1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 115 The Shadow of the Famous Tree of Man

Hu Die, who came to Bei's house first, clearly felt that the wealthy family was different.

In 1917, Bei Runsheng spent 800,000 silver dollars to purchase the Lion Forest from the Civil Affairs Minister Li Zhongyu, and set up an ancestral hall in the park. It took nearly seven years to renovate, add some new attractions, and give it the old name of "Lion Forest". For a time, the Lion Grove crowned Sioux City.

The entire Bei family is actually divided into three families. The Bei Runsheng family, the big family of pigment kings, controls the pigment business in Jiangsu and Shanghai and has close relations with the Germans; the Bei Zaian family, a second-family financial family, has many people in the family. Working in various banks, he has a sophisticated financial relationship network covering major cities in the north and south. Today, the most outstanding descendant is Bei Zaian’s son Bei Zuyi; the Beitailai family, a three-bedroom pharmaceutical giant, controls many traditional Chinese medicine pharmacies in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangsu. Industry is like a mountain in the pharmaceutical industry.

Such a huge Bei family can be said to be a powerful influence in Suzhou City, and no one knows about it.

But as Bei Runsheng's business in Shanghai was taken over by Yongxing Company, Bei Zuyi failed in the struggle and left Shanghai, Bei Tailai's pharmaceutical business also declined, and the Bei family lost its former glory, which made the Bei family very worried.

Their family motto is: It is better to pass on virtue to the descendants than to inherit the descendants; it is better to pass on the descendants to the public than to inherit the descendants of the public.

Therefore, the entire Bei family is a huge ancient tree. Regardless of you and me, we are tightly bound together and have great power.

Hu Die saw the courage and financial resources of Suzhou's wealthy families, and the person who received her recognized the famous movie queen at a glance. But even so, Bei Runsheng and others did not come out to greet her, but only sent a butler to wait on her in the lobby.

She was a famous movie queen in Shanghai and popular in the Republic of China, but in the eyes of the Bei family, she was no different from a backyard opera actress.

And after she told the housekeeper that she was visiting the Bei family on behalf of Ye Luo, the attitude of the Bei family immediately changed 360 degrees!

Bei Runsheng's cousin Bei Lusheng and his son Bei Yilin came to receive her in person and invited her to visit the Lion Forest. Their attitude was very enthusiastic, which was completely different from the initial visit.

In the eyes of the Bei family, the status of the actress that Ye Luo brought with him on the trip was equal to that of a concubine, and the Bei Luosheng family was also similar to a concubine in the big house. Moreover, Ye Luo's trip was to solve the problem with the Huang family, and it was up to them The reception by father and son was just right.

At this moment, Hu Die had just returned to the hall, and she felt deeply about the Second Young Master's fame. She used to only know that the Second Young Master was famous in Shanghai, but she couldn't tell how famous he was. Now she finally sees how famous he is. .

While she was thinking wildly, she heard a rush of footsteps, and then saw three old ladies in their sixties coming with crutches. Hu Die immediately got up and felt happy. Behind the three of them were a large number of children from the Bei family, whom she knew. Bei Lusheng and his son were squeezed in the crowd, very inconspicuous.

The three old ladies nodded slightly to her as a greeting, and then continued to walk hurriedly to the door.

When Bei Lusheng passed by her, he whispered: "Miss Hu Die, the second young master is here."

he came!

Hu Die's slightly tired body suddenly became energetic and walked toward the door with small steps.

"The second young master is here. We are sorry for the delay in welcoming you." The old lady in charge is Bei Runsheng. He is fifty-eight years old this year, but he has the look of an old man and his voice is full of vitality.

Next to him is Bei Zuyi's father Bei Zaian, the founder of Shanghai Bank and now the president of the Suzhou General Chamber of Commerce, and the other is Bei Tailai, a tycoon of traditional Chinese medicine.

The three of them greeted Ye Luo and the others warmly.

Accompanying Ye Luo were Hu Yimin and Jiang Lufu. One was the warden of Shizikou Prison and the other was the secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. They were also household names.

A group of young people from the Bei family basically focused their attention on Ye Luo.

Because he is the only young man among the six, so young that he is slightly older than the third generation of the Bei family!

But Ye Luo stood in the C position, attracting attention.

"Die'er~" Ye Luo waved to Hu Die, and then introduced to several people one by one.

Several people greeted Hu Die out of politeness, and for the first time, Hu Die felt that a concubine was worth more than her husband!

"Mr. Bei, I came here this time because I was entrusted by Mr. Huang Jingzhi of the Huang family to help resolve the conflict between your two families." Ye Luo started talking. Of course, this was just the opening remarks. Everyone knew that it was not important.

But the embarrassing thing is that Bei Runsheng doesn't seem to know about this: "Huang Jingzhi? Who is this person?"

This is very embarrassing.

Ye Luo found out that this matter was completely irrelevant in the Bei family, and the Bei Lusheng family could not say anything in the Bei family's big room. This elopement case made a big fuss, and everyone knew about it. The Huang family was panicking day and night, and finally even The daughters are dead.

