1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 603 The thunder is loud but the raindrops are light?

After Ye Luo came to Qingshi, Huang Yunye immediately cheered up and restrained his subordinates not to cause trouble in the near future. At the same time, he ran to the Customs General Office every two days and asked Thomson to think of a way to see if he could get rid of the trouble without being rough. The second young master rushed back to Shanghai.

Or simply let him give up.

Thomson didn't have any good ideas. The only strategies he could think of were to block Yelo at customs import and export, collect higher import and export taxes, inspect his goods multiple times, etc.

This kind of conspiracy can only play a disgusting role, and it is difficult to really make Ye Luo retreat.

Huang Yunye knew that Ye Luo was most likely the Dragon Crossing the River invited by Pan Wenhua to deal with him. This also reflected from the side that Liu Hangchen really had no means to continue to deal with the Huang family.

This made Huang Yunye feel a lot more reassured.

His biggest reliance now is, first, overseas foreigners such as Thomson. These people have extremely high privileges in Qing City. At the same time, because they control the customs taxation of Qing City, they are paid special attention to by their country's ambassadors and ministers, and their status is far higher. Even Liu Xiang did not dare to provoke the bosses of ordinary foreign companies;

One is the Shanhuo Gang headed by Luo Shengzhi's old group. These desperadoes are already responsible for countless lives. They used to be involved in arms trading. Their fights are more fierce than the police at the police station, and no one dares to stop them.

One is the Huang family's huge wealth and influence in Qing City. Starting from his father Huang Dexuan, the Huang family has taken root in Qingshi, running various businesses. It has been deeply rooted for decades, and the business world is full of members of the Huang family.

Wang Yunsong, the so-called president of the Qing City General Chamber of Commerce, was like a younger brother to him.

As long as these three mountains do not fall, even if Ye Luo is extremely capable, it will be difficult for him to make any splash in the business world of Qing City where he dominates the world.

Just in case, Huang Yunye recently asked people from Shanhuo Gang to continue to keep an eye on Ye's investment and notify him immediately if there is any change.

And the other side.

After having dinner with Lu Zuofu and others that day, Ye Luo asked Xiao Aqiao to start running around the business community in Qing City, wooing Chinese businessmen who were dissatisfied with the Huang family, and warning those losers who had fallen on both sides.

With the arrival of Ye Luo, the employees of Ye's Investment in Qingshi also gained confidence. Various factories were built like mushrooms after a spring rain. The first one to be completed was the branch of Ye's Construction Company in Qingshi.

Nowadays, Ye's Construction is divided into two groups. One group is the Zhangjia faction headed by Zhang Mouzhi and others. They were the first engineering team to cooperate with Ye Luo and participated in the construction of many enterprises related to Ye's investment in Shanghai. Participated in two phases of Mr. Sun’s cemetery project!

The other group was headed by the old people from the original Jingruishan Construction Company and was called the Lin Family. It was controlled by Lin Ruxian and was responsible for many industrial park and residential development projects.

Zhang Mouzhi, Zhang Yuanbei and others are now busy demolishing buildings in the north, so the construction of Qing City falls on the Lin family.

The construction industry has been controlled by Huang Yunye before. Whether it is company buildings, municipal projects or people's livelihood projects, as long as Huang Yunye's engineering team comes to bid, other construction companies will get out of the game.

However, Huang Yunye's engineering team cut corners very seriously, and the quality of the houses they built was worrying. Several villas built last year had problems such as wall peeling this year.

Yip's Construction directly bypassed the Huang family and joined forces with the City Hall to instantly take over all municipal projects.

This made Huang Yunye very unhappy, but it didn't go to the point of starting a war.

Because the situation seems to be very good, Ye Luo has not taken on any livelihood projects or company construction projects.

He seems to be only interested in municipal buildings and his own buildings, but these volumes together are less than one-tenth of the construction industry in Qing City.

The executives of Ye's Construction also couldn't understand the second young master's behavior.

You could eat more, why did you stop suddenly?

Moreover, municipal projects have low profits. Apart from winning the goodwill of senior city hall officials, Liu Xiang and the Jinling National Government, they cannot bring much monetary benefits.

