1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 601 He committed the original sin!

This is a master who is not easy to mess with!

Huang Yunye and Pan Wenhua thought this sentence at the same time.

Pan Wenhua felt more and more that he was right to invite the second young master over this time!

Qing City now only needs to reform the business sector. However, the Seventh Master Huang Yunye and Thomson of Bailey \u0026 Matheson are colluding, and even Liu Hangchen is helpless. As a result, the reform has been delayed again and again, and the economy has never been able to boost.

Now, the real thorn is here. He wants to see how Huang Yunye deals with this dragon crossing the river from Shanghai!

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was getting more and more tense, Pan Wenhua saw that Ma Wei had given him enough, so he slowly walked over and started to act as peacemaker.

He held Huang Yunye with one hand and Ye Luo with the other, trying to smooth things over and let them go into the hotel to chat.

Ye Luo didn't want to start a direct war with Huang Yunye here, so he smiled and entered the Qingshi Hotel.

Everyone took their seats in the reserved box, and the food and wine were served quickly. Huang Yunzhen was the first to raise his glass and toasted directly to Ye Luo: "Second Young Master, I, Lao Huang, am a rough man and I don't know how to speak politely. This Here’s a glass of wine. I’d like to give you a toast. Just now, my little brother was disrespectful to the second mistress and the young lady. I, the eldest brother, apologize to you!”

"Brother Pao, I will never defecate, I will do it, you can do whatever you want!"

Huang Yunye was also very heroic. He picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

The alcohol content of these days' liquor is not low. After drinking this glass, his cheeks began to turn slightly red despite his alarming drinking capacity.

"It's easy to say, so I'll do it." Ye Luo also drank the wine in the glass, and it seemed that he and Huang Yunyi just smiled and put aside their grudges.

Huang Yunye's face was rosy, and his blurred drunken eyes quietly looked at this fierce dragon crossing the river. He was about to ask a question, but heard Ye Luo say something else.

"But Mr. Qi, you said something wrong just now." Ye Luo looked at him with a smile.

Huang Yunye said "Oh?" and said with a smile: "What's the seventh master? The second young master calls me Lao Huang. I don't know what I said wrongly? Lao Huang will give you another toast to apologize."

"This is not my little lady. Her name is Kong Lingjun. She is the youngest daughter of Minister Kong Xiangxi. She just came to my house to study."

Ye Luo clicked on the little girl who was eating Sichuan food. It seemed that she liked spicy food, and she would not stop eating until her mouth was full of oil.

"Kong, Minister Kong Xiangxi?" Huang Yunye uttered an ouch, patted his head hard, and quickly poured three more glasses of wine, "Here, I'll punish myself for three drinks, I'll punish myself for three drinks! Miss Kong, I'm really sorry. "

Hearing that the little guy who followed Ye Luo and his wife to eat and drink had such a big background, all the dignitaries present looked sideways and immediately cast their sights on Kong Lingjun.

After all, Kong Lingjun was just a twelve-year-old girl. Being seen by so many big men, she immediately restrained her bad eating habits.

Pan Wenhua happened to take the Ministry of Industry and Commerce led by the Kong family as an entry point, and began to complain that the business community in Qing City could not develop, and that he was unworthy of the important tasks assigned by Commander Liu Xiang.

Huang Yunye and Thomson suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he criticized Sang and Huai.

Thomson, who arrived late, was a bearded foreigner. He was very afraid of the guest Ye Luo. He was obviously frightened by Ye Luo's trick to take over the Tianjin Customs.

Qingshi Customs' tax revenue is far less than that of Tianjin City Customs, but mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are. He has made a lot of money by occupying this place over the years.

If Ye Luo targets Qingshi Customs, he will have a huge headache.

Fortunately, Ye Luo didn't have any thoughts about Qingshi Customs this time. After three rounds of drinking, he got straight to the point and told them that he was coming to Qingshi to do business and open a factory.

"The situation in the north is not stable. I plan to move all the industries invested by the Ye family in the north to the vicinity of Qing City. Isn't this why I plan to come to the Seventh Master to pay homage to the dock?"

Ye Luo smiled and toasted Huang Yunye.

Huang Yunye had already had several drinks before, and he was feeling dizzy. But when he saw him taking the initiative to propose a toast, he couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to drink it, laughing while drinking.

"Just one seventh master is not enough. There is also Mr. Thomson, the director of Bailey's Bank and Customs. Second young master, you also need to establish a good relationship." Liu Hangchen looked strangely beside him.

