1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 605: Squeeze Liu Xiang dry!

"Without the support of the foreigners, if the gangsters are defeated, Huang Yunye's Huang family will be unable to survive alone. Wouldn't it be a soft persimmon that can be manipulated at will?"

Ye Luo lit a cigarette and continued to seduce Liu Xiang.

"After Huang Yunye's death, we, Ye's Investment, settled in Qingshi. Commander Liu must have heard about our company's influence in the business community, right? I can guarantee that under the leadership of Ye's Investment, Qingshi can become a first-tier company within five years. City Sequence.”

"First-tier city?" Liu Xiang was a little confused.

The second young master is indeed a man of culture, and he can always pop up some vocabulary he doesn't know. First-tier cities don't necessarily refer to cities stationed on the front lines of war zones, right?

"Cities like Tianjin City, Jinling and Shanghai Beach." Ye Luo couldn't explain it, so he simply gave him an analogy.

Liu Xiang was stunned, and then even more shocked: "Within five years, can the second young master guarantee that this mountain city will be as prosperous as those big cities?"

"If Commander Liu can give me more conveniences, it may not take five years." Ye Luo vowed, "But the premise is that there is no obstacle like Huang Yunye."


The allure of Ye Luo's guarantee was far greater than that of defeating Huang Yunye.

If someone else had spoken so shamelessly in front of him, Liu Xiang would have left long ago without looking back.

But the person in front of him is Fengyun Shanghai Tang, recognized by everyone as the number one business tycoon in the South!

At least so far, none of the promises made by Ye Luo have come true.

Liu Xiang also knew that Zhang Hanqing from the north had been trying to win over Ye Luo like crazy, hoping that Ye Luo could move the headquarters of Ye's investment from Shanghai to Fengtian.

He doesn't understand business and economics. Don't the principal and Zhang Hanqing understand it either?

The only thing Liu Xiang was confused about was why Ye Luo chose this barren mountain city?

If he feels that the north is not safe, he can still move to the Central Plains or further south. Why do business in a natural military fortress like Qingshi, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack?

After pondering for a moment, Liu Xiang whispered: "If the scale of use is not large and the firepower of the weapons and equipment is not strong, I can consider talking to Zhong San and the others."

After speaking, he glanced at Pan Wenhua and others who were silent.

Pan Wenhua is the nominal mayor of Qing City, but in fact he only obeys the orders of Liu Xiang.

His so-called consultation with Pan Wenhua was just an excuse.

Ye Luo immediately replied: "The number of people does not exceed one thousand, and there is no need for Commander Liu to be responsible for logistics such as camps and supplies. As for the weapons and equipment, we use the same ones as the German armorers. We will not bring heavy guys like tanks and assault vehicles." ”

"That's good." Liu Xiang nodded. There are no big things like tanks, and the establishment of less than a thousand people. Even if they are all equipped with the best weapons and equipment, it will only be two and a half battalions at best, which cannot make a big impact. storm.

But these troops are more than enough to deal with the mountain goods gang.

"By the way, the second young master actually sells arms?" Liu Xiang asked curiously.

These days, the principal strictly prohibits arms trading, and only local warlords and the central government can build arsenals that can produce arms. Not to mention a mere businessman, even a big family like Kong, Song, and Chen is not qualified to control an arsenal.

But in fact, the warlords of the Republic of China had a high demand for arms. With their few arsenals, the production efficiency was extremely slow, and the supply completely exceeded the demand.

Most of their arms are purchased from outside. Those with strength and connections buy from foreigners, and those without such resources buy from compradors who do private arms business.

Luo Shengzhi, the number one arms dealer in Qing City, was doing this kind of business in the past.

He had an excellent relationship with the British and was able to import a large amount of British equipment from overseas, so his business was excellent.

After taking Luo Sheng away, Liu Xiang also cut off a channel to purchase arms.

Seeing that a battle with Liu Wenhui was inevitable, Liu Xiang prepared to build an arsenal in Qing City.

"I don't have any, but I know some British and American foreigners who have rich resources." Ye Luo said vaguely.

In fact, he controls three arsenals, which Huo Tianhong sold to him. Because of the principal's tacit approval, and because the Huade military cooperation project later required some bases, they have been used to this day.