Everyone knows that what the second young master lacks most is political resources.

As soon as he came to Qingshi, the principal quickly called Liu Xiang and gave the second young master the fullest support and affirmation.

This alone is much more useful than trying to please the officials of Qing City City Hall!

Of course it was difficult for them to understand Ye Luo's behavior.

Because no one knows that just six years later, the principal will make an important decision to move the capital.

If the construction scale is concentrated on companies, people's livelihood and other projects at this time, by then, everything will become the principal's property. Moreover, the Japanese invaders will continue to bombard them at that time, and no matter how many buildings they build, they will be just cannon fodder.

Compared with the losses that will be faced at that time, the less money earned now is nothing at all.

Municipal projects are less relevant.

Building roads, bridges, municipal buildings, etc. are all urgent needs, and even if they are finished, the principal will still have a headache. Ye Luo will not suffer much loss, and he can still win various political favors.

And after these municipal projects were contracted by Ye's Construction, when Naqing City was bombed into a mess and needed to be rebuilt, Ye Luo was able to take over everything and take the money from the principal's pocket.

At this time, no one could predict the relocation of the capital, let alone the Japanese invasion war.

They couldn't even imagine the upcoming conflict between the two.

Ye Luo was too lazy to explain too much to them. At this time, the internal decision-making matrix of Ye's investment established in the early years came in handy.

For any resolution involving the highest level, Ye Luo has one vote to pass and one vote to veto!

To put it bluntly, it is a true dictatorship in business.

A hundred years later, his behavior would inevitably be criticized verbally and verbally by the board of directors and shareholders, and even "admonished" by the government.

But in this era, no one dared to treat him like this, and no one dared to really disobey the second young master.

Ye Luo has proven himself time and time again with facts and money.

If they really don't agree with this centralized behavior, Ye Luo also encourages employees to leave.

However, employees who leave as a result will never be able to return to Ye's Investment.

In short, in the eyes of the outside world, Ye Luo settled in Qingshi with great fanfare and made bold promises to first attack the four major industries of finance, construction and real estate, entertainment and education.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, Ye Luo's first target, the construction industry, took a big hit, which was really disappointing to the extreme.

Now even Lu Zuofu and others couldn't sit still.

Every once in a while, he would go to the villa where Ye Luo lived, making insinuations and testing the tone, for fear that the second young master would just come over and have fun, then pat his butt and leave.

Speaking of the latter, Ye Luo himself was too lazy to reply one by one, so he simply asked Xiao Aqiao to bring "intern" Kong Lingjun to deal with them.

Ye Luo did this, and Lu Zuofu and others had no choice but to risk their lives to accompany the gentleman and follow him all the way to the end.

In this way, Ye Luo lived in Qingshi for more than half a month without knowing it.

Huang Yunye, who was very nervous at first, has now become relaxed and leisurely, completely ignoring the second young master who came here to mess around.

The business situation in Qing City does not seem to have changed with the arrival of Ye Luo.

Pan Wenhua had the biggest headache, but every time he went to Ye Luo, he always ended up chatting with two beauties, one big and one small, which made him quite depressed.

In this way, another week passed, and Ye Luo started to get involved in the education industry slowly. He also called Zhao Pilian from Tianjin City and spent huge sums of money to build schools and libraries in Qing City.

This is indeed a good thing for Pan Wenhua.

It would be great if someone could take over the work of City Hall and be willing to invest money.

But it doesn't help the business world.

How much money can be spent on education?

You can’t make money by charging tuition fees!

In the end, Pan Wenhua, who couldn't bear it anymore, became cruel and went directly to Liu Xiang for help.

May 18, the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931).

Liu Xiang, the commander of the Sichuan Army, led an elite force from the front and rushed to Qing City. He came to see the second young master in person who had come to Qing City to do all kinds of things, but it seemed to have no effect.

Ye Luo calculated the time correctly. Before Liu Xiang's troops arrived in Qing City, he sent a telegram and asked Commander Liu to have dinner with him. (End of chapter)

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