1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 596 Trip to Sichuan and Chongqing

Early April of the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931).

The matter of Ye Luo's investment withdrawing from the north has been repeatedly reported in the newspapers. People from all walks of life and different newspapers have different opinions on this. Some think that Ye Luo is "taking sides" and implicitly expressing support for the principal, while others think that he and Zhang Hanqing have broken up and will Completely fell into the arms of the Jinling National Government.

A small number of newspapers also said that Ye Luo was worried that the Kwantung Army outside the Pass would covet the north, and Zhang Hanqing was busy integrating the newly acquired territory after the Central Plains War and had no time to defend. He was afraid that after the Kwantung Army invaded, Ye's investment would be the first to suffer.

In short, there are different opinions on this matter. In fact, everyone doesn't care about the truth, as long as they get involved in this hot topic and benefit from it.

Speculators headed by Edward entered the market with large amounts of capital, and within a month they carved up the old market after Ye's investment left.

This behavior seems to confirm the possibility that Ye Luo chose to leave the north because of "taking sides".

It sounds like a lot of noise on the outside, but everything is fine on the inside.

Zhang Hanqing only felt extremely sorry for Ye Luo's withdrawal of investment, but he did not stop it, nor did he hold a grudge against Ye Luo because of it.

After all, Ye Luo had mentioned this to him many times, and the two had argued for a long time about whether the Japanese would invade the north. This was a small conflict that everyone close to him knew.

Ye Luo decided to leave, and Zhang Hanqing couldn't say anything. He was currently focused on the important matter of integrating the Central Plains region and had no time for him.

And he was really short of money. He believed that as long as he asked, Ye Luo would definitely borrow it!

It's still free of interest.

After leaving Tianjin City, Xiao Aqiao was invited by him to Fengtian to eat, drink and have fun for a long time. She and Zhao Yidi were in a similar situation, so the two quickly became friends.

Bai Xiuzhu and Yu Fengzhi are similar, and their relationship is very good.

Women's friendship can also affect the interactions between men to a certain extent.

Today's Ye family and Zhang family can be said to be family friends, and their relationship is not as tense as the outside world thinks.

Before leaving, Xiao Ah Qiao revealed everything to Zhang Hanqing and told him that Ye Luo was actually planning to move these industries to Qing City in Sichuan and Chongqing Province.

With just these words, Zhang Hanqing's dissatisfaction with Ye Luo suddenly disappeared.

Pan Wenhua, the mayor of Qingshi at the time, had always been on good terms with Feng Jun, and his immediate boss, Liu Xiang, known as the "King of Sichuan and Chongqing", was one of Zhang Hanqing's staunch allies.

During the Central Plains War, after Zhang Hanqing decided to enter the customs, Liu Xiang was the first to call to express support for his behavior.

During the subsequent Xi'an Incident, Liu Xiang was also one of the few local powerful factions to support Zhang Hanqing.

Ye Luo moved the foundation of Ye's investment in the north to Qingshi. What's the difference between staying here?

On the other side, in Shanghai.

Ye's Textile is still carrying out vigorous reforms that everyone is not optimistic about. It has invested nearly 10 million yuan, drained all the profits earned by the three new products a while ago, and is still burning money.

The foreign trade lists provided by the Jinling National Government are just a drop in the bucket and are not enough to deal with this kind of money-burning behavior.

More and more people began to question Ye Luo, and some even claimed that the second young master had lost his head in the lavish life and was no longer the number one businessman in the Republic of China who made huge profits no matter what he invested in!

The overwhelming skepticism could not stop Ye Luo from continuing to invest money in the textile industry.

Even Song Ziwen, who was in Jinling, felt that Ye Luo had lost his mind this time. He called him from time to time to kindly warn him, telling him not to be so eager for quick success and quick gain, so as not to fall into a big mistake.

After tariff independence, the textile industry will indeed become one of the most profitable industries, but it will take a long time.

It is impossible to expect it to suddenly earn you tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

Ye Luo didn't bother to explain to them.

While the principal was busy "suppressing bandits", he took the people directly on the train and rushed to Qing City, preparing to help little Aqiao settle down the assets she brought back.

