Kindred, Nirvana, Demon Realm.

The tripartite universe suddenly calmed down, and no one made waves, but everyone knew that a terrifying storm was brewing in the calm.

Once the storm erupts, it may destroy one side of the universe.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, I don't know how long this calm of distance passed.

this day.

In Tianyuan.


Two terrifying auras suddenly came from the depths of Tianyuan, and immediately afterwards, they saw Ye God and Tongzu walking out of that depth. The auras of the two were extremely majestic. Obviously, they had returned to their peak.

"Congratulations to both of you."

Ren Zu suddenly opened his eyes and smiled.

The dark clan chief laughed similarly.

Annihilation needs too much strength.

Ye God and Tong Ancestor can return at the peak at this moment, which is too significant.

"What can I do?" Ye Shen looked at Ren Zudao with a very respectful expression.

Although he has returned from awakening and is now fully restored to his peak, there is a period of the past that is deeply imprinted in his heart. In his opinion, the ancestor is always the ancestor and should be respected.

"Go to kill the world, there needs to be transformed." Ren Zu said.

Ye Shen and Tongzu looked at Qin Feng who was sitting cross-legged not far away, as if they were in a certain state of silence, and they did not bother them. Under the sign of the ancestor, they went directly to the world of killing.

Not for practice, but for the people inside.

A few days later.


A few more terrifying powers came to Tianyuan in vain, and the images of the three bodies appeared out of thin air. Looking at these three people, the smiles on Ren Ancestor's faces became thicker.

That was Shilong, and behind him were Yan Qingwu and Bai Xue.

To be more precise, it is the Suzaku patriarch and Fengzu, the two invincible peaks, who have gone through the reincarnation and purgatory, finally reincarnation, and the peak is back.

"Congratulations." Renzu smiled.

An invincible peak has returned one after another, which is undoubtedly a blessing for Nirvana.

"Ren Zu, what are the arrangements?" Shi Long looked at Ren Zu Dao, he could see that Qin Feng was in a certain state of silence, so he didn't bother.

"If you can, Suzaku Fengzu can go to the land of the heavenly clan." Renzu looked at Yan Qingwu and Bai Xue and said.

After a few months, the blood clan remained silent, and the entire nirvana was calm and weird. He was worried, and the nirvana could not tolerate the slightest accident.


Yan Qingwu and Bai Xue did not refuse, they looked at Qin Feng deeply, then left Tianyuan and headed towards the land of the heavenly clan.

"I will send you to a place where someone is comprehending the complete momentary divine comedy, and your dragon sound may be helpful to it." Then Renzu looked at Shilongdao again.

That person naturally refers to Chi Changqin.

The complete Momentum Divine Comedy used to be famous and dying, but it was a very terrifying Divine Comedy, and the Chi Changqin and Momentum Divine Comedy were quite related.

Of course, the main thing is that Nirvana needs too much strength, and I hope that with the help of Shi Long, there will be good results.

"Quana Divine Comedy, I understand." Shilong nodded. He had experienced Moments Divine Comedy back then, hoping that this kind of Divine Comedy could reappear dying.

Soon, Tianyuan continued to restore calm.

To be precise, the whole dying presents a strange calm, and no one knows when this brewing storm will erupt, and how terrifying it will be.

I don't know how long it took.

On this day, Qin Feng, who was silent and enlightened, suddenly trembled, and his eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

Suddenly, an extremely thick and terrifying blood burst out of his body, and there were countless blood shadows faintly flickering, and each blood shadow exuded a very strong aura.

If it is carefully sensed, it is not difficult to find that there is actually a blood shadow of the blood sage level, and it is not an ordinary blood sage.

"Blood, that is..."

The ancestors and the patriarch of the dark clan suddenly opened their eyes and stared at them quickly, with strong worries in their expressions.

They knew what Qin Feng was doing, and at the moment they communicated that the blood deity existed, they didn't know what would happen, but they didn't dare to interfere with anything, they could only stare worriedly.

Qin Feng's body kept trembling, and it became more and more severe, and the sound of bursting could be faintly heard, as if not only the burst of flesh and blood, but also the burst of soul.

