This feeling seems bad."

The battle has lasted for an unknown amount of time, and Feng Yao couldn't help but speak in a condensed voice again.

They have not experienced the scene of the collapse of the Silent Heavenly Dao, but at this moment the Demon Universe gives them the feeling that order is about to collapse.

I'm afraid that the death of the year is like this.


Wan Devil said solemnly.

His expression is also extremely solemn, but he knows that at this moment, he can do nothing but wait. The destiny of the Demon Universe and their destiny are all above this battle.

A little bit of time passed, the battle between the Demon Dao and the Blood God was not over yet, but the Demon universe was collapsing little by little, and everyone was gradually suffocated.

Finally, as if a long period of time passed for several centuries, a terrifying roar suddenly erupted in the void of stars.

Two figures appeared from the unknown battlefield.

It's just that the expressions of Ten Thousand Demon King and others suddenly sink to the extreme.

In their sight, the figure of Demon Dao was falling, and then flew out like a falling star, smashing many stars along the way.

And the blood **** is standing proudly on top of the star sea with his hand held up, and there is no half-depressed tendency.


Has the magic way been defeated?

At this moment, the demon king and other powerful forces are stagnant at the same time, which is unbelievable.

"Impossible, the magic way is one with the universe, the universe is immortal, the magic way is immortal, it is impossible for the magic way to be defeated like this!"

There are incredible ways for the strong.

Ten Thousand Demon Kings didn't believe it either.



There was a loud noise, and in the sea of ​​stars far away, in a fragmented star, a magic cloud burst out and returned to this sea of ​​stars in an instant.

The magic way is black like ink, with long hair flying. Although a little embarrassed, there is no sign of defeat.

On the other hand, the blood god, although it seems that there is no wave, but without the supplement of cosmic energy, in fact, the blood will have been lost, and the battle continues, and the victory or defeat is hard to say.

"As expected to be a blood god, it's no wonder that you can crush the entire nirvana. Your strength is indeed above me, but you can't completely crush me with this alone."

The magic way is calm and calm, completely confident.

"Really, it seems that you still want to continue fighting." The blood **** smiled softly, and the blood burst rapidly, and the dark red blood was in harmony with the demon universe. Almost only at the fingertips, the power came to the top, vaguely, Overwhelmed the magic way.

"You can't do it."

Mo Dao shook his head lightly. Although his expression was solemn, he was full of confidence, "It is true that you can suppress me, but in this universe, it is absolutely impossible for you to crush me."

"Go away, I can't help you, and you can't help me. The situation of both sides hurts, I believe it is not what you want."

This is actually a compromise.

Being in his home court and fusing the cosmic energy, although he would not be crushed, he was still suppressed by the blood god, which made the magic way feel weak.

He knew that as long as the blood **** was still there, it would be difficult for the Demon Universe to do anything.

Silence cannot be peeped, only ability to protect itself.

If the blood **** came to extinguish the situation, then it has been achieved.

Devildom, dare not fight.

"You are very confident, but unfortunately, I have seen your limit, but you have not yet seen my limit." The blood **** shook his head and stepped towards the magic path.


The magic path was cold, his body shook, and his hands cleaved countless sword intents, each of which contained the meaning of a strong universe, making that piece of star sea instantly turned into a sea of ​​magic intent.

The strength of the magic way is inherently terrifying, and coupled with the home battle, the universe is immortal, the source of power is inexhaustible, and each sword intent is like the universe.

In the star sea, countless sword intent roared, splitting the star sea.


Sword intent fell on the blood **** one after another, his body was shaking, and his blood was constantly shaking, as if he couldn't bear it, but he didn't see it, and the speed of his feet did not decrease, step by step towards the magic road.


His whole body burned, and the dark red blood became more and more pure. The blood seemed to surpass all Taoism, and in the end, all of it was condensed in his hands.

"Drive me!"

The blood **** stepped on the star sea, and finally blasted out with a punch.

That punch blasted out.

The star sea overturned, the universe turned upside down, the sword intent of the magic way quickly shattered, the entire starry sky collapsed rapidly, and the remaining prestige ransacked wildly. Ten thousand demon kings and others had to retreat again, all the way back tens of thousands of feet.

The blood **** penetrates the star sea, smashing the sword intent of the magic road all the way, and when he rushes to the front of the magic road, the terrifying blood mark blasts down fiercely.

"That is…"

The pupils of the magic way shrank suddenly, and the eyes flashed with unconcealable terror. The two heavenly swords bloomed at the same time, but they only heard bangs and tremors, and the heavenly weapons shook violently, as if they could not bear the power of the blood god. The bang flew out.

And the force that the magic way faced, was also directly blown out with a loud bang, smashed countless stars again, and was finally overwhelmed by a star.

In the star sea, only the countless demonic blood spitting out from the magic path remained, which looked extremely dazzling.


This time I really lost!

The magic way is crushed!

Ten Thousand Demon King and others felt desperate instantly!

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