100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 836: Complete compromise

Under the gaze of many powerhouses in the Demon Realm, the Blood God crushed the Demon Dao with just one punch, the heavenly weapon could not be blocked, and the cosmic energy could not match it.

Modao was seriously injured and lost!

Zhu Qiang couldn't imagine what kind of power it was.

More difficult to accept.

The devil is defeated, what will happen to the devil?


The shattered stars burst open, and the figure of the Demon Dao appeared again, but this time, there was no more calmness before, and the demon intent ransacked and disorganized, and the demon blood stained the whole body, looking extremely embarrassed.

His hand shook the sky sword, but it was trembling.

Those magic pupils were even more horrified and unbelievable.

"How is it possible that you can control the energy of the universe, this is my universe..." The Demon Dao stared at the blood god, gritted his teeth and roared, and his heart trembled even more.

At that moment, he clearly felt the energy belonging to the universe of the Demon Realm from the power of the Blood God, and because of this, his power had no advantage in resisting it, and he was crushed.

As the Dao of Heaven, in addition to his own strength, the cosmic energy is the origin and the root of its strength, but at this moment, this root is borrowed by the blood **** and is no longer his only.

This means that he has no home court advantage.

After the only advantage has been wiped out, what else can you use to fight the blood god?

"Want to know?" The Blood God looked at Demon Dao with a smile, without answering questions.

Modao trembled all over.

How could he not know the meaning of the blood god.


He needs to pay the price.

The Devil also needs to pay a price.

This defeat is destined to pay a price.

"What do you want?" Modao suddenly asked after a long silence, and he compromised again.

"I want to die." The Blood God said very directly.

"What do you mean?" Demon Dao asked condensedly.

"Because of certain factors, I have a contract with Jijiie Tiandao. Before he dies or returns, I can't deal with him and Jijiie. Therefore, I want you to remove the obstacles of Jijiie." Blood God said.

Kill with a knife!

Mo Dao thought of these four words instantly.

The blood **** wants to borrow the power of the demon universe.

But, what happens once the nirvana is defeated?

He knows the truth about birds hiding in their bows and rabbits and dogs cooking, and Nirvana Universe and Demon World Universe are the closest thing to each other, and he doesn't understand the truth about lips and teeth.

The most important thing is that the reason why the Demon Universe has been so late is because it wants to reap the benefits, not to be used by others.

"Then what?"

The Demon Dao asked bluntly: "After the silence is destroyed, should it be our Demon Realm's turn?"

The blood **** was not surprised by this question, but smiled: "If you didn't consider these, but agreed directly, then this seat will never believe your attitude."

After a pause, the Blood God said again: "As long as I die, I won't dominate the Demon Realm."

"How do I believe you?" The Demon Dao asked solemnly.

"Swear by the way of heaven." The blood **** swears decisively that he will never dominate the devil world, with his heart of heaven.

"Okay, I promise you!" Mo Dao pondered for a moment, and agreed to the blood god's request. After a defeat, some price was doomed.

Devildom is hard to preserve.

"You have to come out in person. Even if the existence of the Heavenly Dao level descends into other universes and the realm is suppressed at the peak of invincibility, it is truly invincible. Except for the Heavenly Dao, no one is your enemy." Blood God said.

Demon Dao is the most suitable person to contain Qin Feng.

The devil's expression suddenly sinks and leaving the devil world means that he will not be invincible. Not only the blood god, as long as there is enough invincibility, he will also be at risk of death.

Without a last resort, he never wanted to leave the Demon Universe.

However, without waiting for him to say anything, the blood **** spoke again and said, "You have no choice."

The magic word paused, but then he said in a low voice: "I really don't have a choice, but if I fight for my life, even if I can't hold you back, I can at least inflict you on you. Can you still try to die?"

"You wouldn't do that." The Blood God shook his head, seemingly confident.

"Reason." Modao looked at him directly.