It seemed that he would follow in the footsteps of the Lord of the Blood God at any time.

But soon, Qin Feng stopped shaking, but he didn't seem to return to his senses, and his eyebrows were still frowning.

In the sea of ​​his knowledge, a sea of ​​blood suddenly appeared, and his whole person was in it, as if being swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, but the majestic sea of ​​blood rolled over and could no longer shake anything.

Not only because he was strong, but also because of a mysterious power, the guidance at that last moment allowed him to counteract the backlash of the Blood Venerable.

who is it?

Blood god?

This is never possible.

The blood **** moved his hands and feet in the blood **** tactic, and all the blood shadows that were condensed were the dead souls of the blood race, and under the control of the blood god, how could they oppose the blood god.

If it wasn't done by the blood god, then who was it?

"Who is it?" Qin Feng asked in a deep voice, scanning the vast sea of ​​blood.

There was no response, only the sound of blood tumbling.

Qin Feng frowned.

The power suddenly appeared just now, coming fast and going faster, but he still caught a wave of fluctuations, and he could be sure that there was absolutely something in the Blood God Art he was practicing.

It's just, why there is no response.

He was about to say something, but suddenly.


Suddenly, the vast sea of ​​blood rolled more violently, and boundless waves of blood swept from all directions, and immediately drowned him.

The next moment, the entire sea of ​​blood disappeared suddenly, without leaving a trace of blood, it disappeared in Qin Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time, a sound of Ruowuruuo sounded in his mind.

It seems to be conveying something, but also like a call.

At the same time, in reality.


Qin Feng's body suddenly shook, and a majestic power filled the entire Tianyuan. Then, he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were blood red, as if all the blood in the sea of ​​knowledge was condensed in his eyes, and it looked like Be countered by blood, incarnate like a blood slave.

Upon seeing this, the ancestors and the patriarch of the dark clan immediately became alert, and their entire hearts were extremely nervous.

Gradually, the blood in Qin Feng's eyes slowly dissipated, and the original Qingming was restored. The two people of the ancestors were a little relieved, but they did not completely relax their vigilance.

Just listen to Renzu tentatively shouting: "Master Zhou Shen."

"Blood Boundary Mountain, Blood Boundary Mountain..." Qin Feng murmured without paying attention to the ancestors, repeating a name, like a place name.

And the three words "Blood World Mountain" were exactly the Ruoruuowu voice that had been imprinted in his mind before the sea of ​​blood disappeared just now. This is a kind of transmission.

Moreover, Qin Feng could feel a call.

It made him have the idea that he couldn't wait to go to the Blood World Mountain, where there seemed to be the answer to the Blood God Art, and there was a way to counter the Blood God.

"Master, I'm going to the Blood World Mountain!" Qin Feng looked at Ren Zu said.

at the same time.

Xingyuan direction.

The Blood God who had returned to Xingyuan suddenly opened his eyes, and a surprise flashed past the huge pupils.

"The blood slave designated by this seat failed unexpectedly. It's interesting."

The blood **** whispered, and then the corners of his mouth raised, "However, this is only the first ultimate move. Next, I hope you can break my second ultimate move. Otherwise, it would be a bit boring if I don't make a move."

When the voice fell, the blood **** directly evoked two blood awns.

In the universe of the blood race, the emperor of blood received the news at the first time, and summoned the strong blood race as quickly as possible, and then came to nirvana.


The Demon Dao also came before a crack in the Star Sea. Here, it was the space channel that invaded the nirvana. Behind him, there are the Demon Realm powerhouses headed by the Ten Thousand Demon King and the Phoenix Demon.

All Venerable.

To be more certain, it was the Invincible Heavenly Sovereign and the Great Heavenly Sovereign, and the other sages had not been dispatched. This kind of storm, ordinary sages could no longer have much effect.

This is so, the nearly 100 strong are also a force that cannot be ignored.

Mo Dao stared at the crack in front of him, his expression extremely solemn, this step meant that he was in a storm, and he could not see through the future.

But right now, there is no choice.

Taking a deep breath, Modao drank a deep voice, "Go!"


The powers of the demon world stepped into the cracks in the star sea one after another, and invaded toward the nirvana.

A storm has officially come.

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