1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 116 Evacuating Prince Chun’s Mansion and the Renewal of Troubles (Third update, please subsc

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Ye Luo, Hu Die, and Hu Yimin took a rickshaw back to Shizikou Prison, while Jiang Lufu transferred to Jinling. According to him, there was a new breakthrough in the "Sino-US Tariff Treaty" and he needed to immediately Return to Wang Zhengting and wait for orders.

Before Jiang Lufu left, he did not forget to ask Ye Luoduo to contact Jiang Shiyun. Jiang Shiyun, 16 years old, will go to the Chinese and Western Girls' School in September.

Back at Shizikou Prison, Hu Yimin was about to ask Hu Zhiyuan to arrange accommodation for Ye Luo and Hu Die, but he saw him playing with a brand-new car. When he got closer, he saw that it was a Chevrolet 490.

"Uncle Hu, this car is a gift I asked someone to give to Zhiyuan. As the eldest brother, I have never helped Zhiyuan in Japan, so just think of it as an apology." Ye Luo said to Hu Yimin with a smile.

Hu Yimin knew that this car cost 1,000 oceans at least, and the favor was not light, but he had just done Ye Luo a favor, and favors were normal. He declined repeatedly, and finally agreed.

Hu Die was thin-skinned and didn't want to sleep with Ye Luo outside. She was also worried that since she had no reputation and status now, if the incident spread, it would easily have a negative impact on Ye Luo, so she chose a single room by herself, and it was worked all night. Today, she was tired from traveling and traveling. She yawned and said goodbye to Ye Luo and others, then went back to her room to sleep.

Ye Luo chatted with Hu Zhiyuan and his son for a while, and learned that Lu Xiaojia had gone to bed early, probably to recuperate before leaving Suzhou tonight, so he would not disturb him. Anyway, he had to get up at 2 o'clock in the evening to see him off.

He just returned to the room, only to find a naked young girl wearing only a light nightgown sitting in the room.

Tang Yiying was napping in front of his desk. When she heard the door open, she immediately turned around and ran over with an eager tone: "Brother Luo, you're back~"

"Yiying, why are you here?" Ye Luo averted her eyes slightly. She had no choice but to wear a thin nightgown, which was transparent from top to bottom.

The alternating pink and dark colors are so eye-catching.

"Pay back the money~" Tang Yiying took the envelope from the table and handed it to him with a smile, "This is the 500,000 yuan I got after entrusting someone to cash it out. It has all been deposited in your HSBC account. Brother Luo, take a look. Well."

"I'm afraid you have emptied Prince Chun's palace?" Hearing that it was money, he smiled and took the envelope, but Tang Yiying gently held his right hand without letting go, her little finger like a cat's paw in his palm Scratched.

"No way! Prince Chun's palace is so big. He only knows how to go to Japan to study. Otherwise, he is deliberately trying to fight for power with his brother. How could he notice so much?" Tang Yiying pulled Ye Luo to sit on the bed, "The young marshal and I are playing together. He won’t know it for a while.”

I'm afraid I just dare to be angry but dare not speak.

Ye Luo chuckled and shook his head. He had long heard that this former concubine of the Qing Dynasty was coquettish and lewd. It was better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

But she also really likes Lu Xiaojia, otherwise why would she come all the way here to save him?

The views on love of noble ladies and young ladies in the Republic of China were sometimes very bizarre. It can be said that they had the truly free and weird views on love.

"Pu Jie's family really only has 2 million yuan?" Ye Luo saw that she deliberately came in to lean against him, and did not refuse. He put his arm around her soft waist, "That's too shabby."

Tang Yiying rolled her eyes at him and said leisurely,

"Two million oceans! Is this still shabby? Brother Luo, you are too rich. When they moved out of the Forbidden City, the treasures and property they could bring out were limited. After so many years, a lot of them were sold off. Prince Chun's palace can have about 2 million oceans. The assets are already very impressive.”

"There is still 1 million left." Ye Luo kissed her lips, "Help me get them all."

"God! You are crazy! If Pujie comes back and sees Prince Chun's palace empty, how should I explain it?"

"Explain what. You and Xiaojia are living together. Of course they are divorced."

At 1:30 in the morning, Ye Luo sent the limp and lazy Tang Yiying out of the room and began to clean up his own house.

The reason why he insisted on vacating Prince Chun's Mansion was because he did not want to leave the wealth to the Japanese invaders.

In 1932, the Japanese invaders occupied the three eastern provinces, and Puyi and others created the so-called Puppet Manchukuo, which became a puppet of the Japanese invaders and a nest of traitors.

