1855 United States Tycoon

Chapter 163 The truth and conscience (1)

Some newspapers in San Francisco continued to resist. After all, Stanford and the shareholders of the Central Pacific Bibliographic Company with him as the core and united around him are their big beneficiaries. This confrontation of public opinion, in a sense, is also the East A duel between the consortium of China and the wealthy landlords in the west. For a long time, the far west of the Tiangao Emperor gave the rich and wealthy people a wide range of free development space, but now, the civil war has ended and the problem of the east has been resolved. With the development of the west, oh, wrong, it is the further deepening of the westward movement. The tentacles of the large consortium in the east have clearly extended to the west. If they can’t withstand the pressure of crossing the river, the western gang will be good. The days are coming to an end.

In order to counter the attacks of the Eastern newspapers, the indigenous newspapers in the west have also started to "use conscientious rumors to counter unconscionable rumors." The first to be attacked was Captain Paul Nestor, and all his life experiences were dug up. What? "Although Paul Nestor Sailor Captain did not say now, but in the last judgment, facing Jesus Christ, he will definitely admit it very honestly. He received thirty silver coins from the vampires in the east (according to the Bible record , Judas sold Jesus for 30 silver coins) before he came out as a perjury"; what "Paul Nestor Sailor Captain is so honest, will he remember that he still owes at least twenty prostitutes in San Francisco for money." What "Colleagues who were on the same boat with Paul Nestor, the sailor captain, spoke in abundance. They were disgusted by Paul Nestor's nonsense and slandered the Central Pacific Railroad. The sailor, who did not want to be named, told reporters that Paul Nestor was a sodomite." etc. Wait, it's all.

In this regard, the New York Herald unceremoniously countered with a cartoon: on the screen, a sailor was painted facing a reporter who was like a reporter, and another person who looked like Stanford was spitting and speaking. He was holding a pistol against the back of the sailor's head. There is also a text explanation below: "How can the Central Pacific Railway be slave owners? They are kind, but the Virgin. I firmly support them. Paul Nestor is a sodomite who even has to blame for prostitution, his The lies made us all ashamed of him... Mr. Stanford, I have finished reading, can I remove the gun from my head?"

Of course, the western newspapers also unceremoniously counterattacked: "We can find several witnesses for everything we say, but what about you? You have a'conscience', but do you have the truth?"

"Hello, are you Captain Wiltner of the Robin Hood anti-smuggling ship of the United States Anti-Smuggling Bureau (the predecessor of the United States Coast Guard)?" A man in his forties appeared in Wiltner with a smile on his face In front of the captain, at this time, the captain was buying steel nails and hammers to repair the roof in the hardware store.

"Ah, it's me. Is there anything wrong?" Wiltner asked.

"My name is Jack Payne and I am a reporter for the New York Daily Times (the predecessor of the New York Times). Can we talk?"

"Oh, nice to meet you." Captain Wiltner said, "I want to know what you want to talk to me?"

"I know there is a coffee shop over there, we can go there and talk in detail." The reporter who claimed to be Jack Payne said."Well, anyway, I am taking a rest today, and there is nothing to do." Wiltner agreed happily, and he faintly felt that an opportunity to change his life was right in front of him.

So Wiltner took the nail he bought, put it in his bag, and followed the Jack Payne reporter to the nearby cafe. The two people sat down in a quiet place.

"Captain Wiltner, do you know the recent news about the'slave ship'?" Jack Payne asked.

"I know some, but the truth about sumo wrestling is confusing." Captain Wiltner said, he has roughly estimated the other party's purpose for finding him.

"There is a way to uncover the truth." Jack Payne said, "We know that some of these ships left San Francisco for China five months ago. These ships should be returning to San Francisco these days. Your ship has the right to board any ship in the waters of the United States and conduct a thorough inspection of it. In this way, the truth will be revealed."

"But, Mr. Payne, the sea is so big, we may not be able to find them directly. And, you know, these boats have deep back (river crab) views behind them, and my crew and I have to move them, too. There are a lot of risks to take, and even a lot of price is destined to pay. I also have to consider my crew and my family." Captain Wiltner said.

"Of course we know this." Jack Payne said, "Look, Mr. Paul Nestor, who stood up first to reveal the shady, was not placed well? He and his family are now in a fairly safe place. , And the level of Life has also been greatly improved. As long as the truth he revealed in the end is confirmed, he will become the hero of the entire America. His children will be proud of having a father like him. Moreover, he will be because of him. Honesty and integrity, and a very good position on the Union Pacific Railroad-you know, behind those who are trying to expose the truth, there is also the support of justice, and our power is far greater than those who are not seen. Is stronger."