But in the eyes of the people in charge of the Bei family, no, this matter didn’t even bother them.

Ye Luo took 10,000 yuan, and was affected by Huang Jingzhi's tearful appearance. He thought it was a difficult job, but now he realized that he didn't take it seriously at all.

Hu Die, who was standing by, could deeply feel the irony and emotion in this scene.

The Huang family is considered a well-known family in Shanghai, but the shadow of the Bei family scares them out of their wits. However, an actress and actress like her can't even step into the Huang family's door.

Why do you say that?

Because her friend Xuan Jinglin is also a big star, but she was rejected by the even smaller Wang family and refused to enter.

The huge sense of difference instantly overwhelmed Hu Die.

After listening to Ye Luo's brief introduction, Bei Runsheng suddenly realized that what he thought was such a big deal would allow the second young master of Shanghai Beach to bring Hu Yimin and Jiang Lufu, the two major lobbyists, to plead for mercy. It turned out to be nothing more than the romantic affairs of the second and third generations of his family. .

"Lusheng! Yilin!" he shouted.

Bei Lusheng and Bei Yilin, who were submissive in the crowd, quickly stepped out.

"You, you, and you!" Bei Runsheng picked up the leading crutch and hit Bei Yilin several times, causing him to grimace in pain.

"Why don't you apologize to the second young master quickly!"

"Yes, uncle!" Bei Yilin immediately turned to Ye Luo and bowed respectfully, "Second Young Master, you don't remember the faults of others."

"Alas, I can't do it!" Ye Luo became more and more confused and quickly helped Bei Yilin up.

He was here to make peace, but why did he act like he was raising an army to punish someone?

Probably in Bei Runsheng's eyes, it doesn't matter how this matter goes. Ye Luo and others came over to make him feel that Bei Yilin was unreliable, so he had to teach him a lesson!

It also gave Ye Luo enough face.

The matter was thus revealed.

It was clear that Bei Yilin was the one who suffered the loss, but instead he apologized and offered tea and water to apologize, which made Ye Luo very embarrassed.

The conflict was solved, and Bei Runsheng insisted on keeping a few people for dinner. A grand dinner was held in the Bei family mansion. Different from the Western-style banquets favored by the wealthy families in Shanghai, the Bei family adopted a traditional Chinese banquet, which made Ye Luo happy. It feels like going back to my hometown to have a meal.

The rich traditional flavor combined with Suzhou garden style is antique and refreshing.

After having enough wine and food, Bei Runsheng and his three elders finally entered the formal conversation.

These three bad old men are all good people. What they fancy is Ye Luo's extraordinary business ability and his strong connections in Shanghai.

The Pei family's pigment business relies on the German Consulate and the German Concession, but I don't know why their pigment industry has become increasingly sluggish in recent years, and the economy seems to be heading in an unknown direction.

Of course Ye Luo knew the inside story, but he couldn't tell Bei Runsheng that Germany's money was all spent on troops and food, and it should be heavily invested in military industry and land warfare!

Bei Zai'an's most valued son, Bei Zuyi, was forced to leave the largest city in the Far East, causing them to be traumatized again.

In addition, with the rise of Western medicine and the setback of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, the situation of their Bei family is not optimistic.

Ye Luo knew these backgrounds very well, and he could easily talk to them.

He also cleverly brought the topic to finance and medicine.

Of these two pieces, one was an industry he needed, and the other was an industry destined to make a lot of money during the Republic of China.

Seeing that Ye Luo was interested in cooperating, the three bad old men were very happy. They said that the Bei family was not short of people and money, but they were short of an opportunity to take over Shanghai and the help to stabilize it.

Bei Runsheng was quite worried that Ye Luo did not pay attention to the pigment industry, so their big house kept a low profile in the cooperation. Unexpectedly, Ye Luo attached great importance to their relationship and resource network with the Germans.

In fact, in the German circle, Bei Runsheng almost gave up.

He was confused as to why Ye Luo wanted that resource.

This meal was very comfortable. Everyone got what they wanted. Even Hu Yimin and Jiang Lufu got what they wanted.

At the same time, Jiang Lufu made some insinuations and learned that Ye Luo was not yet married. Although he had a fiancée, he had not married her, so he focused on his fourth daughter, Jiang Shiyun. The three old men of the Bei family wished that Ye Luo could have a blind date with the young ladies in the family one by one. opposite.

It can only be said that the tall, rich and handsome people in the Republic of China were so popular everywhere.

After visiting the Lion Forest together, Bei Runsheng wanted to stay with Ye Luo overnight. Jiang Lufu also had the same intention, but in the end Ye Luo declined.

He wants to go back to Shizikou Prison, because at two o'clock in the morning tonight, Tang Yiying and Lu Xiaojia will leave for Peiping, and Tang Yiying's 500,000 yuan reward has not been given to him yet!

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