As Puyi's younger brother, what other property can Pujie retain in Prince Chun's palace?

Taking someone's property is an unjust act, but it depends on the occasion.

At two o'clock sharp, Lu Xiaojia and Tang Yiying came to find Ye Luo. Tang Yiying changed into a beautiful dress and looked at him with charming eyes.

Lu Xiaojia held Ye Luo's hand tightly with both hands and was so moved.

"Brother Luo, please help me this time. I will bear this in mind. You must be careful when you return to Shanghai. Huo Tianhong and the others will definitely find out that it is you. Watch out for them to attack you!"

"I got it, Xiaojia, take care of yourself and sister Ying. I'll come to Peking to see you when I have the chance." Ye Luo nodded and sent them out. Hu Zhiyuan's car had already been parked.

The two of them had a lot of luggage. Seeing that they had no place for themselves, Ye Luo was too happy not to go to the station, so she watched the car leave. I don't know if the movement disturbed Hu Die, but she came over sleepily, holding a bowl of glutinous rice balls.

"Brother Luo, I cooked a midnight snack, you can eat some." Hu Die handed him the hot glutinous rice balls.

Ye Luo took it with a smile, scooped one up and put it into his mouth, but did not swallow it. He put his arm around Hu Die's waist and gave it to her mouth to mouth.

Hu Die's cheeks were red, but she didn't want to refuse, so she shared a bowl of sweet glutinous rice balls with him.

"I have to discuss business with the Bei family in the next few days. Let's take this time to visit Suzhou City together." Ye Luo hugged Hu Die and sat on the steps to watch the moonlight. The cool breeze blew in the summer night and the sounds of cicadas and frogs were heard. Intermittently, it has the rural atmosphere of later generations in his memory.

"Yeah!" Hu Die also wanted to stay with him for a while, nodded and snuggled into his arms.

Early the next morning, Ye and Luo bid farewell to Hu Yimin and moved into the Bei family's mansion. They spent a rare leisure time talking about business while visiting Suzhou City.

August 8, the seventeenth year of the Republic of China (1928).

The Nationalist Government held the Second Wuzhong Plenary Session in Jinling, announcing that the period of military rule was over and that it would officially enter the period of political training!

What is political training?

Mr. Sun's process for establishing the Republic of China was divided into three steps: military administration, political training and constitutional government.

Military politics is to conquer the world with the barrel of a gun.

Constitutional government is the rule of law.

What is the tutelage in the middle?

They believe that the quality of the people in the country is too low, the illiteracy rate is extremely high, and they are unable to shoulder and exercise their civil rights. Therefore, they need to first educate, popularize awareness, and improve their quality. To put it bluntly, it is similar to educating the world.

However, in fact, after achieving nominal unification, all levels of the National Government were busy fighting for power and profit, and were using political training as an excuse and tool to do things, all of which were superficial.

The principal was busy kicking out the warlords who had worked with him to eliminate the Northern Expedition.

Shanghai Beach is not peaceful either.

After returning from Jinling, Zhang Dingyao fell ill and kept coughing. Worried that he would affect government affairs, Jinling sent many important officials to Shanghai.

The first people to feel the crisis were the fools on the New General Chamber of Commerce Committee.

They were dissatisfied with the Nationalist government's use of various names to collect donations from the business community for military supplies. They also felt that unrest in the political circles always exploited the business community at all levels, and there were issues such as uneven distribution of benefits.

What gave them the confidence was a group of financiers from private banks!

These people fought against foreign companies and controlled a lot of financial wealth. At the same time, after Shanghai became stable, they felt that they had nothing to worry about, so they became unscrupulous and tried to use business to force government. They went to the meeting in Jinling to argue with the principal.

Needless to say the results.

This was the root cause of the downfall of the Shanghai Bund General Chamber of Commerce.

It is rumored that Song Ziwen was the leader behind this new General Chamber of Commerce Committee petition.

In fact, just after this incident happened, Ye Luo, who was about to take the train back to Shanghai, received an urgent telegram from Song Ziwen.

Just two words——

Leave it alone.

Ye Luo didn't want to pay attention to this nonsense at first.

Let alone follow Yu Qiaqing and others to fight against the principal.

He leisurely took a car and joined hands with Hu Die to return to Shanghai with 500,000 yuan and 50 real estate certificates given by the Bei family (they owned a total of more than 1,000 real estate properties in Shanghai).

As for the New General Chamber of Commerce, all committee members have signed, and he is the only one missing!

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