Nowadays, the scale of the three arsenals has become larger and larger, and they specialize in producing some equipment for German weapon masters for the Tax Police Corps. Because they are covered by military cooperation projects, naturally no one will come to trouble them.

If the principal had bothered to take a look, he would probably be shocked.

Of course, Ye Luo would not tell Liu Xiang these things. He only told him that the arms came from the British garrison commander and the Americans.

Anyway, once the stuff arrives, no one knows where it came from.

With his mouth on Ye Luo's face, he can say whatever he wants!

"Brother Ye, do you still have the British, American and foreign ways?!" Liu Xiang even changed his title now.

"It's also a bit like the Germans, but their weapons and equipment are more expensive." Ye Luo said truthfully, "Don't Commander Liu know about the military cooperation between the Jinling National Government and Germany?"

"Ah, it turns out that the project is managed by you, brother Ye." Liu Xiang had no information and didn't know that Colonel Max was dead. After hearing what Ye Luo said, he suddenly became much more enthusiastic.

Sure enough, when chatting with these Qiu Ba, you can only grasp them if you get the right tone.

"I want to buy something from Brother Ye, but the money on hand is tight." Liu Xiang began to use the rogue tone of warlords. "It would be better if some firearms production lines could be introduced. The ones that are eliminated are also It doesn't matter!"

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult." Ye Luo pretended to be embarrassed.

Speaking of which, the current Sichuan Army is indeed miserable.

Their weapons and equipment are so outmoded that it's hard to bear to look at them.

The weapons in the hands of many soldiers were almost falling apart. They had to be tied up with hemp ropes to fix them. The rifling was so worn that they were almost invisible, and they were not much different from fire sticks.

If things continue like this, the Sichuan army will not have to fight, and most of the people will be on the run.

"Oh, brother Ye, you must help me." Listening to Ye Luo's tone, Liu Xiang knew there was something going on.

He didn't care about anyone else present, he directly took Ye Luo's hand and began to get close to him. His shameless attitude almost made Kong Lingjun laugh.

No wonder the teacher keeps saying that none of these warlords can be trusted, and their faces change faster than those in Sichuan opera!

Today she finally saw it.

"I am a businessman" Ye Luo continued to be embarrassed.

"It's easy to talk. As long as the firearms production line can be imported, I am willing to pay more than three times the market price to buy it!" Liu Xiang patted his chest and promised, "Brother, I will take care of all the import and export, materials, and logistics. Brother Ye will take care of it." take money."

Liu Xiang, who just said that his pockets were tight, suddenly became wealthy.

"That Shan Huo gang over there." Ye Luo looked at Liu Xiang.

Liu Xiang smiled and said: "Isn't it just a thousand people? When the time comes, Zhong San and I will say hello and treat it as an employee of Ye's Investment, okay?"

Pan Wenhua and others on the side broke out in cold sweat.

That's a heavily armed force of thousands of people!

If Ye Luo really had any ulterior motives, he would probably bring down the city hall in one night.

But Liu Xiang agreed, what else could they say?

"After the Huang family falls, I want to share 70% of it." Ye Luo raised his finger.

Now the lion opened his mouth so much that even Wang Yunsong couldn't sit still.

70% of the Huang family is equal to 70% of the business community in Qing City. Isn't that just sending away Huang Yunzai and bringing in Ye Luo?

"If you want it, you must get it." Liu Xiang made a mental gesture. Seventy percent is nothing, but ten percent is given!

As long as there is a stable firearms production line, you can have as much money as you want?

When he becomes the King of Sichuan and Chongqing, the economy of Qing City will be insignificant at all.

"It can only be given to production lines that have been eliminated for a long time."

"Understand, understand."

"Five times the market price."

"Okay, okay."

Everyone had never seen Commander Liu who was so talkative, and it was also the first time they saw Ye Luo during business negotiations.

The former is as well-behaved as a little daughter-in-law, while the latter is as greedy as a python.

Ye Luo didn't expect Liu Xiangque to be so short of weapons and equipment. He thought it would take a lot of effort to convince him to let his people bring guns to Qing City, but he didn't expect that a long-obsolete firearms production line would be enough.

Anyway, no matter how many arsenals are built, they will all end up in the pocket of the principal after becoming the capital.

Ye Luo ignored these and just squeezed money from these warlords. (End of chapter)

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