Ye Luo understood, picked up the wine glass and toasted to Thomson.

Thomson couldn't drink liquor, so he wanted to refuse on the pretext of language barrier, but he didn't expect that Ye Luo's English was so fluent. He couldn't pretend to be stupid, so he had to hold his nose and accompany him for several drinks.

"Yes, if Master Qi and Mr. Thomson weren't here, our business community in Qing City would be even worse. I'd like to propose a toast to both of you." Pan Wenhua also started to fan the flames.

Other businessmen present at this time, such as Lu Zuofu, Wang Yunsong, Yang Cansan and others, also understood.

This second young master is a dragon crossing the river invited by Pan Wenhua and the others.

Specifically used to deal with the two local snakes Huang Yunye and Thomson!

After drinking the wine, several people were almost unconscious. Only Xiao Aqiao and Kong Lingjun were relatively sober. It was a bit funny to see Ye Luo and Huang Yunye, who were still at war with each other just now, start calling themselves brothers.

"In the future, if I open a factory in Qing City, I hope that Brother Huang, you, the leader of Qing City's business district, will make it easier for me."

"This is easy to talk about, easy to talk about. Easy to talk about. I'll cover it with my brother. Let's open it tomorrow, tomorrow."

The two of them were going back and forth very affectionately, as if there was no resentment at all.

In this way, the meal lasted until early morning after drinking.

After the banquet ended, Xiao Aqiao and Kong Lingjun helped Ye Luo out of the hotel. Outside, Shi Jianqiao and a group of bodyguards had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing that Ye Luo was extremely drunk, Shi Jianqiao rolled his eyes helplessly and quickly ran over to replace Kong Lingjun, who had a small arm.

The two women dragged Ye Luo into the car. Shi Jianqiao was about to ask if he wanted some sobering soup. Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Luo got into the car, his drunken state immediately disappeared and he became lively again.

"Teacher, you are not drunk!" Kong Lingjun's eyes widened.

"Idiot, who would really get drunk on such an occasion." Ye Luo hit the little girl on the head hard and taught her a lesson, "It's not a dinner party with friends! This kind of banquet where you don't know the origin of the wine, it's impossible to If someone gets drunk and something happens, he will die unjustly."

"How can it be so scary?" Kong Lingjun was a little unconvinced.

When she thought that the drunken people at the banquet just now were all pretending, she felt a little shuddered and a little depressed.

"It's not scary, is it? Okay, you can go back and write the business guide I gave you three hundred times as a penalty. If you can't write well, you won't be allowed to sleep!"

Ye Luo patted the little guy's head again.

Kong Lingjun immediately complained incessantly.

Shi Jianqiao, who had encountered this situation several times, decisively kept her mouth shut. In the past, like Kong Lingjun, she liked to question this and that, which led to many ridicules from Ye Luo.

Now she has learned well, "Let the bullets fly for a while", this is what the second young master said, which has benefited her a lot.

Seeing Kong Lingjun being taught a lesson, Shi Jianqiao was inexplicably happy. Finally, he was no longer the stupid one!

While a few people were talking and laughing, Xiao Aqiao asked in a low voice: "Husband, do you think Huang Yunye and the others are easy to deal with?"

"What do you think?" Ye Luo looked at her with a smile.

Little Ah Qiao replied leisurely: "In one word, cunning!"

"Heroes see the same thing." Ye Luo nodded, "This old Huang is much more difficult to deal with than I thought. He has Lu Yusheng's mind, but he is not as reckless as Zhang Wanlin, and he is sinister enough at heart. He is a good opponent. "

"Is it so tricky?" This was the first time Xiao Aqiao heard Ye Luo praise an opponent like this.

Ye Luo nodded slightly, and then said regretfully: "What a pity. He committed the original sin."

"What original sin?" Little Aqiao asked.

Ye Luo looked at the night scene outside and said lightly: "There are wars all year round in Sichuan and Chongqing. In these warlord melees, it is particularly important for a businessman to take political sides. It is a pity that Huang Yunye's Huang family has been in trouble from the beginning. We’re on the wrong side.”

"You said it's a pity that a good opponent is destined to fail?"

Little Ah Qiao looked at him and nodded.

This familiar feeling is back.

When he first started the car business, no one was optimistic about Ye Luo, but he did it despite all the pressure and doubts.

In Xiao Aqiao's eyes, whenever this happens, Ye Luo's eyes always show a trace of such confidence.

For those close to him, it was an ultimate sense of security.

But to those enemies, this is a terrifying sense of threat. (End of chapter)

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