"If you die, the Demon Realm will be buried. Even if this seat is severely damaged, it is a big deal to give up the nirvana, but the Demon Realm is at your fingertips. This seat does not lose, but makes things easier." The Blood God laughed.

His meaning is very simple.

I want to die.

If the Demon Dao insists on fighting for life, and the big deal is to replace the nirvana with the Demon World, the harvest will be the same, but things will be simpler.

Demon Dao, willing to sacrifice himself for Nirvana and Sacrifice Demon Realm?

The magic way is silent.

It is an expression of helplessness, and in the end it can only be completely compromised, "When will we start?"

"When the power of my blood clan comes to annihilation again, it will be the day when the dying creatures are burnt out." The blood god's eyes were slightly constricted, and then he flicked his finger, and a **** light fell in front of the magic road.

"Wait for my news." The Blood God dropped these words, and then his figure quickly became illusory and disappeared directly in place.

The turmoil of the Demon Universe gradually calmed down, and it was obvious that the Blood God had left the Demon Realm.

Demon Dao looked at the blood glow in front of him, and he hadn't moved for a long time, as if he had settled down, and it seemed to be petrified again.

That is the blood light that contains the blood god's thoughts, and can issue orders to the demon world at any time.


Finally, Modao secretly sighed and stretched out his hand to hold the blood ray.


After the blood **** left, the Ten Thousand Demon King and the others obviously felt the coercion dissipated, and quickly whizzed towards this side, bowing their heads, "Master Demon Dao, we?"

"Immediately, the Demon Realm will enter the highest state of preparation, and be ready to kill at any time." Demon Dao scanned Zhu Qiang and said in a solemn voice.

The strong gods trembled.

Ten Thousand Demon King raised his head, "Master Demon Dao, do we really have to compromise with the Blood God?"

"Otherwise?" Demon Road said bitterly.

"The blood god's words are not credible." After a moment of silence, the Ten Thousand Demon King lowered his voice, only the powers who were present could hear it slightly, as if he was afraid that the blood **** had not left and heard what he said.

"How can this seat not know." Modao sighed, shaking his head.

Although the blood **** swears with the heart of heaven, but the sentence will not dominate the demon world, but there are many explanations.

The blood **** will not dominate, what about the blood family?

This time he will leave the Demon Realm universe. If he is dead, even if there is no Blood God, the blood clan invasion can also bring a devastating impact to the Demon Realm.

Furthermore, if you don't seek hegemony, you won't seek anything?

The blood god's ambition was so obvious, how could he believe it.

"Then..." What the Demon King wanted to say, since the Demon Dao knew this, why had to compromise like this.

Mo Dao waved his hand gently, interrupting his words, and said bitterly: "We have no choice. The blood race is a mysterious race, like the darling of the universe. Even in this Demon Realm, I can't defeat it, and I will even be crushed and insisted on fighting. Going on, the blood **** may suffer severe damage, but I may die, and the devil world may perish."

"My Demon Realm, should I sacrifice for Nirvana?"

No compromise is just desperate.

And the price of desperation?

Just as the blood **** said, it is a big deal to give up the nirvana and seek the demon world, anyway, the blood **** will not have any loss, but the demon world perishes on behalf of the nirvana.

Ten Thousand Demon King wanted to say something, but the Demon Dao directly interrupted, "Listen to the order and act."

"Respect order." In the end, Ten Thousand Demon King dared not defy the order of the Demon Dao, and respectfully responded.

Feng Yao and Zhu Qiang should have done the same, and then quickly retreated, summoning the powerful under his command, and be prepared to fall into dying at any time.

Soon, all the powers disappeared, leaving only the magic way standing on the edge of the universe.

He just stood still like that, like an eternal, immobile star in the boundless sea of ​​stars, without movement or fluctuation.

I don't know how long it took before a magic light flashed in his eyes.

Very sharp, as if it can penetrate the boundless space, penetrate beyond the universe, and fall straight into the dying universe.

"Now the pressure is all on you, I hope you don't let me down, otherwise..."

In the following words, Mo Dao didn't say anything, it would be meaningless.

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