On the train to Qingshi.

"Second Young Master, I heard that Sichuan and Chongqing have been at war. If we build all our factories in Qing City, will it be affected?" Shi Jianqiao asked curiously.

Since following Ye Luo, she has been most exposed to business wars. Over time, Shi Jianqiao, who was originally only interested in fighting, gradually became interested in business operations.

Similar doubts will always be raised from time to time.

"You answer this question, Lingjun." Ye Luo patted the little girl's head.

Kong Lingjun glared at him dissatisfied and muttered: "I'm twelve years old, I'm not a child anymore. The teacher is not allowed to pat me on the head again!"

"If the answer is not good, I will continue filming." Ye Luo would not spoil this little devil.

Since leaving Ye Luo, Kong Lingjun, who returned to the Kong family and the Song family, gradually returned to his original behavior, which made Kong Xiangxi both headache and helpless.

Finally, after much discussion with the principal's wife, he decided to send his beloved little daughter to the Ye family and let the Ye family take care of her.

Ye Luo also didn't want this little guy who accidentally became his successor to eventually turn into the lawless aristocratic lady who kills people on the street.

So I took the job.

He decided to take Kong Lingjun with him every day no matter what he did in the future, so that she could be influenced by her and at least grow into a person of some use to the country and the nation.

"There will definitely be some impact. But sister Shi, this time my teacher is going to Qing City to handle matters in person! With his status, even if there is a war, those warlords will not dare to attack his factory."

Kong Lingjun touched his head and said.

"No more?" Ye Luo glared at her. Wasn't this just flattering him?

Kong Lingjun shrank his head: "I, I'll think about it again."

"It seems that you have wasted a lot of your homework during this period of time when you returned home." Ye Luo pressed her head and, regardless of her resistance, ravaged her for a while, and then continued,

"Actually, there is no need to worry about this issue. Pan Wenhua, the mayor of Qing City, is a very capable person. He is building Qing City on a large scale, opening factories, building power stations, and engaging in education. He wants to help Liu Xiang build Qing City into the largest city in the southwest. ”

"We built the factory in Qing City, and Pan Wenhua was very happy. For him, the more investment, the better, so he will help us settle everything without us having to think about it at all."

"As for the so-called war, it is just a civil war between some local warlords in Sichuan and Chongqing. They are trying to grab territory, not to destroy cities. War sites often avoid heavy industrial areas."

"The little guy is right about this. Even if we really attack Qing City, few local warlords would dare to openly destroy my factory."

Ye Luo continued to ravage Kong Lingjun's little head,

"After all, my current behavior is equivalent to publicly siding with the principal. Who would offend the principal for a few factories?"

Ye Luo decided to build the factory in Qing City, and also had some plans to deal with future wars.

But there is no need to tell them this.

Kong Lingjun held his chin and nodded thoughtfully, but Shi Jianqiao looked confused and didn't quite understand.

"Lingjun, I told you before. Before we conduct any business operations, we must thoroughly investigate the other party's intelligence. If you had really paid attention to Qingshi's officialdom and business community, you would not have answered so hastily. ”

Ye Luo patted the little guy's head again, with an expression of hatred for steel.

"I, I understand, teacher." Kong Lingjun lowered his head and admitted his mistake honestly.

Shi Jianqiao peeked at the two of them and felt that the second young master seemed to be a little too harsh on the young lady of the Kong family.

She is only twelve years old.

When I was twelve years old, I could only fight with my peers with tree branches. I didn't know anything about officialdom and business.

"Okay, don't look so gloomy. We'll arrive at Qing City in a while, and I'll take you to eat something delicious."

Ye Luo knew very well that education requires a big stick plus a jujube. Seeing that the little guy was unhappy, he said this with a smile.

Twelve-year-old Kong Lingjun immediately blinked his big eyes: "What's delicious?"

"You'll know when we get here soon." Ye Luo pretended.

Qingshi is most famous for its hot hot pot.

The beginning of April is also a good season for eating hot pot, and he doesn't want to miss it.

Maybe you can find some business opportunities from it.

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