Captain Wiltner certainly knew that the so-called forces of justice were actually the shareholders of Union Pacific. If you do the math, the energy of these people is indeed terribly high. But he still needs to ask more clearly.

"If I am willing to help, do you really have the ability to protect everyone and their families? You know, there are definitely a lot of people. And now, unlike Paul Nestor, those people are defenseless..."

"We know how much power those people have, and I can tell you that we have put in much more power than you expected. The number of "Blackwater" people hired by Union Pacific Railroad alone exceeds five hundred. I I believe this is enough to ensure the safety of your family members."

"But we are civil servants, we can't just run to you to hide like Paul Nestor..." Captain Wiltner continued. He is different from Paul Nestor. If he leaves without saying goodbye, he will be punished by law.

"We can arrange an unsuccessful assassination of you and your crew. Then you have a good reason to resign from your current position and leave San Francisco. I promise that this will never have a bad influence on your future. "Jack Payne said.

"Are you really a reporter? I am a little skeptical." Captain Wiltner asked.

Jack Payne laughed: "At least temporarily."

"So how do I trust you?" Captain Wiltner asked.

"I can give you a large sum of money first as an advance payment for the settlement. You can use it first, and you should believe that no one will make a joke with such a large sum of money..."

"Captain, you mean, as long as we grab a ship that transports Chinese workers and let them get sufficient evidence, they will agree to give us $5,000 each? And can they guarantee the safety of us and our family? Is there a better job on the east coast?" a sailor asked.

"Yes, the question now is, what do you think?" Captain Wiltner asked.

A sailor bit a toothpick in his mouth and said, "Say, fuck! There are risks in going out to sea every day to get more money back? Just do it this time. , There is 5,000 dollars! Captain, you have indeed got the money? If so, even without the following conditions, the 5,000 dollars alone is definitely worth the risk. Captain, do it! I listen to you. "

"What about you?" Captain Wiltner asked again.

"Fuck it, fuck it! Whoever doesn't do it is a fool!"

"Yes, do it! It's a fool to have money if you don't make it!"

"Okay, since everyone has decided. Then I'll go to inform the other party. If you make up your mind, don't regret it again, let alone not allow it to leak out, or else... don't blame me..."

The cargo ship "Great Bear" is moving slowly. Wang Qinian squatted in the smelly cargo hold, looking up at the half-open and half-closed hatch above. The cargo hold is now much more spacious. The small cargo hold was packed with more than 300 people, but Now, there are not even a hundred people left in the cargo hold.

"Brother Qinian, it's my turn to pour excrement and urine this time, right?" A man who was a bit fatter than everyone else asked sternly.

Before Wang Qinian could answer, there was a wave of scolding around him.

"Chen Bachi, you are shameless! It was your turn the day before yesterday."

"Chen Bachi, you are so fat, you still grab water with us! You don't wanting face!"

On this ship, every day the hatch is opened on time, and a ladder is lowered, and then a Chinese person can take the poop and urine accumulated in a day to throw it away. Then the foreign devils will send some food and drinking water from above. The eldest king of this group, Qi Nian, set the rules. Everyone took turns to go out to poop. Anyone who drank the water could get an extra bite. Now that there are so many people missing, there is no shortage of food, but water is still lacking. Think about it, the foreign devil sailors themselves are short of water, can they take the opportunity to detain their drinking water?

Wang Qinian used to be a long hair, and followed Li Xiucheng in the north and south wars. Later, the kingdom of heaven was over, but he escaped from the city of Tianjing with a group of brothers. Originally wanted to find a mountain top and become a bandit, who knew that Qing Yao was still able to catch up, so they all became prisoners, and then they were imprisoned in death row. I thought that the Guangxi old bandits like Wang Qinian were definitely going to be killed after the autumn, but it was probably because of the handover of local officials or something. They were thrown in prison and forgotten. Until recently, when foreigners came to buy a pig baby, they were not remembered, and then bought this Citi boat as a pig baby.

"Brother Lin Shenhe's turn today." Wang Qinian said.

At this time, there was a loud noise on the cabin door. Wang Qinian knew that it was the foreign devil who was removing the heavy objects on the cabin door and was about to open the cabin door.

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