1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 595 The real hero

In the end, Edward failed to withstand the temptation and decided to take his people to the north to take over the territory and industry that Ye's investment gave up.

With the intervention of Sassoon Bank, more and more foreign firms and Chinese businessmen followed in their footsteps, running to the north like crazy to encroach on the newly vacated markets.

Xiao Aqiao, who had been in Tianjin for a while, successfully sent Meng Xiaodong back to the south. With the help of Chen Youde, deputy general manager of Ye's Department Store, she finally transferred most of the industries invested by Ye's Department Store.

With this entry and exit, the business structure in the north suddenly changed.

Zhang Xueming, who was the mayor of Tianjin at the time, was very puzzled. He heard that Xiao Aqiao was about to leave for Fengtian. He quickly held a banquet at home and invited her and Chen Zhen to come over for dinner. He also took this opportunity to find out Ye Luo's true thoughts. .

At noon that day, after washing up and dressed in a smart suit, little Aqiao looked heroic and walked into the Zhang Mansion accompanied by Chen Zhen and others.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Zhang Xueming in a suit and leather shoes leading someone to personally greet her in the lobby, giving her enough face.

The group of concubines and concubines of the Zhang family who were waiting nearby all looked at little Aqiao with envy, their eyes full of jealousy.

Although the Republic of China has promoted women's liberation and breast-opening movements, the real status of women is still low. Whether in companies or government agencies, discrimination against women has never stopped.

There are not many women in the country like Xiao Aqiao who have tens of millions of dollars in assets and can take the place of their men in business.

Not to mention that he can do such a good job that even a big shot like Zhang Xueming can treat him as a guest of honor.

"Sister-in-law, please come in quickly. I've asked the kitchen to cook some of your favorite southern dishes, but I'm just not sure if they suit your taste."

Zhang Xueming was very attentive. After briefly shaking hands with little Aqiao, he personally led her into the restaurant and said as he walked,

"I heard that my sister-in-law is leaving for Fengtian tonight. You see, I haven't entertained my sister-in-law well these days. I will ask someone to bring some small gifts later. I hope my sister-in-law won't dislike it."

"Xue Ming, why are you so polite? We are all members of the same family, so what kind of gift are you asking for?"

Xiao A smiled and replied, feeling more and more Ye Luo's invisible influence in the north.

The man in front of me is one of the most popular and powerful figures in the north.

Even the local warlords who were domineering and dominating had to be respectful when they saw him, but they were so polite to him.

After a few people sat down, Zhang Xueming called his wife to bring a square gift box, and urged Xiao Aqiao to open it and take a look. If she didn't like it, she could change it immediately.

Little Aqiao opened the gift box and found that it contained a complete set of pure gold jewelry. Calculated by the current inflated gold price, I am afraid it is worth more than 500,000 oceans!

"This academic inscription is too valuable. I can't accept it." Xiao Aqiao closed the gift box and could already feel the resentful looks from the concubines around her.

I am afraid that Zhang Xueming is not that kind to his own woman.

"Oh, sister-in-law is joking. How much is this piece of jewelry worth? With my sister-in-law's strong financial resources, I'm afraid that this little thing won't be able to catch your eye at all."

Zhang Xueming smiled and waved his hand, and pushed it to her.

He had heard from his elder brother Zhang Hanqing that although the woman in front of him was just a concubine, she controlled well-known assets under Ye's Investment, such as Ye's Dance Industry, Ye's Medicine, and Ye's Joint Venture Bank, with a total market value of over 100 million. Ocean.

And she also gave birth to a son for Ye Luo!

The eldest son!

It would be silly to really treat her as an ordinary concubine.

"Since you said so, Xueming, I will accept it." Xiao Aqiao asked someone to put the gift box away, and then took a few bites of the food with a smile, "Well, this tastes authentic! Xueming is serious about it. "

"Haha, it's good that my sister-in-law likes it." Seeing that she was in a good mood, Zhang Xueming immediately changed the topic to the withdrawal of Ye's investment from the north. "By the way, I heard that my sister-in-law has been rectifying the industries that Ye's investment in the north has been in recently?"

Little Ah Qiao paused her chopsticks slightly, and glanced at Zhang Xueming, as if she had been prepared: "Yes. This is your second brother's order, and there is nothing I can do about it."

"Why did the second brother suddenly decide to withdraw capital?" After Zhang Xueming took office, he heard from the Ministry of Finance about the terrifying financial resources of Ye's investment in Tianjin City. Thanks to these companies, he did not have to worry about tax issues in recent years.

If Ye's Investment really wants to leave.

Ye's Department Store, Ye's Shipping, Ye's Textile and other enterprises stationed in Tianjin will also run away, and this business world may fall into the hands of foreigners again.

"There are many reasons. But after all, he is more worried that the Japanese will invade the north, and then our industry will become someone else's wedding dress."

Little Ah Qiao speaks out.

Regarding the possible Japanese invasion of the north, Ye Luo mentioned it to Zhang Hanqing countless times, but unfortunately the effect was better than nothing.

Zhang Xueming quite supports Ye Luo's views, but he has no power to influence his eldest brother's thoughts.

Hearing that this was the reason, Zhang Xueming could only sigh.

"But don't worry, Xueming. Brother Luo said that the industry here in Tianjin City will not be moved for the time being. Youde and the others will be allowed to continue to operate it. Then you will have to take care of it."

Xiao Aqiao added.

The industries in Tianjin City are the only assets that Ye Luo is not prepared to evacuate.

Her understanding is to give the Zhang brothers a step down.

It's better not to eat up everyone else and then run away, at least leave something behind so that everyone won't completely fall apart.

Zhang Xueming breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "That's good. Sister-in-law, don't worry, as long as Ye invests in these companies, I will definitely give the green light to facilitate you to do various businesses!"

"Then I'll thank Mayor Zhang on their behalf." Little Ah Qiao raised her glass and chuckled.

This meal was quite enjoyable.

Zhang Xueming and Xiao Aqiao both got what they wanted. Before leaving, Zhang Xueming sent a check of 500,000 yuan to her as a farewell gift.

After boarding the train, Xiao Aqiao handed over the 500,000 yuan to Chen Zhen and asked him to use it to reward his brothers who were busy protecting themselves these days.

Looking at the check in his hand, Chen Zhen was filled with emotions.

In the past, at the Jingwu Sports Association, Master Huo Yuanjia had to raise money for several thousand yuan in registration fees. Later, it was only thanks to his good friend Mr. Nong Jinsun that he was able to raise the money.

At that time, Chen Zhen truly felt what it meant to stump a hero for a penny.

Now with the second young master and several wives, he can easily receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in rewards, as if money is really just a number.

It is also because of this that Chen Zhen is determined to follow Ye Luo until death.

Not for the money.

But Ye Luo really did everything he said.

By investing in Yip's, everyone can eat, sleep well, build a warm family, and get full returns through hard work.

Never worry about money again.

For Chen Zhen, this is the real hero in his mind.

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