1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 602 Who agrees? Who objects?

Noon the next day.

Ye Luo, Xiao Aqiao, and Kong Lingjun rushed to Lu's mansion in Liziba. At Lu Zuofu's house, they met a group of businessmen who had been bullied by Huang Yunye and Thomson.

"Mr. Yingpei and Mr. Dexun, I told you that the second young master would come to the banquet. Why don't you believe it?" Lu Zuofu, who was nearly forty years old, took Ye Luo and the other two people to sit down, and smiled at the two young masters from Qingshi. said the most virtuous and respected Chinese businessman.

Ying Peigong is Yang Cansan, the third son of wealthy businessman Yang Wenguang, a famous financial banker in Qing City, and the chairman of Juxingcheng Bank, a long-established Sichuan bank.

Juxingcheng Bank is the only national capital bank with no military or political background among the larger commercial banks in Sichuan. It opened a branch in Shanghai in the eighth year of the Republic of China. Yang Cansan is quite famous in the domestic banking industry.

At the end of 1949, on the eve of the liberation of Qing City, Juxingcheng Bank was one of the few financial enterprises that did not flee to Hong Kong, Macao or overseas with huge amounts of capital. On November 1, 1951, Yang Cansan also accepted the public-private partnership system and transferred Juxingcheng Bank merged into the Bank of China, ending the 34-year-old Yang family bank.

Duke Dexun became even more famous.

Wang Yunsong, 58 years old, whose courtesy name is Dexun, is the current president of the Qingshi General Chamber of Commerce and a nominal leader in the business community.

However, the business world is now covered by Huang Yunzai and is in a state of chaos. Even Wang Yunsong has no choice but to watch him and the bastards from Shanhuo Gang use bad money to drive out good money, slowly cannibalizing various industries bit by bit.

In history, what Wang Yunsong is most famous for is not leading the Qingshi General Chamber of Commerce to fight against Huang Yunye, but in 1920, he personally invested 300 oceans to help Mr. Xixian study in France.

In addition, there were also many old Chinese businessmen from Qingshi present. They were all national entrepreneurs who had great courage during the Anti-Japanese War and still did not flee with capital during the liberation period.

Everyone gathered together, and the atmosphere was obviously much more relaxed and pleasant than last night's extravagant banquet.

Ye Luo and the three of them took their seats. As a female guest, Xiao Aqiao quickly went to the ladies' table, while Kong Lingjun sat obediently next to Ye Luo, listening to their conversation with open ears.

"Is the young lady of the Kong family going to inherit the mantle of the second young master?" Lu Zuofu joked, "In the future, wouldn't it be certain that she will be the number one businessman in the Republic of China? Then we have to let the young lady eat, drink and have fun."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Everyone burst into laughter, but their teasing was all in good faith and they did not deliberately ridicule Kong Lingjun, which made her feel that today's dinner was indeed more enjoyable.

Kong Lingjun kept Ye Luo's teachings in mind and did not talk nonsense, listened quietly, and ate by the way.

Seeing her eating meat and juice, everyone smiled again, and then Lu Zuofu brought the topic back to business issues.

"What exactly is the second young master doing when he comes to Qingshi this time?" Wang Yunsong, as the president, naturally has to ask this question for everyone.

Ye Luo smiled and said: "We do everything. But in the early stage, we mainly focus on finance, construction and real estate, education and entertainment."

"These are all industries controlled by Huang Laoqi. Especially the real estate and entertainment industries. The entire Qing City is basically inseparable from him." Wang Yunsong frowned and said, "My personal suggestion is that the second young master should stay away from him for the time being. Huang Laoqi’s head-on confrontation is great.”

"What do you say?" Ye Luo asked.

"Huang Laoqi relies on Thomson and almost controls the import and export of Qingshi Customs. If the second young master's business has a serious conflict with him, he will definitely block your goods at the customs and impose extremely high taxes. Secondly, Real estate and entertainment involve many gray industries. Does the second young master know how to attack the Shanhuo Gang in Qingshi? "

Yang Cansan has lived in Shanghai for a long time, and when he speaks Qingpuri, he occasionally brings in some Shanghainese, which sounds quite joyful.

As soon as he explained it, Ye Luo understood.

Imports and exports are blocked, and the other party also controls the local gangs. No wonder even these local Chinese businessmen can't compete with him.

But Ye Luo is not afraid of these at all.

"Do the Shanhuo gang have real guys in their hands?" Ye Luoxiao asked.

"What a real guy. Qing City is Commander Liu's territory now. Although he doesn't care about business, he has blocked arms. After Luo Shengzhi was killed before, no one dared to continue doing this business." Wang Yunsong said with a smile. , "However, the Shanhuo Gang dares to fight and fight. Even if they were chopped several times on the head, they can still chase you all over the street."

"Oh." Ye Luo nodded and smiled noncommittally.

"The second young master really wants to confront them?" Lu Zuofu was a little uneasy.

They tried their best to cooperate with Pan Wenhua in inviting Ye Luo over this time. In fact, they hoped that this dragon crossing the river would give Huang Yunye enough deterrence, and then slowly develop some industries such as shipping and finance where they had comparative advantages.

When you really have a firm foothold, it's not too late to start slowly.

Unexpectedly, this dragon crossing the river is not only cruel, but also has a bad temper. It will fight Huang Yunye to death!

Even though he was Ye Luo, Lu Zuofu and the others were still a little scared.

"Whether we use it or not depends on Huang Yunye's determination and thoughts. Anyway, I have already made up my mind to do these industries. If he wisely avoids me, then I will deal with him a few years later. If he has to go against me, then I will not deal with him." Sorry”

Ye Luo took a sip of wine, patted Kong Lingjun's little head, and said with a smile,

"If you eat too fast, you may choke to death."

Kong Lingjun stuffed his mouth full and glared at the teacher with dissatisfaction. Suddenly he realized that there seemed to be something behind his words. He chewed the food and fell into deep thought.

"Ah, the second young master said so." Lu Zuofu had already reached a cooperation agreement with Ye's Investment. Although he was frightened, he was the first to stand up and express his position openly, "I have no choice but to sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman."

"Second Young Master is so courageous! Anyway, if there is any use for me, Yang Cansan, in the financial industry, don't be embarrassed, just ask." Yang Cansan is also very generous.

His Juxingcheng Bank was forced to leave Qingshi temporarily by Huang Yunye. If anyone among these people was the most dissatisfied with Huang Yunye, it would definitely be him.

Wang Yunsong also raised his wine glass and said: "We, the Qingshi General Chamber of Commerce, are the strongest backing for the Second Young Master and everyone."

"Well, Ye Luo would like to thank all the bosses in advance." Ye Luo smiled and clinked glasses with them.

This dinner was more like the merchants of Qing City who were determined to resist Huang Yunye and came to submit their names. Anyone who chose to stay in the end was basically tied to death on the big ship of Ye Luo.

Of course, some people felt that Ye Luo was too impulsive and did not want to accompany him, so he finally chose to leave.

Ye Luo gave full respect and freedom to these Chinese businessmen.

In business, he never forced anyone and would let them make choices.

However, if these people choose to leave, they will naturally have to pay the price of leaving.

Ye Luo would use a very "gentlemanly" approach to buy out all their companies, and then give them a day's time to leave Qing City.

No waiting after the time limit! (End of chapter)

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